
Monday, June 17, 2024

Menu Plan Monday ~ June 17, 2024


My Frugal Week

Something I learned this week is that it takes eight to ten eggs to make a cup of egg whites. No wonder a carton of egg whites cost so much at the store. Bailey wanted pizza eggs for breakfast, but was out of egg whites. I had a box of 60 eggs, so I just used some of them t0 make egg whites. 

GNC sent me a $10 reward to use on anything this weekend, so I ordered some protein shakes, but the order got cancelled as they were out of stock. So, I called GNC and they are sending them to me via snail mail and gave me free shipping to boot. Now that's what I call great customer service. 

What’s for Dinner

Monday ~ Hamburgers, Corn on the Cob, Sweet Potato Fries. 

Tuesday ~ Bailey had her movie night, so I was on my own for dinner. I made a bowl of Jello with Fruit & Cottage Cheese and then had a coconut yogurt later .

Wednesday ~ Chicken Sausages, Cabbage & Onion Stir Fry, Sweet Potato Slices in the air fryer. 

Thursday ~ Egg Roll in a Bowl, Cooked Carrots, Stir Fry Vegetables. 

Friday ~ Chicken Fajitas, Corn on th Cob. 

Saturday ~ BBQ Pork, Cucumber & Tomato Salad, Bean Salad. 

Sunday ~ Hamburgers, Corn on the Cob, Cucumber & Tomato Salad. 

What’s on the Menu for This Coming Week

Bailey will be gone a few days this week visiting a friend in Georgia, so I will be on my own for dinner a few nights. I'll be making Minestrone soup and enjoying that for several lunches and dinner at least one night. 

What’s been on the menu in your home this past week?

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27


  1. Yum! Hamburgers and corn on the cob sounds so good! A taste of summer. I bought some watermelon on the weekly deal too so I think we will have our own cookout. Thanks for the idea.
    Safe travels for Bailey, and I hope she has a great time.

    1. Thank you, Kathy. I bought a watermelon too and need to cut it up for the week, definitely a taste of summer!

  2. Hope Bailey has a great trip! (Hawaii Planner)

  3. You did get some great customer service!
    I have no idea what our meals will be like this week. We are going to be on an island, so I am guessing we will be eating a lot of fish!

    1. That will be delicious! I hope you have a great time, Anne.

  4. I know when you make an angel food cale it takes so many egg whites then you have to make a pound cake to use the yokes!

  5. After not having chicken for a few days, we are back onto chicken. I have had slaw and chicken with green beans. Tonight, I ate a tomato as big as a softball with the slaw and chicken. Then, I had an open-faced tomato sandwich in order to only have one piece of bread and MW with dinner.
    After unearthing a huge turkey breast, I will thaw it when there is room in the refrigerator to hold it in a pan. I love tomato sandwiches. Of course, I do love BLT, also.

    1. Sounds delicious, Linda. I like tomato sandwiches too. I've been trying to avoid bread in order to go low carb and lose weight, but nothing beats a tomato sandwich in the summertime!


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