
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Mid Week


On Tuesday, I worked a full day, went to the post office afterwards to mail books for Paper Back Swap, went to the local apple orchard and bought a peck of Honey Crisp apples, went and got hair cuts for me and my daughter at Great Clips using two post card coupons and paid $13.98 plus tip, ran to Walmart to price match grapes (79¢ a pound) and cream cheese ($1.23), and went to Bi-Lo for Vegetable oil, which they had on sale for $1.99 for 48 ounces. Came home tired, made lunches for Wednesday, ate an apple and grapes for dinner. I love Honey Crisp apples at this time of year!


I worked a full day on Wednesday too, and afterwards went to the post office again to mail another book, bought the newspaper for the grocery store sale ads, filled up the car with gas ($32.32), went to Fresh & Low and picked up a few things. They had apple pies for $2.00, which was so cheap that I actually bought one. 

I also picked up some cheese, cucumber, potatoes, pimento cheese, American cheese, and peanuts, spending at total of $25.93. Later on I realized they charged me $4.99 for a 69¢ cucumber. So, I went back and they gave me a full refund and did not charge me for the cucumber, so it was kind of worth it in the end. Came home and made pasta salad for dinner.  

Don't Read This; It's Boring is having a giveaway if you'd like to enter. 

Here is the link: Don't Read This; It's Boring

How is your week going?

CFO ~ Chief Frugal Officer
© Belinda & Frugal Workshop, 2011-2014.
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do, do without”
"Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle ~ It will help you save money"


  1. Good catch on the receipt! I hate it when I make it home and realize something is amiss.

    Your pasta salad looks great. I love them, but the rest of my family isn't big fans.

    1. I hate that too, Shara. We live to far out to go back right away either. I usually have to wait for a week or so.

      I know what you mean about the pasta salads, my Mom never did care for them either.


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