Friday, June 17, 2022

Third Frugal Friday of June 2022

Welcome to Friday! 

Quote of the Week

We don’t grow up all at once in youth, we do it slowly, one day at time. 
Same can be said of aging. We don’t grow old all at once, we do it one day at a time. ~ Belinda

My Frugal Week

Our garbage man called and asked if he could come on Friday instead of Saturday last week. I said yes immediately because I find it very satisfying when the garbage is hauled off. I recently gave him a small raise due to the price of gas. 

Sunday evening I began to feel sick and feverish. This continued for several days when the nurse practitioner (who treats the whole family) called to see if she could come to the house and see Mom. 

Grief comes in waves and this was one of times. My voice started to crack as I told her about Mom and I just started to cry. Being sick probably didn’t help. She was very sympathetic and came to see me the next day. 

She thinks I have Covid and sent someone Thursday afternoon to do a Covid test on me. By that time I was already feeling better and now on Friday morning I don’t have any symptoms left, but I’ll keep you updated. 

I’ve been working in one of our bedrooms this week and hired someone to deep clean it for me. I had a lot of trouble getting someone to come out here and I think it’s because of the price of gas. One lady wanted to charge me $25 additional money for gas to come 15 miles. 

So, I kept looking and finally found someone who was pretty reasonable and only charged 10 to 20 cents per square inch depending on the dirt. He also shampoos carpets, so I had him come out on Thursday and it took him about two and a half hours to deep clean the room. 

He shampooed the carpet twice and only charged me $50 for the cleaning and $75 for the shampoo. He cleaned the ceiling, ceiling fan, walls, windows including tracks. The room looks so much better and was worth every penny to me. 

Bailey went thrifting on Thursday and as usual stopped in for markdowns at Kroger and IGA. She came home with three packages of ground beef marked down to $4.99 each, three types of bread marked down, and three packages of salad marked down.

Photo of the Week

It was a real scorcher here this week.

Question of the Week

If someone gave you a box of everything you’ve ever lost, what is the first thing you would look for?

Years ago when I was married, my husband and I went to Chickamauga Battlefield on Lookout Mountain where I bought a book in the gift shop. The book was about Tennessee Historical Markers and was titled the same. 

Soon after my ex began substituting and brought the book to school. The teacher he was subbing for liked the book so much my ex told her to keep it. I tried to replace the book, but it was out of print for many years after that. 

Fast forward to today and there are numerous copies of the book for sale online. In fact, Bailey knew I missed the book so much that she replaced the copy I “lost”. 

Saving Money In My Frugal Kitchen

We stopped in at the grocery store on Saturday after yard sales. Food City had the 32 ounce bags of cheese priced at $5.00 each with a limit of two, so we bought two. They also had their Buy 5 Meat Items for $19.99 on sale for $14.99. Bacon, which is a rare treat here, was on sale for $5.00 each.

One thing I noticed while grocery shopping was the shrinking packages, which corporations are doing to combat their own rising costs. The meat I purchased from Food City has definitely shrunk

These packages of boneless county style ribs worked out to $2.99 a pound with the sale. Which to me brings then down to a better price and not a sale price, 

We’ve been sure to use up all our leftovers, so as to not have any food waste. Oftentimes that means serving some things the next day, which is no problem with us.

On Thursday I decided to make Mexican Goulash for dinner before I realized I was out of elbow macaroni. The only pasta I had on hand was spaghetti, so I used that instead. I told Bailey (who has been tired of spaghetti for a long time) to imagine it was Mexican and not spaghetti. 

She enjoyed it, but also says spaghetti noodles taste different than elbow macaroni and that is why they have different sauces. 😂 

(now to figure out what to do with my remaining two boxes of spaghetti 😉)

Meals This Week

Friday:  Dirty Rice, Green Beans with Onions. 

Saturday: Chicken Tenders, KFC Coleslaw, and Mixed Vegetables. 

Sunday: BBQ Country Style Pork Ribs, KFC Cole Slaw, Rice Pilaf. 

Monday: Beefy Baked Beans, Green Beans with Onions, Carrots. 

Tuesday: Movie Night = Pizza

Wednesday: Sweet & Sour Chicken, Rice, Broccoli

Thursday: Mexican Goulash, Green Beans with Onions, Salad. 

Thank you for dropping by my frugal blog, you are always welcome here. 

We would love to hear all about your week in the comment section.

~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree


  1. I like to make a pasta salad with my lingering spaghetti. With the heat it is the perfect time to make it. Lori

    1. That is a perfect idea, Lori. Thank you, that’s exactly what I’ll do with the spaghetti.

  2. It does change the taste compared to rice noodles, but I use spaghetti noodles in lol mein. My husband loves it. I'm sorry about the illness and hard day. I'm glad you received empathy and not dismissal. Grief is unique to each of us. I get waves 10 years later as it would be my dads 96 birthday tomorrow. You and Bailey are a good team.

    1. Thank you, Sam. Ten years later with your Dad…I believe these feelings will last the rest of our lives. I’ll be thinking of you today in honor of your 97th birthday.

  3. I would love to find an assistant for a day or two to help me deep clean. It must be so satisfying to have that room back in tip top shape. I’m sure the NP felt awful after finding out your mom had passed. 💔. As for the lost item, my mom used to let me wear her class ring when I was a young teenager. I took it off at the beach while “tanning” and never saw it again. My mom never got upset about it, but it would definitely be the thing I’d go for!

    1. Oh, Penny, I would go for your Mom’s class ring too. ((())) Having help in that room was so great. I highly recommend it. :)

  4. Glad you are feeling better. Nice to have that room all cleaned and fresh. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. Yes, I am happy with the room. I need to show you all pictures when I’m done. I hope you have a great weekend too!

  5. When my husband and I moved out of our first apartment and into our first home, we accidently left a box of ceramic my mom made me. In the box was a girl dressed in pink, my sister has one that is blue. I miss her and wish I had her back. Unfortunately someone in that apartment building probably sold her. I hope whoever has her now enjoys her as much as I did. But she would be the first thing I looked for in my box.

    1. Oh, Amy, that is so sad. I hope they love her as much as you did too. My sister and I had little girl banks, mine was yellow and hers was pink. One day when we were all grown she happened to see mine and the memory of hers came back to her. We don’t forget special things like that we had in childhood, do we?

  6. That grief is like a rollercoaster sometimes. I'm glad she is looking out for you and you are on the mend.
    I'm like you some books are just treasures. So glad you found your treasure again.

    1. Thank you, Vickie. Yes, some books are definitely treasures.

  7. Hi Belinda ♥ I'm so sorry I missed the post about your Mom, you have my heartfelt condolences. ♥♥ I sure hope you are feeling better and didn't catch Covid, or any type of flu! I would LOVE your heat right now, it's chilly here, I can't wait for this mini cold snap to pass. Oh btw, I'll be there on Tuesday for movie and pizza night! ☺

    1. Thank you, Rain. You are always welcome here! 😊

  8. I hope you have recovered. I am sure losing your mom has weakened your immune system, grief can do that. Take care my friend.

    1. Thank you, Kim. I am so much better and have wondered if the grief had something to do with it. Thank you for your concern.

  9. Grief does come in waves and at the most surprising of times. I hope that you do not have Covid and are better each day.

    If I could have anything I have ever lost it would be my old roller skates along with the key to attach them to my shoes. Loved those things.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you, Jackie. I am so much better now and have more energy. The roller skates sound like a good memory. 💕

  10. I hope you're feeling better, and I'm so glad your practitioner listened to you, and was able to come by.

    I can't think of anything I've lost with an emotional significance, but I lost a pair of sunglasses over the winter (sledding - I have eyes that are really sensitive to the light due to surgery), & I miss them a lot! I'd had them for 10+ years, and they fit perfectly, and were just the right size (big). I bought a replacement pair, but they just aren't the same. I hope someone found them, & they are enjoying them!

    1. Thank you. Sunglasses are a necessity in my book. I know what it’s like to lose a favorite pair. I never could get the darkness/lightness the same on a pair I replaced. I hope you will get used to your new ones.

  11. Love and hugs to you. Grief is one of those thing you're glad you feel because it represents to love you have/had but which hurts so much all at the same time.
    Hoping you continue to feel loads better. Thinking of you. xx

  12. Spaghetti does not go bad, so just save it for when she does want spaghetti. I wish I could find someone to clean. I have paid two different people to clean the stove. It is still filthy, never cleaned, just smeared around. I can do that.

    Here, it 5 for $22.99, up from $19.99. Once, I saw the deal for $14.99. I have never gotten that meat deal.

    1. That would bother me, them not cleaning like I want it cleaned. I’ve been dusting the furniture this week, getting down in the floor and giving things a once over. Things sure can get dirty.

      One of our stores has gone up to 5 for $24.99 or some such crazy number. Ugh.

  13. I'm so sorry for your loss, Belinda.
    I didn't blog for a while and didn't know about your mom. Hugs xxx

    I'm glad you are feeling better. Hope your COVID test will be negative.


    1. Thank you, Nil. It’s so great to see you back!

  14. Sending hugs! Sounds like you have a good np who really cares. I didn't know that anyone made house calls anymore. Do hope that you are feeling better; I'm so sorry that you have been sick. I'm glad that you were able to get the room cleaned up, and I know it looks great! So glad that Bailey was able to replace the book, that is so special.
    We had some strong storms and lost power for a day. At least the storm cooled things down a bit, so it wasn't quite as hot.
    Hope you have a good week.

    1. Thank you, Kathy. I was surprised that she did house calls too. We originally had her come for Mom and she to,d me she treats the whole family. She is amazing!

      I feel your pain on losing power. I’m glad it wasn’t longer than one day. Sometimes after a storm it can take longer. It’s great that it cooled off after the storm. The air is usually nice and fresh after a good cleansing rain like that too.

  15. Two things would be first... my mom's star sapphire ring and my silver "mother's" necklace. I enjoyed my visit here. I believe it's my first. I'll read more.
    Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,

    1. Thank you for visiting, Laura. It’s always so nice to have a new reader. 😊 I hope you have a great weekend.


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