Friday, August 23, 2024

Fourth Frugal Friday of August 2024

Welcome to Frugal Friday! 

My Frugal Week

On Saturday I cleaned out the refrigerator to be able to get a few things out of there that I wanted the trash man to take off that day, such as the chicken bones (after making broth) from the rotisserie chickens that I bought last week. 

A Rakuten check came in the mail for me this week for $5.23, which is small, but  I'll take it. If you're interested in joining to get cash back on things your normally buy, here is a link where we will both get $30.00. 

On Monday I had my Reclast infusion and have felt poorly this week as a result. I'm not going to do this treatment next year as it was too hard on me this time. I'll be researching other options. 

Dad's 5th wheel camper was moved off his property this week along with the propane tank from Amerigas. Both of those took longer than I thought they would, but the area is all neat and tidy now, which makes it more attractive to potential buyers. A sign that life moves forward even if our hearts are not ready. 


I went to the dentist on Thursday to get my teeth cleaned and they gave me these freebies. 

My Frugal Kitchen

I've been in use it up mode this week, turning to some pantry staples to make dinners this week. It's always a good feeling to use up those items. 

What’s for Dinner

Monday & Tuesday ~ Grilled Chicken, Garden Salad. 

Wednesday ~ Prince Spaghetti Day!  I checked around in the freezer for some meat for this dinner and found one lone hamburger patty, so I used that along with some crushed tomatoes, spaghetti sauce seasoning mix, and edamame pasta (freebie). 

Thursday & Friday ~ White Chicken Enchiladas, Deviled Eggs, Salad. I used the rotisserie chicken, which was stored in the freezer, I got on markdown last week to make these along with some diced green chilies I had in the freezer. I'd rather use those than my canned version to free up more freezer space. 

What’s been on the menu in your home this past week?

What I've been Reading This Week

From the Dollar Stretcher...9 Ways To Stretch Your Savings During the Peak of Summer Heat ~ I've been turning our air conditioning off at night as we simply do not need it at that time and our daily electric usage has gone down as result. 

How has your week been?  

Thank you for dropping by my frugal blog, you are always welcome here. 

We would love to hear all about your week in the comment section.

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27


  1. I like it cold at night so I would be frantic with the air off at night. That is probably a big power usage here but I have always been hot at night. We had baby back ribs last night and that was a real treat! I made granola and no bake cookies this week. Only spent $12 at the grocery store so that was a win.

    I hope you feel better soon!

    1. Thank you, Lana.

      Wow! You did great at the grocery store this week. Bailey is the exact same as you when it comes to the air, so I wait until she is asleep before I turn the ac off. Since losing weight I tend to get colder much to her dismay, lol. I remember when I was hot natured though and I paid to run the ac regularly, so I totally understand that.

      Your baby back ribs sounds so good and homemade granola and no bake cookies also sound good and a nice way to not heat up the kitchen.

  2. I'm so sorry that you have been feeling poorly. I hope you feel better soon. I'm supposed to start on fosamax since chemo/radiation caused problems. Hope that we can both find something that will work for us without all the side effects.
    Your meals sound tasty; I need to try your chicken enchiladas. I think my husband is going to smoke a pork butt this weekend since that has been the only thing on a good sale lately, and I love BBQ.
    Sending hugs as you get your Dad's property ready to sell. I hope you have a good weekend.

    1. Thank you, Kathy. I am feeling better this afternoon, which is good as I didn't even want to walk down the stairs yesterday due to the pain. I feel your pain on the Fosamax. My doctor ruled that out for me, but I can't recall why right now. We need to keep each other updated.

      Smoked pork butt sounds so good! Good for Labor Day coming up soon too. We also love BBQ here.

      They just sent me pictures of the property and it looks so good. I told them I wasn't coming over right now because of the pain and stair climbing. So they sent pictures, which was so sweet of them.

      I hope your weekend is a good one too. :)

  3. So sorry you have been feeling poorly this week. Hopefully they can find something different.
    Sometimes it is nice to get things gone even though it is tough emotionally.
    Take care.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. Yes, I agree, it is nice to get these things done even though it makes us feel melancholy.

  4. Belinda, I'm glad you are looking into other treatments. Sometimes we need to be our own advocate. You guys have done a lot of work at Dad's and he would be proud. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you so much, Vickie. I’d like to think it would have made him very happy. 💕

  5. I understand all too well about things happening and life moving on even if the heart is not ready. I still drive by Mom's street nearly every day (just because it is on my way out of the neighborhood) and I can't help myself from looking to see the front corner of her house every time.

    1. (((Anne))) I understand your wanting to look. I would want to do the same thing. I still look at my in-laws home when we drive by. ❤️ 💕

  6. I do hope you feel better very soon. I seem to be in use it up mode a great many days lately. I always seem to be cooking or purchasing way too much lately. Also the garden is producing more than we can use. I am going to be giving some cucumbers away after filling a container with some sliced.

    God bless.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you, Jackie. Oh yes, it’s the time of year when the kitchen seems to be overflowing from the garden. How neat!

  7. It has been over 30 years, almost 40, and I still have to go by Mama's house when we go to Memphis, which is almost never.
    Tommy has learned the hard way to never turn off the AC after I go to sleep. Then, I start to sweat and cannot breathe! He covers up more.

    1. That is so sweet that you still go by your Mama’s home after all these years, Linda. I Tots derstand about the ac too. I used to be very hot natured.

  8. (Little Penpen) I’m sorry you’ve felt so bad after your infusion. I hope next week has you feeling better. It sounds like your dad’s place is really shaping up. I hope just the right person will purchase it. We bought rotisserie chickens from Sam’s this week. We froze some of the meat and made broth. That’s always a good feeling to use that chicken all the way up!

    1. Thank you, Penny. Yum, the Sam’s Club rotisserie chickens are so nice and big! We really like those. I hope you all enjoy them. 😋

  9. I hope you feel better now, Belinda.

    I too turn off AC at night. And use fans more often.
    I feel cold very quickly, so even when I use AC I keep it at a higher temperature.

    1. Thank you, Nil. Everyday I feel a little bit better, thank the Lord. I keep the ac up higher these days too. No need to pay to be colder than necessary.

  10. We always turn off the AC at night too. I really can't sleep with it turned on. We try not to use it too much during the day either - it's set on 26° (c, which is 78° f) but for the past days it hasn't been used. And it's around 28° c in our house right now, I guess I'm just used to it. It does help that we live in a desert so it's not humid.

    1. Oh, that is so nice to not have it humid where you live. I would love that!


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