
Friday, June 21, 2024

Third Frugal Friday of June 2024


Welcome to Frugal Friday! 

My Frugal Week

I ordered a new shirt in my smaller size and when it came I realized how much I liked it, so I ordered one in each color. Lucky me they were having a 50% off sale, so each shirt shirt was $20 off, so I saved $60 when I ordered them. 

I went through all of my clothes again and got rid of the ones that were too big for me and gave them to Bailey to sell in her online shops. 

We went to the pool on Friday night and I swam laps for a little over an hour. Bailey did the weight room, walked the walking path, and then got into the pool. My insurance pays for my membership to the YMCA, so I definitely want to use it. 

Our electric bill is so much lower than this same time last year. In June of 2023 we used an average of 83.03 kWh per day while this year it was down to an average of 49.59 kWh per day. That is a savings of $110.51 from the same time last year. 

On Monday I went to the retina specialist for injections in my eyes as it's been six weeks already. He had good news for me, there was no swelling in my left eye and just a tiny bit in the right eye, so now I can move to injections every eight weeks instead of four or six weeks. It made me a happy camper. 

Bailey left out bright and early on Tuesday for her trip to Georgia to visit with a friend for a few days and made it safely back home on Thursday evening. The laundry had piled up while she was washing her clothes for the trip, so I had the washer going before she even got out of the driveway. LOL

It has been a LONG time since I've had the house all to myself for a few days. I'm not only caught up on the laundry, but I rearranged the office area of my bedroom, decluttered a little, cleaned out and organized the hallway closet along with my bedroom closet, and tackled several projects that needed doing. 

I also dealt with several phone calls concerning my Dad and his business. I will be glad when the majority of this is behind us. 

Freebies & Pollinator Week

June 17th through the 23rd is National Pollinator Week. 

Pollinators are a diverse group of species that includes birds, bees, butterflies, bats and beetles. They are critically important to life and their numbers are in steady decline as a result of habitat loss, pests, pathogens, pesticides and other stressors.

 The TDOT is doing their part to protect the Monarch butterflies. As a result they are offering free milkweed seeds to all Tennessee residents. 

Here is a link:

Free Milkweed Seeds

Also free this week, a friend of mine had a spaghetti squash that she wasn't going to use, so she gifted it to me. 

Cat Update

I fear that something has happened to our outdoor cats. We have seven outdoor cats and some of them have not been around for well over a week. I have seen very little of four of them in the last few days, but three of them are definitely missing. I hope it's just hot and they are in the woods staying cool and are not gone for good.

Savings of the Week

Have you read the story of Rachel Veitch? In 1964 she purchased a brand new Mercury Comet Caliente and paid $3,300 for it. She kept that car well maintained for over 50 years and drove it 567,000 miles. 

One of her secrets was regular maintenance, and she would buy lifetime guarantees’ whenever possible. As a result, she only paid once for three sets of shocks, eight mufflers and eighteen batteries.  She was smart and wise when it came to car ownership.

How was your week?

Thank you for dropping by my frugal blog, you are always welcome here. 

We would love to hear all about your week in the comment section.

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27


  1. so glad to hear about your eyes, they sound like they are getting better with time. Oh that's so cool -your clothes are too big. Great job! Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thank you so much, Vickie. I hope you have wonderful weekend too.

  2. It was an expensive week (Sam broke his finger at work, which required a trip to urgent care & an x-ray), but we had a few frugal wins. I picked up some plants on Buy Nothing, and got those planted in our raised beds, to replace a few things the squirrels are. Two squash & one pumpkin plant. I think our new netting will keep the squirrels away. Fingers crossed.

    1. Oh, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you too. Back when we had peach trees we had to beat the squirrels to them too or they would eat them all. I hope Sam's finger mends quickly for him.

  3. Good news on your eyes! We lost my Mom 11 months ago and we are still sorting things out. We just paid her last hospital bill which we are sure should have been covered but we are tired of fighting them on this. We wonder what else is out there waiting to pop up.

    1. Thank you, Lana. I'm so sorry about your Mom. We are going through a similar journey with Dad's finances right now. They have one year from the date of his death to let us know if there is any creditor we don't know about. Looks like we are in the same boat.

  4. Sounds like a good week of savings!
    Yay on the new clothes and less electricity. Great news on the eye check. You finished a lot of projects, and I hope Bailey had a good time on her trip. Hope your kitties show back up soon.
    We have a lot of milk weed growing around here, and it is so fascinating watching the life cycle of the monarch butterflies. When the kids were little, I would gather milkweed and caterpillars, and we would watch them make their cocoons and turn into butterflies which we released. Fun times.
    I hadn't heard the story of Rachel Veitch; how interesting. And I'm impressed her car lasted so long and she was able to get those lifetime warranties. Wow.
    Hope you have a great weekend. Stay cool!

    1. Thank you, Kathy, Bailey had such a great time on her trip and got to love on 2 year old Wyatt and their kitties.

      Ohm that sounds like so much fun with the caterpillars! I have a friend who does that too and she says it fascinating.

      I recall buying a lifetime brake pad warranty from Seas back in the 1980s and for the lifetime of the car I was able to get free brake pads for it. They are great deals when you can find them.

      I hope you all stay cool too and have a wonderful weekend,

  5. Great week there Belinda. I don't know how I missed this post for so long. Sorry.

    God bless.

    1. No worries, Jackie, Thank you and I hope you're doing well,

  6. Nancy in Vancouver WAJune 22, 2024 at 2:52 PM

    It is encouraging to hear your eye news. I just had shot number 4 and the wet macular degeneration has improved just a bit. Although the vision is still blurry I was actually able to see letters on the eye chart. I am still at every 4 weeks.
    Your buying a shirt in every color reminds me on my mom. When she would find a pair of shoes that would fit her feet she would several pairs. Usually in every color.

    1. Thank you, Nancy. I'm happy to hear that your macular degeneration has improved too. It took me about 11 months to go to 6 weeks.

      I'm with your Mom! LOL I had this one shirt that I loved and I must have had 2 dozen of them all different colors but now they are too big for me and they don't make them anymore, unfortunately.

  7. Oh no on the kitties. Do you have hawks or foxes perhaps? Perhaps leave out something extra tasty to bring them home? Or perhaps someone else took them in? Hoping for not the worst outcome. I have four cats. How many do you have in total? I don’t comment much. Cheers. Chase.

    1. Yes, we have fox and hawks here, unfortunately. I am thinking one of the neighbors may be feeding them too. We have nine cats in all and love each and every one of them. Glad to see you here and commenting, Chase. :)

  8. My two chickens and four cats in the neighborhood mysteriously disappeared one week. I think it was chicken hawks seen in the neighborhood over the trees.


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