Friday, September 20, 2024

Third Frugal Friday of September 2024

 Welcome to Frugal Friday! 

Quote of the Week
Since then I have never forgotten how the smallest of things add up.  The water dripping at the faucet, unsealed windows that let cold air in or lose the heating and cooling inside. Unnecessary trips to the store, wasted food, leaving things plugged in or turned on.  ~ Grandma Donna
My Frugal Week

I'm still gathering items for the next consignment sale, Grown Zone. I don't spend much time on it each day, but rather when I put dishes away in the kitchen and see something I no longer need, I'll stick it in the consignment box. 

On Tuesday I went to the retina specialist and received injections in both eyes and will return in four weeks. He said my eyes were better than last time, so injections work better every four weeks for me at this time. Afterwards we went to CVS to use  our $10 monthly reward and picked up this box of baby wipes for free.  

Afterwards we came home and I heated up part of Monday night's dinner for lunch. Then I stripped my bed of all the sheets and bed clothes, washed them, and remade the bed. 

I sold one item on eBay this week that I was going to donate to the consignment sale, so that was good. 

I called Verizon this week and set up my payment on automatic, which will save me $20 per month. 

On Wednesday I had some errands to run and picked up some groceries from Walmart. I was shocked when I walked in and the first thing I saw was an aisle of Christmas items for sale. They are definitely pushing it earlier each year. 

The cabinets in our kitchen have veneer faces on them and one of the bottom pieces was coming off on one end, so I fired up the hot glue gun and fixed it, so it will now stay in place and stop dropping down when I put glasses away, which is a very affordable way to fix something. That and duct tape are our friends. LOL 

Thursday and Friday I measured and processed clothing items for Bailey's online shops. 

I went over my budget again on Thursday for next month. I've been very careful not to spend any extra money this month and only buying the bare essentials at the grocery store. 

We washed all our kitchen linens this week along with our cloth napkins. I've not bought paper towels for several years now. #reusablecloth

We've been enjoying cooler temperatures this week. I've had the air off in my office/bedroom all week and had the windows open, which I love. 


Free Mushroom Cookbooks & Recipes

Photo & Savings of the Week

Walmart had their two pound blocks of cheese on rollback this week for $6.34, which works out to $1.59 for an eight ounce block, which is  good price, so I bought two of them.

Question of the Week

What is the number one way you live below your means?

Avoiding Spending

This week I didn't avoid spending money as I spent on a few groceries ($28) and dewormer for the cats. I ordered the Profender from CanadaVet because the medicine is cheaper there and does not require a prescription, so potentially a lot of savings there. 

I have no issues with going to the vet, but I don't want to pay for a visit to get a prescription when I know they need medicine for fleas, ticks, or worms. 

Saving Money YouTube Videos

20 Items that Save Us Thousands of Dollars by Frugal Money Saver

What I've been Reading This Week

Low-cost living: Frugality as a way of life - A lot of good tips from writer Patrice Lewis in this post. 

Pennsylvania Dutch Cooking Cookbook

35 Easy Cheap Dinner Ideas to Make

Thank you for dropping by my frugal blog, you are always welcome here. 

We would love to hear all about your week in the comment section.

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27


  1. I shiver every time you mention eyes and injection in the same sentence. Oh my.
    Thanks for the name of the place to get pet meds. I am like you - no sense to stress my older cat going to vet to get a dewormer (w/script).
    Yes, duct tape and hot glue are our friends.
    Have a nice weekend.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. Yes, I’m happy to be able to get an RX for my kitties when it’s something I know they need. I hope you also have a great weekend.

  2. We also love cloth napkins. It feels really great to not have the waste, and also save money. I made one eBay sale, and used a few coupons, but nothing too exciting. (Hawaii Planner)

    1. I love those eBay sales! Even one makes my day. :)

  3. I am amazed at how well you stick to your budget.., sadly I'm not so discipled when it comes to groceries.
    I've gone through the shots in my eyes before, it sounds worse than it actually is, thank goodness.

    1. Yes, Jo, I've gotten used to the shots, so they don't bother me like they used too.

  4. Sounds like you have had some good savings!
    I hope the injections help, and that your eyes will continue to improve.
    I'm almost out of cheese so I'll check Walmart to see if our store has it on sale too.
    It has been a spendy week/month here. I had to buy a dressy dress for my son's wedding. Husband needed to rent a tux, and daughter needed a dress. Still need shoes...then water heater element started going out, but dh was able to replace them, and today the computer screen in the car is giving us the blue screen but hopefully we can reboot it?..
    Hope you have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you, Kathy. Sounds like a spendy week for sure in your home. I would love to see a picture of your dress, I'm sure it's beautiful! I'm glad your dh was able to replace the water heater element, DIY saves so much money. And, I hope you can reboot your car blue screen. Car repairs are expensive these days.

    2. Ahh the dress...I ordered it online since I hate shopping and trying on clothes. Let's just say that it doesn't look as good on my chubby middle aged body as it did on the model. I told my husband it was a good thing that nobody cares what I wear, and he said that he cares, and he likes it. <3

    3. Awwww.....what sweet thing to say. He is a keeper!!

  5. Thank you for the info on Canada Vet. I looked them up and plan to use them.

    1. You're welcome, Kathy. Anything that will help us save money I'm going to share. :)

  6. Yes, thank you for the Canada Vets information!

  7. you are full of good info- thanks for the place to look for animal meds. Have a great weekend.


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