Monday, November 6, 2023

Saving Money in my Frugal Kitchen ~ Meal Plan Monday


Saving Money in my Frugal Kitchen

My Frugal Week

We used up all of our leftovers this week and didn't have any food waste this week. 

I went to United Grocery Outlet in Chatsworth on Saturday. They had Jimmy Dean sausage in the one pound tubes for $1.99, running $4 plus lately, and in the two pound tubes for $3.99, which is a great price. They had two pound packages of Hillshire Farms beef smokies for $2.99 and HF cheese smokies in the one pound packs for 69 cents.

They had California Pizza Kitchen's BBQ Chicken Pizzas for $2.99 while they are  $7.88 at Walmart, so a big savings there. I bought multiples of all of these items and our freezer is packed full right now. 

Shopping at the grocery outlet makes me feel like I have some control over our food costs. It's been disheartening lately to shop at our usual low priced stores only to see prices continue to rise, so this was like a breath of fresh air. I came out with a shopping cart full of groceries and only spent $149. 

I spent part of Saturday evening and Sunday morning organizing the groceries where they go, cleaning up in the kitchen, making tea, folding laundry, and other things that needed doing while puttering around the house. 

Recipe of the Week

I was reading The Best of Amish Friends Cookbook Collection (affiliate link), which is spiral bound, which I love. I think all cookbooks would be more useful if they were spiral bound. 

Anyway, I found a recipe for Chicken Patties. The recipe calls for mayonnaise and cracker crumbs, which I won't use, but will substitute corn meal and blended cottage cheese. Kroger has one pound tubs of cottage cheese and sour cream on sale for 99 cents when you buy six or more this week, so we stocked up on that too.  

Chicken Patties


3 cups chicken, cooked and chopped

1/2 cup mayonnaise

2 tablespoons lemon juice

1/2 cup onion, minced

1/2 teaspoon salt

3/4 cup cracker crumbs


Combine chicken, mayonnaise, lemon juice, onion, and salt.

Make into 8 patties.

Dip in cracker crumbs and fry on both sides until golden brown.

Other Recipes:

Universal Quiche from The Tightwad Gazette

What’s for Breakfast

Eggs, Cheddar Cheese, Overnight Oats, Walnuts, and Fruit including grapefruit, oranges, pineapple, strawberries, and blueberries.

What's for Lunch?

Split Pea Soup, Tomato Sandwiches, Potato Soup, Grilled Cheese Sandwiches.

What’s for Dinner

Monday ~ The last of the Fiesta Chicken from Sunday along with black eyed peas,  mustard greens, and cornbread. 

Tuesday ~ Potato Soup & Fresh Figs

Wednesday ~ Smoked Sausage & Potatoes with Green Beans & Onions. 

Thursday ~ Soup & Salad night ~ I made grilled cheese sandwiches and served them with the last of the potato soup.  

Friday ~  My Dad bought us Taco Bell for dinner as a thank you for taking him to his scan today. 

Saturday ~ Tacos with all the fixings. 

Sunday ~ Egg Roll in a Bowl, Deviled Eggs, Steamed Broccoli. I’ve not bought any sausage since it’s been $4.00 per pound, but getting it on sale for half that price this week was great. It’s been too long since we’ve had this and it was delicious. 

What’s on the Menu for This Coming Week

These are the items we have on hand that I can use to make meals this week. Be sure to come back next week to see what sides we serve with these main dishes.

Salmon Patties
Breakfast for Dinner
Beanie Weenies
Egg Roll in a Bowl
Smoked Sausage

Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
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~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27

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  1. Wow, you got some really great deals at the Grocery Outlet. Your menu for the week sounds wonderful. I plan on making tuna patties one day this week.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you, Jackie. Tuna Patties sound delicious.

  2. Great deals! Menu sounds super yum to me!

  3. Those are some great prices. I have not been to a grocery outlet in years but there are no carts in which to ride. But, my freezer is full, so no use going at this point.

    1. Thank you, Linda. Sometimes they have wheelchairs to help and will even bring one out to your car if you need them to do that. Not sure if that would help you out or not. Having a full freezer is definitely a blessing though.

  4. Wow, you found some great deals!! That is an amazing price for sausage and hillshire farms. I checked to see if there were any United Grocery outlets near me, but sadly there is only one in VA. Maybe I can stop in Tn on our way to the Smokies next month, esp for those prices.
    I went to Kroger this morning to see if they had any Green Giant green beans on sale for .50 since they have been out of stock every time I checked. I was able to pick up 12 cans, so I was happy. My son loves green beans.
    Hope you have a great week.

    1. Oh, I’m glad you were able to get 12 cans of the GG green beans. They are a favorite of ours here too. I hope you’re able to go to a UGO when you come to visit Tennessee. Bring a cooler for all the good deals, as there are so many to choose from. I hope you’re having a very good week, Kathy.

  5. That is a really good price. I use sausage in a soup i make and in Swedish meatballs. Might check the one here and see if they have the same sale!

    1. Thank you, Kim. Your soup and Swedish meatballs sound delicious.

  6. We need a sausage restock so I am hoping our salvage stores get some in. It's fun shopping those stores!

    1. It is fun shopping these stores, Lana. I was in there for over an hour. Lol

  7. $! I can't remember the last time I only spent $149! The chicken patties sound delicious and easy to make! Unfortunately, there isn't a United Grocery Outlet in New Jersey :( It really is discouraging how food prices continue to rise...I notice that they're rising up in Walmart too (I used to think they were the cheapest, not anymore) Enjoy your week Belinda! Janel in NJ

    1. Thank you, Janel. I used to think Walmart was the cheapest too, so I understand those thoughts. I hope you had a lovely week too!


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