Monday, January 20, 2025

Menu Plan Monday ~ Saving Money in my Frugal Kitchen ~ Week #3 January 2025

Recipe of the Week

This is a new to me recipe, but I made some changes to make it align more with our way of eating these days. Rather than add sour cream, I used blended cottage cheese for more protein and less fat. This recipe called for biscuits, but I left them out entirely. The recipe calls for a rotisserie chicken, which I did not have, but did have regular chicken, so I used that instead.

Creamy Chicken Enchilada Bake


1 Rotisserie Chicken

10 ounces mild red enchilada sauce

1/2 cup cottage cheese, blended until smooth

1 packet fajita or taco seasoning mix

8 ounces shredded cheddar cheese


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Remove skin from chicken and chicken from bone. 

Cut into desired size pieces and set aside. 

Combine red enchilada sauce, cottage cheese, and fajita seasoning together. 

Whisk until smooth.

Add chicken into the mixture and make sure everything is well coated.

Smooth out in a greased 9 x 13 baking dish.

Sprinkle shredded cheese on top.

Bake for 45 min uncovered.


What’s for Dinner

Monday ~ Beenie Weenies ~ I used a package of good hotdogs from UGO that we bought for $1.99. The can of Bush's zero baked beans was given to us by a friend, so no cost there. I added some date sugar, mustard, pepper, and BBQ sauce to the crockpot to enhance the flavors. This was served with baked apples and steamed broccoli.

Movie Night Tuesday ~ In order to use it up and avoid food waste, we enjoyed leftovers on this night. Bailey had Beanie Weenies, Broccoli, and Apples while I enjoyed the last of the salmon Pattie’s and opened up some green peas to go with them. 

Wednesday ~ Creamy Chicken Enchilada Bake, Carrots, and Peas. This was a big hit, so I’ll be be adding it to our regular rotation. 

Thursday & Friday ~ Turkey & Dressing with Gravy, and Green Beans with Onions. I had some cooked turkey, and some dressing in the freezer, so I used those in the crockpot for this dish. I made a seasoned white sauce/gravy to top it with and then added seasoned green beans to the top. This used up several containers from my freezer and pantry. We are using up what we have to make meals here and not spending any extra money on groceries. 

Saturday & Sunday ~ Chicken Stir Fry ~ I gathered up a lot of vegetables such as an onion, red bell pepper, Chinese vegetables, Some Kale salad kits I had stuck in the freezer, cauliflower rice, sesame oil, Sun Bird fried rice seasoning packet (my favorite), and soy sauce. I added this to my skillet after I browned the chicken. It was enough for two days worth of meals and lunch another day.

What’s on the Menu for This Coming Week

We regularly serve one or two meatless bean based meals each week in order to money on meat.

Monday ~ Bean Based Dish
Movie Night Tuesday - Leftovers
Wednesday ~ Pasta Night
Thursday ~ Bean Based Dish
Fish on Friday ~ Salmon Patties
Saturday ~ Tacos
Souper Sunday ~ Soup

Be sure to come back next week to see what sides we serve with these main dishes.

What’s been on the menu in your home this past week?

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27


  1. Im going to try that bake my friend

    1. We really liked it, Kim. I hope you do too.

  2. The recipe looks really good!
    It is only Monday and I just posted my menu plan. I thought the pork butts were on sale at The Pig and they are but only if you buy the double package. I did not want to fool with that much pork right now, so that is not happening, plus I forgot tonight was the final NCAA football game which means we (TheHub) will want a game day type meal.

    1. Thanks, Anne. A game day type meal sounds delicious!

  3. I love Sunbird seasonings, so good!

  4. The enchilada bake sounds very interesting. I wonder if I can find the ingredients here. Good frugal cooking ideas.

    God bless.

  5. Sounds tasty!
    I haven't tried to sub cottage cheese for sour cream before, so thanks for the tip.

    1. Thank you, Kathy. And, you’re welcome. You could also substitute plain Greek yogurt too.


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