
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

FW Update

Sorry about being missing in action lately, but work has kept me busy, and I'm working everyday this week and next week. I wasn't scheduled to work every day this week, but I am now due to illness. 

I'm doing my very best to cook dinner every night even though I'm tired. We had our regular movie night last night, but I fell asleep before the movie was even over. We were watching the musical, Chicago. 

This Weeks Freebies 

We had a coupon for make a purchase at Krispy Kreme and get a free pumpkin spice doughnut. We love the pumpkin spices ones, so we bought one and got one free. 

Bailey had a free reward to pick up from Panera Bread, so she picked out a chocolate croissant. 

This Week's Coupon Deals

Bailey went to Publix on Wednesday to pick up the following coupons deals...

Ken's Dressings 75¢

Ragu Spaghetti Sauce 25¢

Dove Deodorant 75¢

The following items came from the Food City Crash and Burn section. 

Two cans of mixed vegetables for 47¢ each. 

One can of pears for 60¢ and one can of chili beans for 34¢.

Ten boxes of cranberry jello, which I will use for cranberry salad this winter. I usually use cherry, but found cranberry jello about ten years ago. 

However, cranberry was hard to find in the last few years. So I was tickled to find it these on markdown for 15¢ per box.

Today I'm working, but also have a two hour planning period in the middle of the day, so I've brought my computer to work with me and will be crossposting during that time. 

This American History class is watching a film on Alvin York, which is such a good movie. 

I hope you all are having a great week and I will try to get a couple of more posts up this week. 

~ Living within our Means ~


  1. Great savings. I can never find cranberry jello.

    1. Thank you...I was tickled when I found it, Kim. It's hard to find these days.

  2. Great job this week! Two of my supermarkets have a markdown section, but never that good! One of them used to have an amazing set of shelves with produce that was about to go off, huge bags of produce for only a dollar, but they quit doing that and I'm so sad about it. HUGE bummer, I used to buy so much from those shelves and bring it home and take care of it right away (making applesauce, drying mushrooms, cutting up and freezing bananas or pureeing mangoes for smoothies). I loved that they were saving produce from going in the garbage and I'm completely disappointed that they're not doing that anymore.

    1. I'm sorry your supermarket stopped carrying the produce markdowns. One of ours quit doing that too and said they send them somewhere else now. I really have to look for them these days it seems like. I hope you can find somewhere else to get some good produce, Stephanie.

  3. great deals you got there. Maybe one day you will share your cranberry recipe!!!!?????
    My hubs favorite person in history is Alvin York. He has watched Sgt. York so many times and enjoys it just as much the last time as the first.
    Don't work too hard!

  4. Thank you Cheryl. And I will share that recipe soon. The movie was so interesting. I just love it and even the students seemed interested in it.

  5. Glad to know all is well there. Its great that you are able to work so much, but sad people are sick. Lots of bugs going around. Have a great week. :)

    1. Thank you, Sarah. I hope you have a great week too.

  6. The calls to sub so early in the year are not usual, at least not full weeks. $$$ this year. Sleeping early and missing the end of Chicago is a good thing for you. Alvin York is one of the better movies. Have you been to his home in your area? Good grocery deals and treats.

    1. Thank you, Anna. We have been to the Alvin York home and park up past Crossville, Tn. It's a beautiful park. It's such a good movie and they really did a good job of making it look like TN and this area.

  7. I hope you are having a relaxing weekend after a busy week at work, Belinda.
    I didn't know about Alvin York, so I googled and read several articles. I've always loved history.
    I should find the movie.

    1. It's a really good movie, Nil. Bailey and I really like it. I hope you're having a good weekend. We've been yard saling today, so we've had a good day . :)


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