
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Using Creativity in Frugal Living

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Some people choose to live frugal by choice while some people choose a frugal lifestyle out of necessity. 

My daughter and I have lived on a smaller income since 1998, so we live this lifestyle out of necessity. Over the years we've learned to get the things we needed using some creativity along the way.

Oftentimes in our consumerist society it's easy to buy what you need if you have enough money. Our problem was that we didn't always have the money to buy the things we needed. 

So we rolled up our sleeves and did what we had to do to get those things we needed. We got creative and you can do the same thing. If you get creative with your needs, instead of buying what you need, you will be able to save money and sometimes a lot of money.

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What if you don't have money to buy groceries? Creating a meal using the food you have at home is being creative. We do this on a regular basis. 

When my daughter switched over to cloth pads full time and found the brand she liked they were expensive, so we could only buy them once or twice a year.  

Finally we came up with a better solution. I took her favorite cloth pad and figured out how to make them for her at home. We upcycled clothes to make them and today those are some of her favorite pads.  

When my daughter needed a scientific calculator for school and we didn't have an extra $100 to buy one, we got creative. We traded for one at McKay Used Books. 

Amy Dacyczyn said it best when she said, "when there is a lack of resourcefulness, inventiveness, and innovation, thrift means doing without." That wasn't the case in our home. 

Now I've seen a lot of creativity in my lifetime and I'm sure you have too. I've seen the maintenance man at school fix a door with the end of a matchstick. Now that's being creative. 

We all have creativeness inside of us and it depends on us as to how we used it to the best of our advantage. 

As Theodore Roosevelt said, "Let us do what we can, with what we have, where we are." 

~ Living within our Means ~


  1. I love coming up with ways to be creative and make things or upcycle things. We have had way too many years of no money. Things are better now but these habits are ingrained.

    1. They definitely do become engrained, Kim. I'm glad things are better for you now. :)

  2. There was a time I had to live very frugally out of necessity. Now I could splurge a little bit if I wanted, but I choose not to. Living simply makes it easier to live frugally because I don't need a lot of stuff to be happy.

    1. That is so true, Nil. I'm very happy getting new to me things at yard sales and thrift stores if I needed anything, which isn't to say that I don't buy anything new. I'm just careful when I do.

  3. I like your posting more often, but I came to post for yesterday's post. No problem for me. I will be quicker next time. Helpful post. Often finding another way to accomplish the same for nothing or much less will place food on the table and/or clothes on someone's back.

    1. Sorry, Anna. You can go back to that post if you want to post on it. It's totally up to you. I agree with you about the food on the table or clothes on someone's back. :)

  4. You are a wise woman Belinda. Thank you for sharing such practical advice.

  5. Even if I can afford something, I would rather not pay money if I can make it or get it cheaper. However, I don't have lots of money, usually in a deficit, so being creative is a good way to be frugal.

    1. I agree being creative is a good way to be frugal, Linda. :)

  6. Love this post and so very true. Being creative makes things so much easier and more simple.

  7. So true. I live creatively or we wouldn't have all we need. I barter, trade, make or make do or do without. I just got a like new in the box Oster blender in red! My kitchen color. My mother in law's friends get rid of so much and everyone knows I will take it and if I can't use it I have friends or put it on our FREE FB page for our area. Why buy new all the time. Let someone else pay the price. So many people get more than they need or the latest and greatest and then never or barely use the item. We will gladly take it. There is always someone in need. Oh, and our pantry that I get on sale has helped us through many lean months. Take care. I really enjoy your blog and how you and your daughter do things. You have taught her so many good skills over the years. Be proud of the young woman she has become.

    1. Thank you so much, Crystal. I really appreciate your kind and thoughtful words. :)

  8. Amen. This builds resilience and resourcefulness. Your daughter is set for life with this going on around her and her being involved.
    I was brought up by parents and grandmothers that were resourceful, frugal and canny and I turned my back on it and 'forgot' it - but a few years ago when the penny dropped and we changed the way we were living, all those lessons from my parents and grandmothers started coming back. To this day I remember things, nearly as if it is still all there just awaiting a reason to be remembered and used.

    1. Thank you, Mr. Home Maker. Many people have turned their backs on frugal living at times during their lives. I know I did too. It's always good when we return as we can save ourselves from many financial mistakes.

  9. Are these pads the kind that come with a slit to insert a thicker pad?

    1. No, the ones I made are all in one pads. There are instructions all over the Internet to make both kinds though. And multiple YouTube videos to teach yourself how to make them.


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