Friday, July 19, 2024

Third Frugal Friday of July 2024


Welcome to Frugal Friday! 

Quote of the Week
Behavior that is incongruent with the self will not last.  You may want more money, but if your identity is someone who consumes rather than creates, then you'll continue to be pulled toward spending rather than earning. James Clear ~ Atomic Habits
My Frugal Week

The paint on our inside ceiling of our microwave had begun to peel, which is a sign that it needs replacing, so we stopped using it about three weeks ago. While perusing Facebook Marketplace on Saturday I saw a new one for $20, so I made arrangements to pick it up and we are back in business again.  

Our electric bill came this week and the statement read that our bill is 31.18% lower than last year's bill. I love it! Anything to lower expenses and I'm a fan. 

My sister texted me early on Tuesday, so I went ahead and woke up and got all my work done before 9am, which I love as that allowed me the pleasure to read for an hour afterwards. 

I hung laundry inside the house to dry this week saving electricity by not running the dryer. 

My Frugal Kitchen

I'm including my normal Menu Plan Monday post into Frugal Friday for the time being as it's summertime and we are busy doing summer things. 

We picked up golden honeydew melon, watermelon, and cantaloupe this week. We also have have blueberries and blackberries to eat. All the fruit is prepped and ready to eat in the fridge, perfect for when a light snack is needed.

I turned my big bottle of Dawn dishwashing detergent upside down and set it on top of my smaller bottle for about an hour to let it drain completely. 

What’s for Dinner

Monday ~ A choice of Chicken Fajitas or Chicken Taco Salads. 

Taco Tuesday ~ Movie Night for Bailey, so I heated up some chicken from last night and added onions, peppers and spinach to it. 

Wednesday ~ Salmon Patties, Steamed Carrots & Broccoli, Corn on the Cob. 

Thursday ~ Grilled Chicken Salads

Friday ~ Salmon Patties, Green Beans & Onions, Sweet Potatoes.

Saturday ~ Hamburgers, Corn on the Cob, Sweet Potato Fries.

Sunday ~ Chicken Teriyaki, Fried Rice, Steamed Vegetables including Carrots, Cabbage, Onions, and Broccoli. 

What’s been on the menu in your home this past week?

What I've been Reading This Week

I finished reading Daisy Jones & The Six on Monday. Bailey recommended the book to me and we both read it at the same time and compared notes. Taylor Jenkins Reid wrote the book in an oral history style format as she interviewed the various characters for her book. The ending was not what I was expecting, but was really hard to put down towards the end of the book. 

Now I am reading Atomic Habits by James Clear. So many people have read this book and recommended it that I've been wanting to read it for a while now. Bailey saw it on my to be read list and mentioned she had a copy of the book. I'll let you know what I think of it when I'm done reading it. 

How was your week?

Thank you for dropping by my frugal blog, you are always welcome here. 

We would love to hear all about your week in the comment section.

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27


  1. Atomic Habits is a fantastic habit development style. One tiny thing at a time. Does it help me move toward my goal? (I'm on a 3y weight loss journey of eating a bit less and walking a lot more). It really does help to think of each decision. I'm at 52# released into the universe for someone who needs them-grab em before someone else does ;-)

    1. I am really enjoying reading Atomic Habits, Elle. Do you have the app? I downloaded it, but don't find it easy to use, so I would n need to read up on it further, so may not continue with the app, but I am really enjoying the book. Congratulations to you on your weight loss!

  2. Every time you mention salmon patties, I remember I want to make salmon croquettes. Maybe one day I

    1. LOL, Linda. They are definitely delicious.

  3. I too started drying clothes on a rack inside the house. I really have to lower my electric bill.

    I have Atomic Habits still in my tbr pile. 😊

    1. Kudos to you for drying clothes on a rack too, Nil. It really does help to save on electricity.

  4. Great deal on the microwave. Hope you both have a wonderful weekend

  5. It was a good but unexpected week (more on that later), as I decided to do an impromptu trip to meet up with my nephew. We had a great time, but I'm exhausted. I'm not 21 like he is. ;-) (Hawaii Planner)

    1. LOL, I always tell Bailey she has youth on her side. hehehe

  6. Great savings! Great deal on the microwave, and I love the color. And wow great savings on electricity. Definitely no savings here since I think we broke records for heat. Wouldn't you think it would be cooler in the mountains, but nope.
    Thanks for the Daisy Jones review; I'll have to check into it and Atomic Habits.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. The heat has been unbearable recently, Kathy. When I go outside it's like walking into an oven. Yuck! I hope you also have a great weekend. They are calling for rain, so maybe it will cool off some.

  7. I am glad to find someone else who does the bottle drip into another bottle thing. I do it will detergents, ketchup, salad dressings ___you name it, if I can get another tad out of a bottle I will do it.

  8. This past week we have been busy visiting with Kurt and now are at Kris's. Worked around the house trying to get things completed. Did some decluttering, worked on organizing, and enjoyed being with our boys.

    God bless.

    1. Sounds like a wonderful time, Jackie. I'm glad you both got to spend time with your boys.

  9. That’s a pretty microwave. And a great deal on it too! I’m going to check out the Atomic habits book!

  10. (That was me Little Penpen) lol

  11. I love that you are both reading the same book -my daughter and me have done this also. So good to talk about the plot!
    Have a wonderful Sunday

    1. Yes, it's so great to read a book with someone else and then discuss it later. :)

  12. Nice microwave and 31% savings on electricity is really a great savings.
    -Rosa R


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