Friday, September 6, 2024

First Frugal Friday September 2024


Welcome to Frugal Friday! 

Quote of the Week

If you don’t see a clear path for yourself, sometimes you have to make it yourself. Embrace the journey, carve your own way, and never be afraid to create your own opportunities.

My Frugal Week

We finally received some much needed rain on Sunday evening. 

After paying bills this week, I went ahead and did my budget for the next year just to get an idea of my own financial picture.  Keeping on top of my finances is a good money saving/penny pinching habit/skill to possess that helps me stay on track and adapt to changes in my financial situation. This helps me to always be making progress. 

I've been able to turn the air off in the house a couple of hours each day, and turn off lights during the day, which helps save on electricity. 

I listed one thing for sale on eBay this week and it sold immediately. I love it when that happens. 

On Wednesday I had errands to run including two doctors appointments. One was for a cortisone shot in my shoulder, the other for an echo for surgical clearance. I brought my lunch to eat between visits, but the echo tech called, knowing I was in the building, and said she was ready for me now, which was very thoughtful and saved me time. 

On Thursday we went to a church yard sale. I picked up a brand new Kohl's sweater with the original price tag of $40 for $2.00. Along with a nice pair of warm thermal socks for this winter, a Disney princess coffee cup (Christmas present) and a storage container with handle all for $4.00. 


One of the local churches was giving away free food on Saturday. We got four winter squashes, one watermelon, granola bars, meat, blueberries, onions, and some potatoes. 

Saving Money YouTube Videos

Jennifer Thornton ~ I first saw a video by Jennifer on TikTok and was intrigued by some of her money saving meal videos. If you're not on TikTok, you can see some of her videos on Youtube or Instagram, but she has a Value Menu Meal Series on TikTok that is very educational that she does not have posted on YouTube. 

Saving Money on Entertainment

I had been watching Leave it to Beaver on Facebook, but sometimes they only show parts of the show, so I've been watching it on Tubi Tv for free this week. Tubi is a free and legal video streaming application, which keeps it free by showing advertisements.  I'd rather watch an ad than pay to watch old television shows. 

What I've been Reading This Week

18 Ways to Save Money on a Tight Budget

37 Frugal Living Tips To Save A Ton Of Money

My Frugal Kitchen ~ Stretching Our Food Dollars

All meals were cooked at home this week. Eating out is reserved for special occasions as restaurant prices have risen along with higher food costs. Eating at home allows me to keep an eye on food items that need to be used up before they go to waste, further stretching our food dollars and allowing us to have a lower food bill.

We've been eating in season produce along with several meatless meals in order to keep our grocery bill lower. We've been eating apples, which we purchased at the local apple orchard along with the free watermelon we received this week. 

I grated my own cheese this week that I bought previously on sale and stored in the freezer. It crumbles and shreds so easily after it has been frozen. 

I used my slow cooker this week to save on fuel for cooking.

The Dinner Menu

Saturday ~ Homemade Chicken Nuggets, Baked Squash, and Green Beans with Onions. 

Sunday ~Chorizo Tacos, Corn, Green Beans & Onions. I also put some pinto beans on to soak, cut up a watermelon, and made sweet tea. Last week I made soup beans (great northern) and this week it was pinto beans. I have a big stockpile of various dried beans to have plenty of variety. 

We bought the Chorizo at the UGO for $1.00 and weren't sure we would like it, but Bailey did and we will definitely buy it when we see it again. As with closeout stores in general, you don't know what you'll find each time you shop. 

Monday ~ Leftover Chorizo Tacos plus I made Taco Style Lentils & Rice as I found the Chorizo too spicy. This is an older recipe from the original Hillbilly Housewife website. It has a really good flavor and makes a great filling for burritos or tacos. I served this with corn and watermelon. I cooked the pinto beans I soaked overnight in order to make dinner on Wednesday. 

Tuesday ~ Pinto Beans, Cottage Cheese, Chopped Tomatoes. Bailey was out of the house for dinner, so I kept my dinner simple. 

Wednesday ~ I had a rotisserie chicken thawing in the fridge, so I pulled the meat off the bones. Added to a skillet with green chilies, onions, and taco seasoning. I chopped up tomatoes and served them with my homemade cottage cheese chipotle ranch and tortillas. Sides were a choice of watermelon, corn, pinto bean and grapes. 

Thursday ~ Bean & Cheese Enchiladas, which used more of the pinto beans I cooked for this week. I used a can of enchilada sauce we received for free earlier this year from someone’s pantry clean out. I added some of the rotisserie chicken from Wednesday to boost the protein. Sides were corn, watermelon, and grapes. 

Friday~ I’m making the Lentil Loaf from the Living Simply FB group, and I’ll make up a package of vegetarian brown gravy that has been in my pantry to use it up and get it out of there as a sauce for the loaf. I’ll serve this with roasted sweet potatoes and steamed broccoli. 

What’s been on the menu in your home this past week?

How was your week?  Did you manage your home, pantry or garden well this week?  We would love to hear all about it.      

Thank you for dropping by my frugal blog, you are always welcome here. 

We would love to hear all about your week in the comment section.

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27


  1. I haven't looked at tubi yet and that is one of the choices I have on my TV. Must take a look.

    Great deal on the sweater. You always do so well on your visits to garage sale/church sales.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you, Jackie. I was tickled to find the sweater. I think you’ll like Tubi, there is a lot to watch on there. 😊

  2. I love the fresh veggies that we are able to get right now. Wish the summer would last!
    I'm going for an echo in a week or so. Is it a bad test?

    1. No, the echo wasn't bad at all, Vickie. They hook the cables onto you and then use a wand moving across your upper chest and heart area. No problems at all and only took about 20 minutes, although they said it could take up to one hour. I'm hoping for excellent results for you.

  3. I have the same sweater from kohls in two different colors. Got them for work on clearance for 9 dollars each, but love your price better! They are really soft and comfortable and perfect for a cool morning going to work.

    1. Wonderful! Thank you so much. I love the way it fits and what a great price you were able to get them for too, I love it!

  4. I love your quote; I think I am becoming braver in my "old age" as I care less about what other people think. :D
    Sounds like a good week for you. I hope that you have good results from your tests, and that you are cleared for your surgery. My mil had knee replacement surgery a few weeks ago, and she is doing really well.

    1. LOL Kathy, I have always heard that about "older" women, they say what they think! LOL

      Thank you, That Is great news about your MIL.


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