Monday, February 10, 2025

Menu Plan Monday ~ Saving Money in my Frugal Kitchen ~ Week #2 of February 2025

My Frugal Week

This week I opened up the large can (105 ounces) of peaches we bought at Kroger for $8.99 a while back. We’ve been enjoying them with a scoop of cottage cheese this week and I also added some to my gelatin cups.  

One of my friends gave me some fresh mushrooms the other day, so I dried them in the oven and have them in a canning jar now to use when needed. 

Recipe of the Week

Creamy Potato Soup


  • 5 pounds russet potatoes, chopped
    Smoked ham hocks 
    2 cups chopped yellow onion
    1 cup chopped celery 
    2 tablespoons minced garlic cloves 
    2 tablespoons chopped fresh thyme
    2 teaspoons salt
    1 teaspoon pepper
    5 cups chicken broth
    1 cup heavy cream


Add potatoes, ham hocks, onion, celery, garlic, thyme, salt, and pepper in a slow cooker.

Add broth, and stir to combine. 

Cover and cook on high until potatoes are tender, 4 hours

Remove ham hocks, and place on a plate to cool 15 minutes.

Puree soup in slow cooker with an immersion blender until it's creamy. 

Feel free to leave some whole pieces of potato.

Add cream, and stir.

Once ham hocks are cool enough to handle, remove meat and chop. 

Discard fat and bone. 

Add meat to soup, and stir to combine.

Ladle soup in bowls and top with your choice of toppings

Photo of the Week


What’s for Dinner

Monday ~ Cheesy Potatoes using a marked down package of ground beef, Yukon gold potatoes, and cheddar cheese. Served alongside with corn and salad. 

Movie Night Tuesday ~ Homemade Pizza for movie night. 🎥 🍿 

Wednesday, Thursday & Friday ~ Using a marked down rotisserie chicken for $3.97 from Walmart, which I deboned, I made Chicken Taco Meat and served that with tortillas, cheddar cheese, tomatoes, onions, lettuce, and corn. 

Saturday ~ I put a five pound bag of chicken leg quarters in the crockpot early in the morning and later deboned and skinned them. I then added onions and spices and let that cook all day long. I served that with your choice of a baked sweet potato or Yukon gold, and a stir fry of various vegetables. 

Souper Sunday ~ Ham & Potato Soup. 

What’s been on the menu in your home this past week?

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27


  1. All the dishes sound delicious!

  2. Had me drooling at cheesy potatoes. One of my favorite bites. Of course, I like anything cheese!!

    1. Me too, Cheryl. I loved a baked potato with cheese. 😋

  3. We love potato soup and I have a quick and easy recipe we use. It makes up so fast! Enjoy yours! I have a hambone I’m planning to cook limas with this week.

  4. Now there's a question. I've had all sorts this last week.
    Thanks for the soup recipe - it looks so delicious. xx

  5. I haven't made potato soup in ages! I will add that to my menu for next week. Maybe I can convince the daughter to make some crusty bread to go along with the soup.

  6. Your potato soup sounds delicious! Thanks for the recipe!
    I need to check on those rotisserie chickens at Walmart. What a great deal!
    Hope you have a lovely week.

    1. You're welcome, Kathy. That is such a good deal on the rotisserie chickens at Walmart. I look whenever I go in there to shop.

  7. Over the past while I have added some potato soup and veggie soup to the freezer. That should see me soup wise through the month of February and into March. Then I will need to make more.

    God bless.

    1. Oh, I love having soup in the freezer like that, Jackie. It's a great go to meal when I need something quick and easy.

  8. Sounds all very good! I made some potato soup recently too and then realized I didn't make potato soup in ages, although we all enjoy it. In my version, I also add some cheese. While I don't use a lot of cheese in most dishes, cheese in potato soup is a key ingredient in my opinion, makes it even more delicious 🥰

    1. Thank you! Oh yes on the cheese! I added some to my bowl too, it makes it even better.


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