Monday, March 10, 2025

Menu Plan Monday ~ Saving Money in my Frugal Kitchen ~ Week # 2 March 2025


My Frugal Week

This was another week of eating at home to save money. No eating out, take out, or fast food. I wash my dishes several times each day,  so my kitchen stays neat and tidy, so that I want to go in there and cook. 


What’s for Dinner

Monday ~ Chicken Tacos, Tortillas, Red Onion, Cheddar Cheese, Tomatoes, and Lettuce. 

Movie Night Tuesday ~ Homemade Pizza 

Wednesday & Thursday ~ Lentil Loaf, Mashed Pot, Green Peas

Fish on Friday ~ Salmon Patties, Green Beans with Onions, and Baked Sweet Potatoes. 

Saturday ~ Bailey attended an event in Marietta, Georgia, so I was on my own for dinner, which was a plant based meal to save money on meat. Baked potato with broccoli and black olives and a salad. 😋 

Sunday ~ Chicken made in the slow cooker, using one can of enchilada sauce. Roasted Vegetables (Potatoes, Celery, Carrots, Onions), and Steamed Broccoli. The chicken was so good with the enchilada sauce. I’m going to make it that way more often. 

We served two meatless meals this week to save money on meat.

What’s been on the menu in your home this past week?

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27

Friday, March 7, 2025

Frugal Friday ~ First Friday March 2025

Welcome to Frugal Friday! 

Quote of the Week
The best cure for hard times is to cheat poverty by being industrious. 
My Frugal Week

Last Thursday & Friday I caught up on all the laundry after having the shower fixed, which had backed up our laundry schedule for the week.

There are so many things I want to do in our yard, but I have to be careful as I’m still using a walker and can easily trip out there. But, I’m hopeful the day will come when caring for the yard will provide physical activity the old fashioned way, in the fresh outdoors, in manageable daily doses while being both productive and economical in our home.

On Saturday I did manage to go out in the yard for a few minutes to clean up a few things in the area we call the moat. It’s a wide ditch that surrounds the back of the house. My dad built a retaining wall there years ago. 

I also went out there on Tuesday and cleaned up one of Dad's sheds, which was a workout and tiring. 

Apparently, unbeknownst to me, Dad also collected broken snow shovel handles and must have had at least a dozen. And they must have made the move with us from Illinois because it doesn't snow that much here to break a shovel. LOL

Anyway, there are four contractor bags full of junk that I had the garbage men take off today. Both areas looks so much better now all neat and tidy. 

Afterwards, Bailey and I went to the Providence thrift store in Dalton, Georgia. They were giving away free bread in their entrance, but we didn’t need any, so we left it for others.

One of the things I bought was one quart sized Ball canning jar (I find the older thrifted ones to be higher quality and pick them up as I see them), two lighthouse pillows, four pairs of pants, three shirts, and one sleeveless jacket. 

The tag sale color of the day was white and those items were 50% off. I found four pairs of pants with white tags marked at $2.99, so $1.50 with the sale. I bought all four to try out as I’m still losing weight and my clothing needs are still changing. The other items were on the 99 cent clearance rack, so eight pieces of clothing for $10, which I consider to be a very good deal. 

Sluggy has decided to return to doing a giveaway. Be sure to go to her blog and enter to win. She lets you enter once per day. 

On Monday I had to go to the county courthouse and renew both my driver's license and my car license plates. Since I was out of the house I decided to go to the thrift store. I found a pair of Torrid pants in my size in the 75 cent section along with a Liz & Me top and a Catherine's top all for $2.25. I was thrilled!

This Weeks Not Frugal

My former neighbor made a post on Facebook this week about his neighbors yard being toilet papered the night before. My first thought was “what a waste of money”. Then I read the comments where he said he loved it. I still think it was an incredible waste of money and have to wonder if the toilet paper throwers paid for the tp or if someone else did, like their parents. 

Savings & Photo of the Week

Seven rotisserie chickens from Walmart for $2.02 each! I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Score!

Avoiding Spending

Having done our monthly grocery haul this week, we did not avoid spending money this week. 

Saving Money YouTube Videos

25 Old Fashion Frugal Habits that Need to make a Comeback ~ A video by Frugal Queen of France. I like Jane’s sweet and gentle nature as she is a stark contrast to Prepper Princess. In this video, Janes gives sound frugal tips from the older generations back in the day that they used in their lives to save money that will still work for us today.

What I've been Reading This Week

How to Save Money on Groceries ~ 22 Clever Ways from

Thank you for dropping by my frugal blog, you are always welcome here. 

We would love to hear all about your week in the comment section.

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27

Monday, March 3, 2025

Menu Plan Monday ~ Saving Money in my Frugal Kitchen ~ Week #1 March 2025

My Frugal Week

Bailey & I went out of Saturday to get groceries. We first went to Kroger and then headed to UGO.  We found several markdowns at Kroger and found Bailey’s favorite breakfast turkey sausage at UGO ($2.49) for much cheaper than Kroger ($9.49). 

UGO also had red bell peppers for $1.00 rather than the $1.50 price of them at Kroger. Shopping at UGO really helps us save money on our grocery bill and budget. 
What’s for Dinner

Monday ~ Leftovers from Sunday ~ Chicken Fajitas, Corn or Flour Tortillas, Lettuce, Tomato, Red Onions, Cheddar Cheese, Jalapeños, Cottage Cheese Chipotle Ranch,  Taco Sauce, and Corn. 

Movie Night Tuesday ~ Everyone was on their own for tonight, but I did make Bailey a homemade pizza for her movie night. We were out of turkey pepperoni, so I took two hotdogs and cut them thinly and air fried them for a few minutes to make our own pepperoni and she enjoy them made that way.

Wednesday ~ Leftovers of Swiss Steak, Roasted Yukon Gold Potatoes, and Rainbow Swiss Chard, which we got free from one of the free community gardens in Chattanooga. It had been picked that morning and was so fresh and delicious. 

Thursday ~ Korean Beef, Roasted White Sweet Potatoes, Rainbow Chard. 

Friday ~ Bailey has book club this night, so I was on my own for dinner. I tried a new recipe that Carol posted in the Living Simply Facebook group for Black Bean & Rice Burritos. It was definitely delicious and similar to several of the Mexican recipes we make. 

Saturday ~ BBQ Pork Chops, Macaroni & Cheese, Brussel Sprouts. 

Sunday ~ I took the leftover burrito filling from Friday and turned it into soup adding a can of mild enchilada sauce. 

What’s on the Menu for This Coming Week

We served two meatless meals again this week to save money on meat. We also did not eat out at any restaurants, order take out or eat any fast food in February, which makes a two month streak for us. 

What’s been on the menu in your home this past week?

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27

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