Friday, August 30, 2024

Final Frugal Friday August 2024


Welcome to Frugal Friday! 

Quote of the Week

Life is shorter and more fragile than you realize. Embrace what is within your power to control, and forget what remains outside of it. ~ Emily Dickinson

My Frugal Week

Bailey has been wanting a bigger TV set for long time now. We even found one at a yard sale that wouldn't work because we couldn't fit it into our car. This week she lucked up and found one at a thrift store. It's a 42 inch tv and she bought it for $35, which I consider a great deal. She is thrilled with it. 

This week I listed one item and sold one item on eBay. I had just lowered the price of the item to sell it faster and it worked.  

I submitted my receipts to Fetch this week and am working towards a $50 Kroger grocery  card. 

Since this is the end of the month I went over my budget with a fine tooth comb as I get ready to pay bills for the month. 

Burger King and Walmart Plus are offering a new deal. When you link your BK Royal Perks account with your Walmart Plus membership you'll be able to get a free Whopper every three months (with a purchase) and 25% off every digital order you make at Burger King. 

I saved two baggies that some of my medicine came in recently. Also, I had one rx delivered via the mail rather than go to the store and pick it up, which saves on gas and wear and tear on my car. 

This was drop off week for the Sweet Weepeat consignment sale in Hixson starting today. I had gathered a few things for Bailey to sell, but not like what we normally have to sell. Dollar Dash Day will be on September 11th, cash only, and I may go to the sale on that day. 

I had a nurse visit from my insurance company on Monday for an annual review and earned a $50 gift card to Walmart in the process. It will take around eight weeks for it come to, but I'll take it. 

Electric In The News This Week 

TVA approved a 5.25% rate increase this week, which means higher electric bills for Tennesseans starting in October.

The average increase will be about $4.35 each month. I mentioned last week that I had been turning off the ac at night, so I'm hoping we won't see too much of an increase. 

Speaking of electric, I've been using natural light to read by during the daylight hours rather than turning on a lamp in order to read. Taking advantage of natural daylight to get work done will help save money. 


I just love Circle K and their rewards program. Not only am I saving 25 cents per gallon on my first five fillups, but they also sent me this freebie for a bag of potato chips and I can get a free drink if I want to go into the store. I always just pay at the pump, but this is a nice freebie. 

Funny of the Week

Bailey was coming up the driveway the other day when she saw something she had never seen before, a wild hog. She said it was huge about the size of a small horse. Dad and I have both seen them here, so I was not surprised. 

Question of the Week

What coffee brand do you prefer? 

Where do you find the most savings for on coffee? 

I'm not a coffee drinker, so don't pay attention to coffee prices. Now Bailey is into coffee, so I'm asking and wondering now because coffee can be expensive. I see the Bones and Drag Up coffee is popular on TikTok, but like  I know nothing about coffee. 

Avoiding Spending

Staying home is an important aspect of the frugal lifestyle. Every little bit of money you save adds up and makes a difference in the long run. One small action may seem insignificant in the long run, but if you repeat these frequently, they will have a positive long-term impact.

Staying home is one of the easier ways to save money because every single time you leave your house, whether or not you physically spend money, you are in fact spending money. Gas or wear and tear on your car, wear and tear on your good clothes and shoes, and any unplanned shopping, etc. 

Each outing costs money and one of the easiest ways to save money is to combine all those errands into one outing. This requires some planning and organizing, but it is doable.

Saving Money YouTube Videos

Eating For $1 A Day (Full Week) In 2024

That Lisa Dawn

What I've been Reading This Week

MIT Living Wage Calculator ~ This calculator shows we should be spending $8,090 for food each year, which works out to $675 per month. 

My Frugal Kitchen ~ Stretch Our Food Dollars

Food is one of the bigger expenses in many people's budget. If you're looking for ways to cut back on your budget, your food budget should be one thing you look at closely as there's almost always ways to reduce your spending here. First, eat out less and cook your own food more, which will save a lot of money right off the bat.

On Saturday I made six orange/mandarin orange jello fruit cups to have. I enjoy them as an evening snack with a spoonful of cottage cheese on top. 

Publix had the Fresh Express salad kits on sale this week for buy one get one free. I took one of the French Bistro kits and divided it into three servings, which brings the cost down considerably. Paired with a baked potato, these make an affordable lunch or dinner.  

Recipe of the Week

We had a cucumber that I wanted to use, so I created this salad. I was going to use plain Greek yogurt in the dressing, but realized I had a small container of sour cream to use, so I used that instead.  

Chickpea Cucumber Salad


1 can chickpeas, rinsed and drained

1 cucumber, diced

1 orange pepper, chopped

1 slice red onion, chopped

2 tbsp dried dill

½ cup sour cream

1 clove garlic, minced

Salt and Pepper


Combine chickpeas, cucumbers, pepper, and onions. 

Mix sour cream, garlic, and dill together. 

Combine chickpeas and dressing. 

Season with salt and pepper. 

Cover and refrigerator until ready to serve.


What’s for Dinner

Friday ~White Chicken Enchiladas, Corn, Salad. 

Saturday French Bistro Salad Kit and Baked Potato with Cheese. 

Sunday ~ Grilled Chicken with an Asian Salad Kit. 

Monday ~ Grilled Chicken, Sweet Potatoes, Roasted Brussel Sprouts & Carrots. 

Tuesday ~ Soup Beans & Cornbread, which is a dinner from my southern heritage. I put the beans on to soak Monday afternoon. We will be eating on these all week long and putting some in the freezer for later. 

Wednesday ~ Fluffy Baked Omelet, Soup Beans, Cucumber & Chickpea Salad. 

Thursday ~ Chicken Stir Fry, and Soup Beans. I took a couple of servings of rotisserie chicken and a bag of cauliflower rice from the freezer to make this dinner. I love using up my frozen assets. I used an onion, broccoli, cabbage, and carrots to stretch the meal. I also added some fresh ginger into the dish. 

Friday ~ Bailey has book club, so I’m on my own for dinner tonight. I have some leftovers from the week and will have that for dinner. 

What’s been on the menu in your home this past week?

Savings of the Week

We first tried this Morton Coarse Kosher salt at a friend's home and really liked it. We enjoy adding it to things like baked potatoes and other vegetables. Amazon is selling a pack of six of them for $11.27 this week. Walmart sells this for $2.12, so buying them from Amazon saves me $1.45. 

Food Lion has boneless, skinless chicken breast on sale for $1.99 per pound, 5 pounds of potatoes for $1.99, making them 40 cents per pound, and Ronzoni pasta on sale for $1.19 with a 50 cent off coupon making them 69 cents, all through Tuesday, August 3rd. 

Thank you for dropping by my frugal blog, you are always welcome here. 

We would love to hear all about your week in the comment section.

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27

Friday, August 23, 2024

Fourth Frugal Friday of August 2024

Welcome to Frugal Friday! 

My Frugal Week

On Saturday I cleaned out the refrigerator to be able to get a few things out of there that I wanted the trash man to take off that day, such as the chicken bones (after making broth) from the rotisserie chickens that I bought last week. 

A Rakuten check came in the mail for me this week for $5.23, which is small, but  I'll take it. If you're interested in joining to get cash back on things your normally buy, here is a link where we will both get $30.00. 

On Monday I had my Reclast infusion and have felt poorly this week as a result. I'm not going to do this treatment next year as it was too hard on me this time. I'll be researching other options. 

Dad's 5th wheel camper was moved off his property this week along with the propane tank from Amerigas. Both of those took longer than I thought they would, but the area is all neat and tidy now, which makes it more attractive to potential buyers. A sign that life moves forward even if our hearts are not ready. 


I went to the dentist on Thursday to get my teeth cleaned and they gave me these freebies. 

My Frugal Kitchen

I've been in use it up mode this week, turning to some pantry staples to make dinners this week. It's always a good feeling to use up those items. 

What’s for Dinner

Monday & Tuesday ~ Grilled Chicken, Garden Salad. 

Wednesday ~ Prince Spaghetti Day!  I checked around in the freezer for some meat for this dinner and found one lone hamburger patty, so I used that along with some crushed tomatoes, spaghetti sauce seasoning mix, and edamame pasta (freebie). 

Thursday & Friday ~ White Chicken Enchiladas, Deviled Eggs, Salad. I used the rotisserie chicken, which was stored in the freezer, I got on markdown last week to make these along with some diced green chilies I had in the freezer. I'd rather use those than my canned version to free up more freezer space. 

What’s been on the menu in your home this past week?

What I've been Reading This Week

From the Dollar Stretcher...9 Ways To Stretch Your Savings During the Peak of Summer Heat ~ I've been turning our air conditioning off at night as we simply do not need it at that time and our daily electric usage has gone down as result. 

How has your week been?  

Thank you for dropping by my frugal blog, you are always welcome here. 

We would love to hear all about your week in the comment section.

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27

Friday, August 16, 2024

Third Frugal Friday of August 2024


Welcome to Frugal Friday! 

My Frugal Week

Last Friday we went to a free book talk at our local library with author Tyler L. Boyd where he discussed his book on local history, "The Biggs Machine". It was a very interesting and entertaining lecture and we were happy to have went. 

The history branch of our local library is housed on a tree lined street of historical homes. Here is a photo of the staircase inside the house:

For the first half of the 20th Century in Polk County, Tennessee, Sheriff Burch Biggs reigned supreme. From 1904 to 1948, the political machine of Biggs was built upon three pillars―election fraud, police brutality, and graft. The Biggs Machine tells the story of Burch Biggs, his corrupt empire, and how it all came crashing down following World War II. 
Afterwards we went to the Provident thrift store in Dalton, Georgia. 

This was my chance to look for some new sizes in clothing for myself. I ended up with a pullover/sweater, a 3/4 sleeve shrug, one pair of pajamas, two pairs of shorts, and a pair of capris. I also picked up one canning jar, a cute lamp, 3 hand held weights to add to my strength training center, a wide view rear view mirror, and a new cookbook. 

Eye Update

On Monday I had an appointment with my retina specialist. The news wasn't what I wanted to hear as both eyes were swollen/leaking fluid. He gave me a new injection, Cimerli, in each eye and has me coming back in five weeks instead of eight. My eyes have been itching all week, which is one of the side effects of this new medicine. 

I also went to my primary care physician to get surgery clearance for my knee surgery. She is sending me to the cardiologist for an echo in September. This is all standard procedure for getting clearance for knee surgery. 


CVS sent me a survey link and then gave me $10 for filling it out. Nice!

Photo of the Week

My Dad made this mailbox out of steel and welded it together years ago to prevent mailbox vandals on our rural road. The vandals have tried a lot of things to wreck it over the years like gunshot blasts (you can see the bullet holes in the door) and fireworks, but it has stood the test of time. 

Recently the handle broke off and the door hangs open. Bailey thinks someone broke it for meanness, but I tend to think it just wore out and broke off after years of use. 

Now my Dad would have come up with a great solution, but I had to come up with one on my own. My fix was two very strong magnets and a rubber band, as you can see in the photo. We will see if that works and since I already had all of those things on hand, the repair didn't cost me anything. 

Any other repair suggestions out there? I'm open to any and all ideas. 

Saving Money in My Frugal Kitchen

We ate a lot of salads and grilled chicken this week as it's just the perfect time of year for that. I did find three rotisserie chickens marked down at Walmart on Thursday for $2.53, which is a great deal. 

What’s for Dinner

Monday ~ Grilled Chicken, Chopped Tomatoes, Garden Salad. 

Tuesday ~ Mediterranean Salad with Grilled Chicken.

Wednesday ~ Bailey was gone to Atlanta for a book signing event, so I was on my own for dinner. I made a baked sweet potato and served it with hummus and chopped tomatoes. 

Thursday ~ Greek Chicken and Salads. 

Friday ~ Hamburger with Cheese, Baked Potato, Salad. 

Saturday ~ Salmon Patties, Roasted Sweet Potatoes, Corn. 

Sunday ~ Grilled Chicken Taco Salad, Oven Roasted Smashed Potatoes. 

What’s been on the menu in your home this past week?

What I've been Reading This Week

Books I've been reading this week include Raw Dog: The Naked Truth About Hot Dogs.  This is a book, which was recommended by the owner of the Book & Cover bookstore in Chattanooga, and Bailey read for one of her book clubs. Her and her dear friend Abby went to Atlanta this week to meet one of their favorite authors, Casey McQuiston, the author of Red, White & Royal Blue

I went to the Samaritan Thrift store in Ooltewah yesterday and picked up five books for 50 cents each to add to my reading shelf. I don't know if any of you use the Goodreads website, but if you do and want to add me as your friend, here is a link:  Goodreads

Thank you for dropping by my frugal blog, you are always welcome here. 

We would love to hear all about your week in the comment section.

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27

Friday, August 9, 2024

Second Frugal Friday of August 2024


Welcome to Frugal Friday! 

My Frugal Week

I searched for a coupon code while making a purchase online the other day and saved $15.20. It really pays to search for a code before shopping online.

We have a couple of cats who do not like to take their flea pills when smashed and mixed with wet food. Bailey suggested getting some pill pocket treats to stick the pill inside and then they can eat the whole thing. So, I bought some on markdown at PetSmart and used a $4 reward to help pay for them. 

Dad had a stack of about 30 styrofoam sheets in the yard wedged between two trees. Our garbage man has been getting a few sheets every time he comes for garbage and he got the last of it on Saturday. The yard there looks so much better with that gone, and the snakes and ants that were unearthed no longer have a place to hide.

Saving Money in my Frugal Kitchen

We went to UGO (United Grocery Outlet) in Chatsworth on Monday evening. 

We found more Flatbreads marked down to 50 cents each, Del Monte canned pears for 50 cents each, Chesterfield Butter Beans for 79 cents each, Hormel turkey pepperoni for $1.49 each ($3.97 @ Walmart), Jimmy Dean turkey sausage for 69 cents, and Tuscan chicken sausage for $1.99 each. 

We bought 20 of the turkey pepperoni for the freezer, which is savings of $49.60. Bailey goes through about two packs per month, so this will last us for more than six months. 

What’s for Dinner

Meatless Monday ~ Pizza & Garden Salads. 

Taco Tuesday ~ Chicken Tacos

Wednesday ~ Grilled Chicken, Sweet Potatoes, Brussel Sprouts. 

Thursday ~ Chicken Sausage, 15 Bean Soup with Vegetables, Broccoli. 

Friday ~ Salmon Patties, Roasted Yukon Gold Potatoes, Green Peas.

Saturday & Sunday ~ Sardinia Minestrone Soup

What’s been on the menu in your home this past week?

What I've been Reading This Week

we are going to the library today while out running errands to pick up a copy of Forever Strong written by Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, which Elle recommended last week in the comment section. 

This week I finished reading Strong Women Stay Young and A Pound of Cure written by Matthew Weiner, MD. 

What have you been reading lately?

Thank you for dropping by my frugal blog, you are always welcome here. 

We would love to hear all about your week in the comment section.

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27

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