
Friday, February 5, 2021

Frugal Friday

Welcome to Friday! 

Quote of the Week

The Peace of Wild Things by Wendell Berry
When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
Earning Money

This week I received two surveys from Consumer Opinion and both of them had one $5 bill inside, so $10 from them in surveys this week. 

I sold one item on eBay this week, which was a patch that I received for free, so that was a free $7.50 for me.

Avoiding Spending

Other than a trip to town to pick up some groceries on Tuesday, we have stayed home again this week. 

Saving Money In My Frugal Kitchen

This week I took a package of chicken out of the freezer and made three different dishes with it. We had White Quicken Enchiladas, Homemade Chi Fil A sandwiches, and Chicken Pot Pie. Other meals included Vegetable Chili, Beans & Greens, and Lentil Tacos. 

On Wednesday I thawed the turkey breast I had in the freezer and then cooked it in the Instant Pot on Thursday. I took all the meat off the bone and will make a Turkey and Dressing dish with it for the weekend. 

We did a small grocery pick up at Aldi this week and were able to get some potatoes, carrots, cantaloupes, red grades, buns, cheese, and green salad items. 

This task didn't save me any money, but I took everything out of the refrigerator this week and washed it down inside and out, washing all the produce drawers as well. 

Saving on Entertainment

For movie night this week we watched, Enough Said with Julia Louis-Dreyfus and James Gandolfini. The second-to-last film with Gandolfini before his death, this is a story of a middle-age modern romance. Although the middle was a little bit sad, we laughed and laughed over some of the scenes in this film. You can watch if for free with ads on YouTube. 

What I've been Reading This Week

How Not To Diet by Dr. Michael Gregor. Bailey bought me this gift as a Christmas present, but forgot about it in her office and found it a few weeks ago and surprised me with it. I've been wanting to read it ever since I read Dr. Gregor's book, How Not to Die. 

Other Frugal Activities

This week I went ahead and filed my taxes for free online using TurboTax. The IRS is not going to start accepting returns until February12th, so I was an early bird. But, it sure is nice to have that task done and out of the way. 


A free calendar came in the mail this week along with...

Back in September, I won a giveaway from Om Mushrooms and received my package back in November. Than this week a second package from them came, so I contacted them and they told me to keep this second package. I'm counting this as a freebie for this week. 

How was your week?

~ Living within our Means ~
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  1. What a great week you had. I am like you and basically stay home. It is definitely easier on the budget!

    1. Thank you Anne. Yes, staying home is easier on the budget. :)

  2. what a beautiful poem! I'm reading How Not to Diet too, lots of great info.

    1. Thank you, Jan. That poem really spoke to me when I read it. We will have to compare notes on How Not to Diet when we are both done reading it.

  3. How Not To Diet sounds interesting. And, you got the box of nice things twice.

  4. Beautiful poem! Sounds like some great frugal wins for the week!

  5. A lovely frugal week. I have done a few small surveys but mine are for points (I can get gift cards for doing them).

    God bless.

    1. Thank you, Jackie. I like to do the point surveys too, mostly My Points these days.

  6. Great week Belinda! Zero spending this week here. I did this week's menu plan with what I already had on hand. Isn't it nice to have a nice clean fridge and freezer? I just did mine two days ago and now have a full inventory list to plan next week's meals before going shopping again. I didn't get my taxes filed yet but I did get all my tax paperwork together this week. Nice score on the double Om Mushrooms! Have a great weekend :)

    1. Thank you, Martha. kudos to you on no spending this week. That is terrific.

  7. Excellent week! Loving the beans, as always. A few years ago, I took the pulse pledge, which was to eat 1/2 cup of pulses a day, I think for a month. I’ve stuck with it for a few years. I still get great emails from them with recipes and such. The most recent informed me that this coming Wednesday is national pulses day, so I’m planning a great week based on that. For those who don’t know, pulses are beans, lentils, chickpeas and peas. Search pulse pledge and you’ll find great info.

    1. Sounds great, Vanessa. Thank you for letting us know.

  8. Love the poem so fitting for this time in our lives. Your food pictures always look so yummy.

  9. I love the poem...we need all the grace and peace we can get these days.
    Sounds like a great week. Your meals look delicious. I remember my children's pediatrician telling me to let them eat the rainbow. I'm off to fix a colorful salad for supper. :)
    Hope you have a great weekend. Stay warm and safe. Are you expecting snow and arctic temps?

    1. We were expecting some snow and Mother Nature didn't disappoint us, Kathy. Just an inch or so, but it is already melting. It doesn't usually last very long here. I like that eat the rainbow slogan.

  10. Great frugal week Belinda! I love those two actors, never heard of that movie before! I need to find ways to make a little extra money...surveys are a great idea! And good on you for those chicken dinners!!

    1. Thank you, Rain. It was a funny movie for sure.


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