
Friday, June 14, 2024

Second Frugal Friday of June 2024


Welcome to Frugal Friday! 

My Frugal Week

Last Friday we went to the YMCA to go to the pool, but first in the weight room to exercise. We spent so long in the weight room that we decided not to get in the pool. We will be going again today and h opefully getting in the pool afterwards. 

Saturday morning we were up bright and early for yard sales. We went to fourteen yard sales in all and Bailey restocked her inventory for her online shops. I found a broom and stand alone dustpan set for $1.00. I already had one, but took it downstairs to use and do not want it back upstairs, so now I have one for upstairs too. 

On Tuesday I went to Whole Foods and picked up a few things. I bought Siggi yogurt and used the $1.00 off two coupon from their website. I bought Amylu chicken sausages to try, and Bailey really like them. 

I bought some turmeric and ginger root and also bought some tumeric for my spice shelf as I was out. I also picked up a fennel bulb and will make some minestrone soup this week. I also found a box of mixed spring greens marked 50% off that day. 

Question of the Week

I decided to send my brother a box of our  Dad's things to him for Father's Day. One of the things I sent were some papers and photos that our Mom & Dad had kept over the years, which prompted me to go through my papers. 

Do you keep papers of yours from when you were in grade school? I have several that are special to me, so I've kept those including all my report cards and yearbooks. But, I know that they won't mean anything to anyone else. How do you come to terms with tossing items that are sentimental?

How was your week? 

Thank you for dropping by my frugal blog, you are always welcome here. 

We would love to hear all about your week in the comment section.

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27


  1. Tossing things: I decided long ago, if I haven't looked at something for 20 y, it can't be important or matter that much. My wedding dress, bouquet, box of cards.....all gone, 24 years ago!

    Next step: All the papers/art/detritis from our school years. I got us each 1 banker's box. Whatever fit was kept. Each is labeled. Our executors can look or trash or both. Easy peasy. Oh, and I haven't looked in that box since I packed it, but it will stay.

    If it's family stuff, I ask my youngest sister if she wants it (she was born when folks were 45 and she's now 55 so it's old stuff!)

    I'm not much of a keeper.......

    1. Great advice, Elle. Thank you. I'm not much of a keeper either, but some things are hard to get rid of like old school papers that meant a lot to me. I send some things to my brother and sister, like you do with your sister, if they want those items. That's great that you got rid of so much back then. I certainly don't want to leave it all for my daughter to clean out someday.

  2. My folks kept everything. I have lots of old, old paperwork and yes a lot of grade school stuff. I am the keeper in the family. My siblings not nearly as much - but now many of the next generation is interested. So I have started sharing stuff. The grade school items have come in handy as I now get together with a lot of older friends from those years. Amazing how many folks kept things. I think it was that generation.

    1. I think that is true too, Cheryl. That generation tended to save things. I know Bailey likes to toss things, so I don't think she will ever have that problem. LOL I know my brother and sister have appreciated all the papers that Mom saved of theirs, and I too am grateful as well.

  3. wow 14 yardsales. You are made of strong stuff!

  4. I'm very much a keeper. My parents were too, as are my siblings! I tell myself to get rid of stuff but just can't seem to do it. I'll keep trying! I like the idea of one bankers box of papers.

    1. I liked the idea of the bankers box too, Celie.

  5. That is a wild number of garage sales - well done! I'm sure that helped Bailey stock up. I am a total non keeper of things. I regularly go through everything & toss it. When my parents asked if I wanted any of my "stuff" from my childhood, I had them toss it all. My sister kept a bunch, and then years later, gave it all away. She couldn't let it go when I did, but eventually was like, why do I have this? (Hawaii Planner)

    1. Yes! Good thinking on your and your sister's part. I think I am at the point now where I am asking myself why I kept some things. I did throw three of them away, so that is some progress.

  6. My mother kept selective thing like report cards and such. But, my evil sister and brother made sure the other three got nothing that belonged to us. I have kept things, not much from my children's papers. Some I have given to them since they are all in 50s.

    1. Oh, that is so sad, Linda. That is why I gave/sent my brother and my sister's things to them to let them decide for themselves what they want to keep.

  7. Wow, that is a lot of yard sales. I'm glad that Bailey was able to find more inventory. We went to a church sale yesterday, and my daughter had a lot of fun. It was one of those where you could fill a bag for $2. :D I got a free chocolate cookbook.
    Sending hugs to you today. I'm sure that the box of your Dad's things was very special to your brother.
    I have a hard time getting rid of sentimental things. I have kept my school report cards and my yearbooks and a lot of my senior stuff.
    Hope you have a good week. Stay cool; it is going to be a hot one.

    1. Hi Kathy! ::waving:: I hope you're doing well. Oh, I LOVE church yard sales They are so much fun and how great that they let you fill a bag for $2.00! I love it~!

      My brother has yet to open the box I sent him two years ago from my Mom, so I don't know that he will open this, but I hope he does. He took their deaths very hard.

      I have my report cards and yearbooks too. I just can't get rid of them. I know how much they cost and my parents paid a lot for them at the time too.

      I hope you have a great week and stay cool too. I already have the fan running this morning.

  8. Granddaughter wants me to keep all that stuff she makes here. I put it in a big envelope and give it to her when she's older.
    I love garage sales. I'm glad Bailey found stuff for her store.

    1. Thank you, Vickie. You are so sweet to keep them for your granddaughter.

  9. My mother is a massive declutterer.. and pretty much threw away or donated everything. Plus we moved to a different continent when I was ten so we couldn't bring a lot.


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