Friday, March 28, 2025

Frugal Friday ~ Fourth Frugal Friday of March 2025

Welcome to Frugal Friday! 

Quote of the Week
Do not save what is left after spending, spend what is left after saving. 
~ Warren Buffett
My Frugal Week

On the day of my surgery we unplugged multiple items in our home and we ended up only using 8 kWh in electricity! That is proof to me that unplugging items really works!

If you’re interested, here is a X-ray of my new left knee:

This surgery had me in more pain than the last one, and due to the lymphedema in this leg, the swelling was worse, which made it hard to bear weight on that leg. However, 
I've had three physical therapy sessions this week, and I can feel myself getting stronger every day. 

The weather has been beautiful here this week. Sunny spring days with flowers and trees in bloom. I've been walking some in our driveway to get some steps in, and I'm hoping, one day, to become one of those people (like Bailey) who gets 10,000 steps in everyday.


Bailey won a Hulken bag! Apparently they have giveaways on their Instagram page from time to time, which is how she won. She was so excited and used it on my recent hospital stay. It’s a great bag and glides over thresholds and even elevators effortlessly. She received several compliments on it while we were there. 

I received a $15 Walmart card from my Insurance company for getting a test done. I used it to buy me a strap like they use in Physical Therapy to stretch my leg. I've been watching The Fall Doc on TikTok and he speaks a lot about how people in their 50s and 60s need to build strength in their legs in order to handle getting older and trying to prevent falls in our aging years. 

What I've been Reading This Week

Words to Eat By, written by Karen Koenig. This book teaches you how to use word power rather than try to rely on willpower to overcome your struggles with eating. Someone asked me recently what I was doing to lose weight and I mentioned to them that I had done a lot of reading on the topic. If you struggle with this issue, I would definitely recommend this book. 

Outsmarting Overeating ~ another book written by Karen Koenig. This book really spoke to me about not having the life skills to handle everyday living but turning to food instead and how to go about changing that. 

Mrs. White who writes over at over at The Legacy of Home has written wise blog post entitled, Extreme Thrift.  It’s a well written post that I hope you find time to read this week

Thank you for dropping by my frugal blog, you are always welcome here. 

We would love to hear all about your week in the comment section.

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27


  1. Sorry this leg caused more pain than the other. Hope you get back to normal or better soon! Be safe.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. I've three rounds of physical therapy now and they are really helping me get stronger.

  2. Knee surgery is just very painful and I am sorry you are suffering. But you are strong.

    1. Thank you, Kim. Each day is getting a little bit easier.

  3. I'm sorry that this surgery has been more painful. I hope the physical therapy will help. Sounds like you are doing everything that you can to get stronger. Yay for Bailey on all those steps too! I hadn't heard of a hulken bag; what a handy bag and how fun to win one.
    Hope you have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you, Kathy. Everyday is getting a little bit easier. Woo Hoo! LOL I hope you also have a great weekend.

  4. I am sorry that this knee is causing you more problems. Take it slow and easy, you will be back to normal very soon.

    God bless.

  5. My mom is four weeks out with her second knee. She found this one to be more difficult than the first also. Hang in there, I know it'll get better and better.

    1. Thank you, Wendi. I hope your Mom does well with her second knee too.

  6. I'm sorry to hear this surgery is more painful. I hope you heal fast Belinda! Great score on Bailey's bag! Wishing you both a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you, Ms Gee. I hope you have a wonderful weekend too!

  7. It is wonderful how low your electric usage was when you unplugged things. That is such a good quote about saving money by Warren Buffet.   I really appreciate your link to the post. Thank you!    I hope you are feeling better!

  8. Sending good thoughts to you for healing. Having a strap to stretch your leg is a good thing. It is nice you had this scheduled for Spring so you will be better able to get out and walk around. It's a painful recovery, which you already know -- but it sounds like you're going to be good at rehabbing yourself. Be well!


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