Friday, July 5, 2024

First Frugal Friday of July 2024


Welcome to Frugal Friday! 

My Frugal Week

My Lymphedema trunk pump came last Friday and I watched several videos on how to set it up and it has a lot of hoses! It is already helping to eliminate the excess lymph fluid in my trunk area. The representative came out on Wednesday to check and make sure I was using it correctly. 

It was quiet around here over the weekend then on Sunday we heard a lot of thunder, but never did get any rain out of the storm. We finally did get a little bit of rain later in the week though. 

This was bill paying week and I've gotten all my bills paid for the month. I like to have it behind me as early in the month as possible. 


One of my favorite daily emails comes from the One Bird a Day website. In it they show a photo of the bird and then you can hear how the bird sounds, which I love. 

Here is a link if you're interested: One Bird a Day

Question of the Week

I saw this post today in my local Facebook group:

I feel his pain. Gone are the days, I think, when we could really stock up on groceries when there was a good sale. ???

What do you think?

Saving Money on Entertainment

I've been watching Leave it to Beaver on Facebook recently. My Dad always watched it in the mornings and it reminds me of him. I like that I'm able to watch shows like this for free on Facebook. 

What I've been Reading This Week

Our Money Blog ~ Carrie used to blog over at CreditCardFree's Personal Finance Blog. In fact if you look around that site, you'll find several other financial blogs to read. 

Bailey and I are currently reading Daisy Jones and the Six. It is supposed to be based on a true story and loosely based on Fleetwood Mac. When we are done reading the book we are going to watch the film. There are ten episodes, which are free to watch if you have Amazon Prime

Thank you for dropping by my frugal blog, you are always welcome here. 

We would love to hear all about your week in the comment section.

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27


  1. We no longer drink pop ...thank goodness! We have bought it though for holidays not for everyday. I used to drink it a lot but now I realize how bad it is for you. Tea now..that's another story ha ha. I still get deals but I have to work really hard at it. Happy 4th of July weekend Belinda.

    1. Thank you, Vickie. We are definitely tea drinkers here too. We love it and drink it everyday.

  2. But Belinda, the government keeps telling us there is no inflation! How can this be? Of course they don't measure the two items that cost regular families the most-food and gas. 8-(

  3. Oh I'm glad that you were able to get the pump, and I hope it helps with the swelling.
    I have been having trouble keeping my grocery spending down this past year. I'm hoping that with the garden and fresh veggies, I will spend a little less this summer?
    Let us know how you like the book and movie. Thanks for the link for the finance blog too.
    Hope you have a great weekend. Looks like another hot one. I don't ever remember have such a long dry stretch of 90+ temps here in the mountains.

    1. Thank you, Kathy. I hope your garden will help you save money this year too. I will definitely update you on the book and movie. Yes, it is going to be hot this weekend. I went outside and it feels like walking into an oven. Ugh~! I hope you have a great weekend too.

  4. Inflation has definitely impacted our shopping budget. But, I think if you're buying mostly ingredients vs packaged food, it's less. The packaged food increases are absolutely insane. I don't buy much, but went to stock up on snacks for the teens for our trip to Lake Tahoe, and I was totally taken aback by the prices of chips, crackers, cookies, etc. I'm glad that's something we don't buy often.

    We also have a large garden, although it's been pretty hot this year, so hopefully most things make it.

    Hope the pump is a huge help for you!

    1. Such a great point on package food verses ingredients. Yes, the packaged/processed food is very expensive. We also do not buy those items very often. I hope your garden does well this year too in spite of the heat. And thanks, the pump is helping.

  5. Oh, that was Hawaii Planner. I keep forgetting that Blogger doesn't let me comment as myself!

  6. Glad you got the pump and that it is helping.
    I think it depends on locale as well. Here, I still get some great deals and some good prices. Those things like pop that have gone so far up, I quit buying. I drink tea or water. It has changed shopping some, for me, but I till get some good deals.
    When the govt. talks inflation - they leave out food and gas which are the 2 important items for everyone.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. Sluggy said the very same thing about food and gas. GMTA. I'm glad you can still get good deals in your area.

  7. How can you not include food and petrol/fuel when judging inflation? It doesn't make sense.
    I'm glad the pump is helping. xx

    1. Thank you, Joy. And I agree with you on them not including food and fuel when judging inflation. That makes no sense,

  8. Price of everything has gone up, except our income.

  9. Hi Belinda,
    I'm so glad the pump is helping you!! I can't get over the price increase of food! Every time I go grocery shopping, I'm spending my usual amount, but I'm coming home with less and's so discouraging. I pray that we'll be okay financially once my husband retires (another 7 years). New Jersey is so expensive to live, but we don't want to leave our kids and grandsons. Stay cool in Tennessee :)
    Janel in NJ

    1. Thank you, Janel. I know what you mean, I wouldn’t want to leave my children and grandchildren either. I would want to find a way to make it work. Hopefully we will see some relief soon.

  10. Not only do the grocery prices keep going up, but the package sizes keep shrinking. SuzInWA

  11. I read the insert to Tommy and asked him if he thought food was that high. He said, no but some things definitely were higher. Bananas, my milk, his milk, and a few other things have not changed. I think the market basket for food is a better indicator of rising food costs. Of course, I buy things bogo or cherry pick elsewhere, so food is not so much more expensive. We buy soft drinks when they are on sale, so not as expensive as they could be.

    1. It’s nice that some things haven’t changed. I do love the BOGO sales at Publix. They are really good some weeks.


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