Monday, March 24, 2025

Menu Plan Monday ~ Saving Money in my Frugal Kitchen ~ Week #3 March 2025


Thank you all for the well wishes you sent to me this week. You are such blessings to me. 💕 

My Frugal Week

Those $2 rotisserie chickens I bought recently really came in handy after my surgery. I took the breast meat off and warmed it up in a skillet with onions and seasonings and we ate it on salads for a couple of days after I came home. I was very grateful to have them in the freezer. 

We didn’t practice a lot of frugality while I was in the hospital as Bailey did bring protein bars, but did get a salad at Subway one night. I did have a little bit of food waste at home this week, but it is what it is with me being out of commission part of the week. 

How are you doing? How are you doing navigating grocery store prices these days? Mrs. White over at The Legacy of Home wrote a good article about this topic called, Getting By with Little Money. It’s a look into the past in 1940 when times were also hard financially and people had to make do because of hard financial times.

Here are some ideas that might help:

Saving money in the kitchen is all about smart shopping, reducing waste, and maximizing efficiency. 

1. Plan Your Meals – Create a weekly meal plan to avoid impulse buys.

2. Make a Shopping List – Stick to it to prevent unnecessary spending unless you find amazing markdowns. 

3. Buy in Bulk – Purchase staples like rice, beans, and pasta in bulk to save per unit cost.

4. Use Coupons & Discounts – Check for deals, use cashback apps, and shop during sales.

5. Buy Seasonal & Local Produce – It’s fresher, cheaper, and tastes better.

6. Limit Processed Foods – They cost more and are often less healthy.

Reducing Food Waste

7. Use Leftovers Creatively – Turn extra veggies into soups, stir-fries, or omelets.

8. Freeze Excess Food – Preserve fruits, meats, and leftovers before they go bad.

9. Store Food Properly – Keep produce fresh longer with proper storage techniques.

10. First In, First Out (FIFO) – Use older ingredients before opening new ones.

11. Make Your Own Broth – Use veggie scraps and bones to make homemade stock.

Cooking Efficiently

12. Cook in Batches – Prepare meals in bulk to save time and energy.

13. Use Energy-Efficient Appliances – Pressure cookers, air fryers, and slow cookers use less power.

14. Cover Pots While Cooking – This reduces cooking time and saves energy.

15. Use Residual Heat – Turn off the oven a few minutes early; food will keep cooking.

DIY & Substitutions

16. Make Your Own Coffee & Drinks – Skip the expensive coffee shop habit. I love to make my own protein drinks with either a protein shake or protein powder and almond milk, ice, and a squirt of calorie free skinny syrup. Bailey does the same thing with protein and coffee. 

17. DIY Cleaning Products – Vinegar and baking soda work wonders. We are out of Lysol for the moment, so I mixed up some Dawn and water in our spray bottles until I can get this replaced. 

18. Grow Your Own Herbs – Basil, mint, and cilantro are easy to grow at home.

19. Use Less Meat – Swap in beans, lentils, or tofu for budget-friendly protein.

20. Bake Your Own Bread & Snacks – Homemade versions are often cheaper and healthier.

How about you? Any tips to share with us? In the meantime, here is what we had for dinner this last week


What’s for Dinner

Monday ~ Chicken Tacos, Corn or Flour Tortillas, Cheddar Cheese, Tomatoes, Black Olives, Red Onions, and Corn on the side. 

Movie Night Tuesday ~ We used Sunday’s chicken to make chicken quesadillas and then I put what is left into the freezer for another day. 

Wednesday ~ Ginger Chicken Stir-fry, Salad, Roasted Carrot Hummus, Red Bell Peppers & Celery Sticks. 

Thursday ~ Hospital dinner of Turkey and Dressing with gravy and green beans. 

Friday & Saturday & Sunday ~ We had plenty of salad fixings in the house, so we’ve been eating those to make it easier to clean up while I’m recuperating. 

What’s been on the menu in your home this past week?

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27


  1. I barely remember. chicken, squash, boiled cabbage. We dip what we want, and often leave less than one serving. We do keep it and one of us eat it next meal.

    1. Sounds delicious, Linda. I have cabbage I’ll be using this week too.

  2. Glad the surgery is done and you are on to healing now.
    Great tips - all of them.
    Hope you have a healing and restful week.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. I have my first physical therapy appointment this morning and I’m hoping for the best.

  3. You're a trooper! You did so much better than I felt I did with knee one, and now already home and getting knee two back in shape. Good for you!

    1. 😂 Thanks, Sam. I’m definitely determined to make it work.

  4. I am happy you are healing nicely. That is such a painful surgery!

  5. Those chickens sure were a blessing! Surprisingly, I'm under budget for the month, despite spending quite a bit at the drugstores. That makes me very happy. I hope you are healing well Belinda!

    1. They sure were a blessing, Ms. Gee. I’m doing ok, thank you for asking. 😊

  6. What a great deal on the chicken, and I'm glad it came in handy for yummy meals. Your ginger stir fry sounds so good too.Great kitchen tips.
    Hope that you are healing well, and I hope you aren't in too much pain. Wishing you a quick recovery.

    1. Thank you, Kathy. So far so good, although this was different from the last leg, but they all told me to expect that, so I am. I made it thru my first physical therapy session, which makes me very happy!

  7. I am so glad to read you are healing well. Good kitchen/cooking tips. Isn't it amazing how what is old is becoming new. I read about becoming frugal on news channels now, and that was something that I had never seen before.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you, Jackie. Amy Dacyczyn said that times were hard when you heard about frugality in the news. I hope it’s not too rough of a ride.

  8. I'm so glad your first physical therapy appointment went well! You shared some great kitchen tips! I need all the help I can husband still hasn't found a job yet. (it's been 3 months now) It's hard practicing frugality while you're in the hospital...don't be too hard on yourself. Happy healing! Janel in NJ

    1. Thank you, Janel. You’re welcome for the tips. So many of us are doing the best we can to stretch our grocery budget dollars. I hope your husband is able to find a job soon. So many employers don’t even contact people who apply for their jobs and then the advertise the job again in a few weeks. It’s very odd to me. I wish you all the very best.


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