Friday, May 17, 2024

Third Frugal Friday May 2024


Welcome to Frugal Friday! 

My Frugal Week

On Monday I called the electric company and they said our power was off for sixteen hours. The fridge and freezer were not opened, and she said food remains good for up to 24 hours, so we are going to assume all the food is OK except the seafood, which I've already tossed. 

I received the best news from my retina specialist. I won't have to go back for eye injections for six weeks instead of the usual four weeks. Woo Hoo!

I saw a hummingbird in the grass this week hovering around some wild flowers. 

On multiple mornings I had to sweep off the back porch as the first of the cicadas and their shells appeared. They are very loud this year too. 

We went to Academy Sports because I was looking for a new sport bra, which I bought on sale, and some Columbia shoes. I've had my current shoes for several years, so it was time for new ones, which I found on clearance. These are very sturdy, which I need these days. 

I earned a rebate from Paypal for 88 cents and one for 24 cents, which isn't much, but I'll take it. 

We had someone come this past week and clean up the area where we've been putting trash from downstairs and where the tree was recently removed. It cost a pretty penny, but the limbs were just too heavy for me to move by myself and it looks so much better and all the trash, for the moment, is gone. Whew! 

I plan on putting down fresh mulch in the flower bed with Mom & Dad's Camelia bush and planning a rock garden like this. It will be an ongoing project as I collect the rocks to make this possible. 

Our thrift trip to Atlanta last week was so much fun for me and Bailey. Over the last few years I've been losing weight and need smaller clothes, so this gave me the opportunity to buy several pieces. I even bought some really nice pieces in my next smaller size because I will need them soon en0ugh.  

On our first day in Atlanta the Park Avenue Thrift stores offer seniors (55+) a 50% discount on Wednesday on clothing items. We saved a pretty penny using this discount with one savings being $85 at one store and the other being $75 off at a second store. There are four of these stores in Atlanta. Needless to say, Bailey is restocked on clothing for her shops. 

I've gotten quite a few small tasks done around the house this week. I fixed a wooden desk organizer that was coming apart with a couple of small nails in the side to secure it, I glued the clock in my bedroom because it fell off the wall and the frame came off, but I fixed it and you can't tell it's been repaired.

I vacuumed all my lamp shades and glued back one of the felt pads that had come off recently. I hung an organizing caddy behind my bedroom door to corral items. I also secured my other caddy behind the door, so it wouldn't hit the door when opened or closed.  I made multiple phone calls taking care of business, and have done some laundry and cleaning as well. 

I've had two physical therapy appointments for my shoulder this week, my annual mammogram, and a bone density scan. I'm staying home today and am looking forward to it. What are you plans for the weekend?

Thank you for dropping by my frugal blog, you are always welcome here. 

We would love to hear all about your week in the comment section.

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27


  1. Your shopping trip was so successful in various ways. Well done on weight loss and getting so many projects completed or moved forward. I can't see myself bored when I retire. There's so much that needs done every day.

    1. I agree, Sam. There are so many things that I can be doing on a day to day basis, that boredom rarely sets in here.

  2. Glad you could save your food! You did good at the thrift stores.
    How wonderful you get a small reprieve on the eye shots!
    I love that idea on the flower rocks. May think about doing something similar here!

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. I'm happy about the eye shots too. The rock garden is such a cute idea and one that anyone can easily duplicate. :)

  3. I love that rock garden idea. I look forward to seeing yours sometime in the future. Sounds like you had a happy week. Hope your weekend is happy too! (We're in for yet another wet weekend--boo!)

    1. Thank you, Bobi. It is raining off and on here today, so I know how you feel. I hope you have a terrific weekend. :)

  4. I think we are twins....I'm also in PT for my shoulders and having the Bone Density Scan done next Monday!

  5. Ouch on the eye shots! The rock garden is cute.

  6. Good news on the eye shots being less frequent !Congratulations on your weight loss also and the good deals you got.The rock garden is so cute I'd like to do that too . What kind of paint do you use for the rocks?

    1. Thank you. :) You can use regular acrylic paint for the rocks, but can also use an outdoor acrylic paint too, which would last longer in the weather.

  7. Sounds like a good week!! So glad you had a good time in Atlanta, and I'm glad you found some good deals. Great 50% discount; sometimes there are benefits to getting older. Yay on the improvement in your eyes; I hope they will continue to improve. Hope PT is helping, and I hope you get good results from your tests. The rock garden is so cute.
    Hope you have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you, Kathy. Definitely some benefits to getting older, LOL. One of the teachers at school is thrilled when she gets a senior discount and she is still pretty young. LOL

      I hope you have a great weekend too.

  8. I am glad that your trip went so well and you had an enjoyable time shopping. Love that rock garden looks like loads of fun.
    Congrats on the eye injections being less frequent.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you, Jackie. I'm s happy about the eye injections.

  9. I like that garden. It looks like something I could tend since it appears to not need tending. Your trip to Atlanta sounds like a really good time and profitable. We are staying home as it is supposed to storm.

    1. Yes, a no tend garden is the way to go. We've had rain here this week too, no storms though, thank goodness. Stay safe!

  10. Great news on the eye shots! 50% off at the thrift is a great deal. You were smart to buy the next smaller size at this discount. Hope you & Bailey have a wonderful weekend!

  11. I'm glad your eye is getting better-such good news! What deals you got at the thrift shops too! Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you, Vickie. We had so much fun thrifting! I hope you have/had a great weekend too.


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