Monday, September 16, 2024

Menu Plan Monday ~ Saving Money in my Frugal Kitchen

My Frugal Week

The yogurt I made last week was pretty thin for yogurt, but I didn't let it go to waste. I used some of it to make cornbread, and some of it I used as the milk in pistachio pudding. Both were eaten, so no food waste there. 

We used up our dinner leftovers for lunches this week as usual, so no food waste there either. 

Recipe of the Week

This Turkey Gravy on Biscuits is a recipe from The Tightwad Gazette. We were recently given two packages of turkey burgers from a friend, so I used this recipe for inspiration. I added beef bouillon and Worcestershire sauce to doctor them up to our liking. I didn't serve ours with biscuits as I didn't want the carbs. 

What’s for Dinner

Monday ~ Chicken Teriyaki, Butter Beans, Steamed Broccoli.

Tuesday ~ October Beans, Collard Greens, & Cornbread.

Wednesday ~ Egg Roll in a Bowl, Corn. 

Thursday ~ I had chili on the menu, but had some cabbage I wanted to use, so I made an Unstuffed Cabbage Casserole for dinner. I served this with corn on the cob, roasted sweet potatoes, and watermelon. 

Friday ~ Salmon Patties, Fried Potatoes, Green Peas, and watermelon. 

Saturday ~  One way we save money here is by eating our leftovers, even if we each have something different. We use up what we have in our pantry, fridge and freezer. Having no food waste is one key to a frugal budget. 

For dinner on Saturday, I reheated the Cabbage Casserole from Thursday, which was enough for one  person, so I also used a package of BBQ Pork for the other person. To those I added some Hot Potato Salad, and then used the Green Peas from Friday. 

Souper Sunday ~ I decided to use up a dry Frontier Soup Mix I had in my pantry to make a South of the Border Chicken Tortilla Soup. It also allowed me to use up a container of chicken, a jar of salsa, the last of the green peas, and the corn off three ears of corn. I should call this Use It Up soup. It made ten cups of soup in all and will be used for dinner today and lunches for the next two days.  #useitup

I made some cornbread to go with the soup. 

I've been experimenting with making a smaller batch of cornbread. I take three or six tablespoons of cornmeal, one egg, and two to four tablespoons of milk (depends of if it's just me or me & Bailey eating) and mix together. 

Then I use a Dash waffle iron to make the cornbread. They only take a couple of minutes to cook, it's a small enough batch so there is none wasted, and I'm using  a small appliance to save on electricity by not using my oven to make cornbread. It's a win-win situation. 

Monday - Cauliflower Taco Meat, Corn Tortillas, Pinto Beans, and Corn. 

What’s been on the menu in your home this past week?

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27


  1. We had egg roll in a bowl as well, and out to dinner last night to celebrate Sam leaving for college. We will be eating out a couple of other times, given travel & logistics for the college move in. It's finally getting cool enough here that I am excited to make soup. It will be just for me, as DH doesn't eat soup & Nick isn't a fan of any recipe that combines ingredients (soup, casseroles, etc). (Hawaii Planner)

    1. Bailey is not normally a soup fan either, so I was concerned about that. But, one cup had 15 grams of protein, so she was all in for that. LOL

  2. I make large batches of corn muffins and freeze them to just take out two at a time. We finished up a batch on Saturday so next time I will have to actually bake some. :( The waffle iron is an interesting idea but my husband would balk at that for fear it would make it stick when we make waffles.

    1. That is a great idea on the corn muffins, Lana. My Mom loved those. 💕

  3. It all sounds great - the soup sounds really good.

  4. Leftovers are the best! I make breakfast everyday, but not lunch and dinner. I usually bulk cook once a week.

    1. Oh yes, I love leftovers for that reason, Nil.

  5. Your soup looked so good!!! I love soup and can eat it anytime of year. I knew as soon as I saw the recipe for Turkey Gravy on Biscuits, it was from the Tightwad Gazette. LOL I loved getting her newsletters back in the 1990's. Did you ever make a decision if you were going to sell all your newsletters? Janel in NJ

    1. You have the best memory, Janel. I had the newsletters out this week and thought about that again. Would you be interested in them? I loved The Tightwad Gazette when I was getting the newsletters. I looked forward to it all month long, but these days need to downsize. So, please let me know.

      The soup was good and not spicy at all, so I enjoyed it even more.

    2. Yes Belinda, I am interested in the newsletters. I unfortunately got rid of all my newsletters years ago...I was so sad after I did that. Let me know how much you would want for them, and I'll see if I can afford them :) Thanks so much! Janel

    3. Sounds good Janel. Please email me at, so I will have your email address.

  6. I use my dash to make small batches of cornbread also. It is a game changer, especially in the summertime.

    1. I love it Anne! Great minds think alike. 💕

  7. It all sounds delicious, especially the soup! Yum!


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