
Monday, March 4, 2019

Frugal Workshop Update

The week of February 18th we had a lot of rain, so much so that school was closed Thursday & Friday due to flooding. I still managed to work two days that week and four days last week. 

Last Thursday I ended up at the doctor's office because I am still sick. She prescribed an antibiotic for me, so hopefully I will start to feel better. I've not felt like updating the blog for this reason. 

I'm scheduled to work everyday this week and then we'll be on Spring Break. 

On Saturday my daughter woke up and went to a yard sale. She found towels for $1.00 and new washcloths for 50¢. The washcloths are new from JCPenney and originally sold for $6.00. 

The people running the yard sale are moving to Asia and were trying to unload a lot of stuff. 

I'm all ready for the work week. I stopped on Saturday to pick up some grocery items for lunches this week. I have all my clothes washed and ready for the week. Hopefully this will be a smooth running week without too much excitement. 

We are running on a two hour delay this morning due to all the rain yesterday and drop in temperature causing black ice this morning. 

I hope everyone has a good week. :)

~ Living within our Means ~


  1. I am sure you guys are like us, only you are dealing with rain. When will it stop?????
    Sounds like a good deal on the wash cloths and towels for sure.
    Have a great week.

    1. Exactly, Cheryl. When is this rain going to stop?! I hope you have a great week too, thank you. :)

  2. Hopefully you'll be feeling better soon! I miss reading your posts! We were actually in a tornado warning here in South Carolina last night. Fortunately we weren't hit, though there was a lot of damage on the west side of Columbia (we are in the Northeast). I wasn't too concerned, being from the mid-west, our house here doesn't have a basement though.
    Hope your week goes smoothly!

    1. Thank you, Nichole. How scary to have tornado like weather. We don't have a basement either, so that makes it more frightening. I'm glad you all were not hit. I hope you have a great week. :)

  3. I was wondering why you didn't post a 'Frugal Friday' post. I hope you feel better soon, Belinda.
    Have a great week.

    1. THank you, Nil. I hope you have a great week too. :)

  4. I hope you feel much better, quickly.

  5. Welcome home and get yourself well. :) Bailey's towel/wash cloth find is one of the better yard sale finds. Who was having a sale now? Thrift stores are not worth the effort here: not much merchandise and ridiculous prices in stores I had shopped for decades. Thinking about the Alabama tornado victims.

    1. The tornadoes were terrible. :(

      Some thrift stores here are like that, high prices and no deals. We do have a couple of honey holes though. LOL

      Thank you, I am on the mend. The couple with the yard sale were moving to Asia, so they had to have a yard sale to get rid of as much as possible. It was to our benefit really.

  6. I am sorry you are still sick. :( I hope you feel better soon and the antibiotic starts working fast.

  7. Hasn't the weather just been crazy? I think I will have to give in and go get an antibiotic.

    1. Yes, crazy weather. It's very cold here this week. I hope you get to feeling better soon too, Kim.

  8. I hope the antibiotics work and you are better soon. I hate when germs hang around. Your daughter did great at the yard sale. I guess it is cheaper to sell everything and buy new in Asia. Have a wonderful week.

    1. Thank you. I am feeling better now that the antibiotic is working. I was thinking that about the yard sale too, they can just buy new when they get there.

  9. Hi Belinda,

    Sorry you've been feeling so bad - it sounds like you are on the mend so that's good. Sometimes it takes a while to shake off something and get back to feeling like yourself.
    Your weather sounds like this been tricky. Gosh it seems like the entire country has had a tough time lately. And my heart just breaks for what the tornado victims in Alabama are enduring.
    When you mention your area's flooding I thought "well at least Belinda is up high will aloof her steps"

    Take care,

    1. That is so true about our steps and flooding, Debra. It would take a lot of water to get up here. I feel so bad for the tornado victims too. I read today that one family was caught up in the tornado and landed 100 miles from their home. :( So sad.

    2. Haha - auto correct strikes again. Meant to type "all of her steps" and somehow your steps became aloof. We all know your steps are no such thing.

    3. LOL, Debra. I knew what you meant as I read that and didn't even realized it said aloof until I reread it just now. funny is that.


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