Friday, May 3, 2024

First Frugal Friday of May 2024

 Welcome to Frugal Friday! 

My Frugal Week

It's been a whirlwind of activity this week as I went to the ortho doctor on Tuesday for shots in both knees. My BMI is very close to the range he wants in order to do my double knee replacement, so my next appointment will be with the surgeon in three months to discuss my options. 

Afterwards I went to Walmart, Gordon Foods, and Whole Foods. I also went to Trader Joe's after an appointment on Thursday to pick up some orange chicken and tahini. 

Twice this past week I cleaned up a bit downstairs and had more rubbish for the garbage man. I also cleaned off the back porch and disassembled a shelf and used zip ties to tie it together for the next consignment sale. 

Earlier in the week I bought some very large contractor garbage bags for downstairs. On Thursday I went down there and put some of the regular garbage bags into these heavy duty bags as some of the regular bags were so heavy they were busting through the bags. Hopefully these will solve this problem. 

I weeded the flower bed next to Dad's office door. It's early in the season, but things are already growing with this warm weather we are having. 

We were able to air out the house on multiple days this week as the weather was just beautiful and the cool breeze through the house felt good. 

On Saturday Bailey went to a couple of yard sales, but I stayed home to do laundry, clean, and visit as one of our neighbors was coming over. 

My Vidalia Chop Wizard bit the dust recently and I put the word out that I need another one. They are a dime a dozen on the second hand market, so I am not paying $22 for a new one. Bailey found an old fashioned chopper like this at the yard sale for $1.00, so I'll use it until we score a chop wizard.

Good Neighbors 

Sunday was a whirlwind of activity as several of the neighbors learned about Dad's passing. We had about half a dozen neighbors come over. One of them brought all of Dad's tractor implements all the way up to the house where they are in plain sight of my kitchen window. He offered to mow the lawn for me and plans to do that this week. 

Another neighbor came on Monday and weeded one area and trimmed the holly bushes for us. It’s in an area where Bailey parks her car and Bailey had been working on the area when her power saw broke. I told our neighbor Bailey was going to be thrilled when she saw it, and about that time Bailey drove up and was tickled pink when she saw it. 

We ended up selling Dad's tractor to the neighbor's father-in-law and sold an outbuilding off  Dad's property across the road to a different neighbor. It was a wonderful feeling of fellowship, community and comradery. They all know we are alone and vulnerable up here without Dad and they all told me to call them if we ever need anything. 

It did make me sad to see Dad's tractor drive down the driveway for the last time.  He bought it in 1991, so it's been a huge part of our lives here for over thirty years and I couldn't tell you how many hours he put on it working around our home. 

We also ended up selling Dad's 5th Wheel Camper this week, so it's been a very busy week here. 

Photo of the Week

Wildflowers currently growing on Dad's property across the road. 

Savings of the Week

I went to Gordon Foods to buy their large can of black olives, which is a better deal than the smaller cans at other stores. Gordon's 110 ounce can sells for $11.99, which works out to 66 cents for the six ounce can, which sells at Walmart for $1.94. So, big savings where black olives are concerned. 

Question of the Week

If you had the opportunity to purchase all the original The Tightwad Gazette newsletters in a three ring binder, would you buy them? And if so, what would you be willing to pay for them?

Avoiding Spending

This week was bill paying week, so I didn't avoid spending money, but all the bills have been paid, so I'm very grateful. 

Thank you for dropping by my frugal blog, you are always welcome here. 

We would love to hear all about your week in the comment section.

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27


  1. I love that about your neighbors. Such good people! You are blessed.

    1. Thank you, Vickie. Our neighbors are wonderful. :)

  2. I know what you mean about community. My neighbors were so much help last year. I don't think I'd want the TWG newsletters in a binder when she has all content in her books. If you'd like for nostalgia that's another thing.

    1. I'm glad you had your neighbors last year, Sam.

      Thanks for the answer. If it were a subject I was interested in, I would probably go the cheap route ahd buy the book. LOL

  3. (Little Penpen)!it sounds like you have top of the line neighbors. I’m sure it’s great to have the help. I’m rooting for you to get the approval for your knee surgeries.

  4. I don't know how many are in the binder or how many pages. The dates would help in determining the price.
    It sounds like great progress where you are.

    1. That i good to know, Linda. If I do decide to sell them, I'll be sure to include that information. Thank you, yes, we are really making progress here and I like that.

  5. Bobbi in VirginiaMay 3, 2024 at 4:41 PM

    You have had a busy week, Belinda. Good friends and neighbors are priceless. I have the entire set of the original Tightwad Gazette newsletters as I used to subscribe to them. I also have The Tightwad Gazette Book II. I still get the newsletters out to read them about once a year. I remember they were $1 per issue back then. I pray your knee replacement surgery can take place soon. Great work on lowering your weight/BMI. I LOVE black olives but my husband thinks he will die if he eats one!!! That's okay, more for me!

    1. Bahaha, how funny, Bobbi. We love black olives and will put them in a lot of dishes. lol I too was an original subscriber to the newsletters and loved getting one in the mail every month. It's been a while since I've read them though.

  6. It is wonderful and comforting to have such kind and caring neighbors. I am happy for you. I know it is sad to see things go - but it will still be helping someone.
    I have the TWG books, but I do have a whole mess of the original newsletters too! In 3 ring binders. Figure someday they may be worth something more than the books.

    1. My neighbor bought Dad's camper and is going to park it on the land behind us, so I comfort myself by saying it will still be in the neighborhood. lol

      Hye! That is good thinking on the newsletters. I better hand on to mine too. :)

  7. I am so glad you have such wonderful neighbours. I know how hard it is to see things go that we remember. When we cleared out Dad's place lots went to the Salvation Army and Value Village here in Candad.

    God bless.

    1. Oh, I'm glad you also had somewhere to donate items, Jackie. For me, I was happy that someone else could use these items.

  8. Tommy hates black olives and will go berserk if he sees one. I love them.

  9. Wow Sky, I just love the kindness of strangers. How nice all of them were to you and your hubby in your time if distress. I love it and I'm glad you got it all fixed and back on your way. I'm also glad there was no engine damage.

    Hoping you have a terrific weekend too. :)

  10. It sounds like you had a good, yet bittersweet week. It is hard when we see the "last" of our parents items. After years I can now drive by my Mom's street without always glancing at her house (I still do it just not every single time)
    Have a great week this week, and continue to appreciate the gift of help from others.

  11. Writing this thought as a recipient of 2 perfect twin knees that allow me to walk and climb stairs to my heart's content, and I do mean as much as 40 miles in a week! (also an Orthopedic OR RN). Can you get that Ortho appt moved up? Many of the joint docs have surgery schedules full for 6-9 months and I'd hate for you to have to wait that long! I know Medicare requires injections and PT prior to surgery but you could get on the schedule for 6 months out now rather than next spring.

    1. Thank you, Elle. The ortho dr actually wants my BMI at this number for 6 months before he will do the surgery, so I will be waiting anyway, unfortunately. How neat that you have two perfect knees now, i love that!


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