Friday, February 7, 2025

First Frugal Friday of February 2025

Welcome to Frugal Friday! 

My Frugal Week

Bailey and I made a trip just south of Atlanta to Decatur, Georgia last Friday night. We went to an author event at a locally owned small business bookstore called Little Shop of Stories. It is the cutest little bookstore. 💕 

They have the bathroom decorated with book covers as wallpaper.

On Sunday I deep cleaned my bedroom, moving and dusting furniture, vacuuming the entire room, and putting up new curtains. These are thermal black out curtains, and I wanted them to cover the windows in the cold winter months. 

What a difference the new curtains have already made. My bedroom temperature is about five degrees warmer, so they will help save money on the electric bill. I woke up at eight a.m. Monday morning, but it was still dark in my bedroom when normally it is light and bright. 

I went to fill my car up on Monday and stopped at our new Food City to get in on an El Paso sale. If you bought five items you could get them for $1.49, which sells at Walmart for $3.48, so this was $1.99 less, which is a great deal. Unfortunately, they only had three cans left, so I also bought two taco sauces to make it up to five items.

While I was there I also bought this marked down package of ground beef. 

On Tuesday I had an errand to run and stopped in at Walmart and was able to buy two of their rotisserie chickens on markdown for $3.97. Bailey requested egg whites, but they were completely sold out of them. 

Wednesday was my last day of in-home physical therapy as they discharged me because I’m doing really well. I see my orthopedic surgeon on Friday for a follow up and to get started on my left knee. 


Not actually a freebie, but I found a Yeti cup this week. How cool is that?

Photo of the Week

On Friday, the day we went to the bookstore near Atlanta, our electric bill usage was only 23.62 kWh. I love it!

Savings of the Week

It was very cold when I was in Walmart on Tuesday, so I took a look at their sweaters and jackets because I need one in a smaller size, so I found an open front sweater on clearance for $17 and put it on while I finished shopping. I was like Minnie Pearl with the price tag still on it as I shopped. LOL

Saving Money YouTube Videos

35 Extreme Ways to Save Money on Food ~ Prepper Princess

There is a peace that fills my soul when I am at home, doing everyday tasks such as laundry, putting groceries away, cleaning, cooking, or whatever else may need my attention.  I’ve been so much more productive around our home with the added mobility from my new knee. I’ve carried in all the groceries making multiple trips up and down the stairs, which was impossible before. This has renewed my spirit in a way I haven’t experienced in a long time. 

How was your week?

Thank you for dropping by my frugal blog, you are always welcome here. 

We would love to hear all about your week in the comment section.

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
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~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27


  1. I'm glad your knee is treating you right. I had that bobble with needing the knee manipulation at about 6 weeks post surgery, but now all is great. I still wake up stiff though.

    1. Thank you, Sam. I hope the left knee does as well when it’s done. I’m glad yours is doing great. I just love how much easier it is to get around.

  2. Glad your knee is doing so well. It is nice that you have a new outlook after that surgery. You will be a ball of fire after #2!!

  3. Oh what a cute book store! Love the bathroom wallpaper too. It sounds like a fun trip! We love book stores and antique stores. My son and dil had some of their engagement pics taken at a book/antique store. The neatest one was under an archway of stacked books.
    So glad you are doing well after the knee surgery. That is awesome!! And I am glad the new mobility has renewed your spirit! You are going to be unstoppable after the next knee surgery.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
    I'm off to Food City today for baking potatoes. and a few other sale items.

    1. It is the cutest little book store, Kathy. It was a real fun trip. Your son and DIL's engagement pics must be beautiful. I just love libraries and books and things like that. I hope you find great deals at Food City. My dr. said within the next month I'll have my other knee done, so I am excited about that. I hope you have a great weekend!

  4. It sounds like you are doing great with your new knee! I can totally see myself wearing the sweater until I checked out. Good for you needing a smaller size! The book store was cute.

    1. Thank you, Penny. It was the cutest little book store.

  5. That book store looks really cool! Are the things hanging down origami? I'm so happy your knee is doing well. I have 4 different friends who all had both knees replaced and all did extremely well. I'm sure your left one will do great!

    1. Thank you, and yes, those are origami, Bobi. It was really something to see. They even had a floor made out of pennies. It was so neat. I'm so glad to hear your friends did so well with their knees. I would highly recommend it to anyone for a better quality of life.


  6. So glad your knee is doing good. Here's hoping #2 works out just as well. 8-)

  7. Amazing job on the knee. Doing your part and showing up! That’s how to get it done! No excuses! Bravo.

  8. I am very happy that your knee is doing so well. Very cute bookstore. I really enjoy seeing those kind of places, so very special.

    God bless.

  9. What great finds! I put up thermal blackout curtains. You are right, they make a difference. Over the past few years, we've resided the house and put on a new roof. We had 50mph winds last night and nothing shook. I could stay in this little house, taking care of things, finding shopping bargains, and thrift shopping forever and be content. Just like you!

    1. Thank you, Mrs. Murphy. We are kindred spirits. 💕 so glad nothing shook during those high winds!

  10. Hi Belinda! Great find on the Yeti cup. Where did you find it? My favorite hobby is reading, and I love bookstores and the library. My birthday was this past Tuesday, so I went to a used bookstore that lets you trade in your books, and you get a credit to buy more books. I bought about 8 more books, so I'm set for a little while. I'm so glad you are getting along so well with your knee. Have you ever thought about doing a post on how you lost your weight? I would love to hear your tips. I've been thinking about getting blackout curtains. I think Walmart sells them. I feel exactly like you concerning staying at home. I've been retired almost 2 years, and I just love staying at home and puttering around the house. I never get bored. People can't understand how I can stay at home all of the time. I love it! Blessings to you and Bailey!

    1. Hi Bobbi,
      Someone tossed it in the front of our driveway. It’s a rural country road so people feel free to throw mostly trash out, but not this time. Happy Birthday! Your bookstore visit sounds wonderful and very much like our used book store, McKay Used Books. I never get bored at home either as I can always find something to do here, I love being home too. I’ll definitely think about writing a blog post on weight loss. I’m convinced it takes multiple tools to lose weight successfully. Walmart does sell blackout curtains and I think that is where Bailey got hers. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  11. I enjoy browsing cute bookstores.

    Glad that your knee is doing well. My mom has her 2nd one done on the 25th. She can hardly wait!

    I can see those curtains providing year wide savings. Good job!

    1. Thank you, Wendi. I hope your Mom’s surgery goes very well!

  12. I thought I commented. I am glad you can do so many things you could not before the knee replacement. Your new thoughts are wonderful.

  13. I'm so glad to hear your progress! You are an inspiration for sure!
    How I would love to go to that bookstore. I would visit the bathroom whether I had to go or not!

    1. Awww...thank you, Vickie. You are so sweet. Yes, the other bathroom was neat too, I would definitely go again if ever given the chance.

  14. What a wonderful name for a book shop - it looks really lovely! xx

    1. It really was lovely, Joy. That is the perfect way to describe it. 💕


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