
Monday, May 20, 2024

Menu Plan Monday ~ May 20, 2024


My Frugal Week

Last Monday I took the meat off two rotisserie chickens, weighed them out into meal sized portions, and placed them in the freezer for future meals. I also made some fruit salad to go with dinner and used my new to me food chopper to cut up the apples and celery. 

I also made a cucumber and tomato salad using my food chopper this week. Linda asked me what brand of food chopper mine is and it's a Shanii brand if you're interested.  We've been eating the cucumber tomato salad every day as it's very refreshing. I need to make more today as we are almost out.

On Sunday I made enough jello cups for the week using cherry sugar free jello and fruit cocktail. 

It's been the usual here this week using up what we have and making meals with it. 

Recipe of the Week

Cheese Sticks

This is a simple recipe with no flour whatsoever. This would make a terrific base for pizza and you can add your favorite toppings too. The next time I try this one I will add turkey pepperoni and black olives to mine.


1 cup parmesan cheese

1 cup mozzarella cheese

1 teaspoon onion powder

1 egg


Mix all ingredients together.

Spread on parchment paper.

Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.

Cut into pieces with pizza cutter and enjoy.

Beverages This Week

Lots of Water as usual

Iced Tea, sweet or not

Iced Green Tea

Watermelon Coolers

Ryse Jet-Puffed Marshmallow Protein ~ Bailey bought this off of Tik-Tok using a coupon deal and it really does taste like marshmallow.

What’s for Dinner

Monday ~ Rotisserie Chicken, Baked Sweet Potatoes, and Fruit Salad. 

Tuesday ~ Grilled Chicken Salads

Wednesday ~ Orange Chicken, Cauliflower Rice, Stir Fry Vegetables, and Fresh Pineapple. 

Thursday ~ Took some chili out of the freezer and made Chili Tacos for dinner. 

Friday ~ Chicken, Cucumber & Tomato Salad, Stir Fried Vegetables, and Baked Sweet Potatoes. 

Saturday ~ Homemade Pizza

Sunday ~ Salmon Patties, Baked Sweet Potato Slices, Cucumber Tomato Salad, and Green Beans with Onions.

What’s on the Menu for This Coming Week

We will definitely serve a couple of meatless meals this week to save money on meat, so beans will be on the menu for sure. I'll also make the homemade chicken nuggets one night, and I have some pork so BBQ will probably be on the menu as well. 

Be sure to come back next week to see what sides we serve with these main dishes.

What’s been on the menu in your home this past week?

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27


  1. I'm feeling the pinch a bit, but no regrets, from my mini get away. As I'll buy grilling stuff for weekend, I'm doing a eat what's here menu week. Tonight is risotto, tomorrow a chana masala, and Tuna hotdish another. The pizza/ cheese stick base looks great. I do have odds and ends to use up for pizza or calzone type meal.

    1. Your menu sounds delicious. I like that "eat what's here" menu and we practice that regularly. Let me know if you try the cheese stick recipe and what you think of it. :)

  2. Everything sounds good. Thanks for the cheese stick recipe - golly that sounds right up my alley! Major cheese freak here! LOL

    1. You're welcome, Cheryl. I love cheese here too and this one is a keeper. :0

  3. Pizza hold the crust! I'm down with that but Hubs loves his bread carbs....

    1. LOLK, it's so hard to resist the bread/carbs. I miss bread some days.

  4. As soon as my oven is repaired I am going to make those "bread sticks" We are still in the "clean out the freezer" mode here. I need to fire up the smoker to get some things that are currently frozen smoked and ready to have with meals. I have no idea why I have not done it already.

  5. That cheese stick idea sounds great. We're planning to have carnitas tacos this week, grilled burgers & potato salad (cheater version from Trader Joes) & garlic chicken with caprese salad. (Hawaii Planner)

  6. That all sounds delicious. Defenitely going to try those cheese sticks!

    1. They are a keeper to me. I hope you like them too.

  7. It all sounds lovely Belinda. Thanks for the cheese stick recipe. What a great and fairly healthy snack.

    God bless.

  8. I've been keto for 8 years and this is my go to cheese sticks or pizza crust recipe. It's super versatile and quick as I always have those items on hand. :)

    1. That is great to hear, Tammy. It will be a keeper here for sure.


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