
Monday, September 23, 2024

Meal Plan Monday ~ Saving Money in my Frugal Kitchen (9-23-2024)

 My Frugal Week

Ceylon Cinnamon is the best type of cinnamon to use, and is considered better than the Saigon variety. But, I recently ran out of the Ceylon variety. So, I've ordered more Ceylon cinnamon, but in the meantime I'll use up these other two varieties that we have on hand. 

I've been reading Jackie Clay's Pantry Cookbook for free online this week and she writes, "with the ease of our fast-paced society, keeping a well stocked panty has fallen into disuse." She goes on to say that, "gardens were let go too". 

I find that so sad to think about and is something I've realized the older I get that generations younger than my grandparents do not garden the way my grandparents generation did. 

I've discussed it before, but my grandfather had multiple gardens all year long and my grandmother preserved all of it, so they would not go hungry. 

All meals and snacks were prepared at home this week as usual. We reserve eating out for special occasions in these days of higher restaurant prices. We served two meatless dishes this week to save money on our grocery budget. .

Recipe of the Week

This is from Grandma Donna's website: 

Pate Chinois 


1 pound ground beef

6 medium size potatoes

One can of creamed style corn

½ onion chopped

A small amount of milk and butter. 


If you don’t have milk and butter you can still make this dish.

First peel and cut up your potatoes. 

Boil the potatoes until done to make mashed potatoes.  

When you boil the potatoes and drain them you can save the potato liquid to add in another dish or use the liquid when mashing the potatoes if you do not have milk and butter. 

Brown your ground beef in a skillet and then add chopped onion.

Cook until the onion is just a bit cooked. 

You are going to layer this dish in an oven proof pot or oven proof deep dish. 

Place the cooked meat and onions in the bottom of the pot. 

Add the can of cream style corn then on top of the corn add the mashed potatoes.  

Place in a 350 degree oven and bake for about 30 minutes.

What’s for Dinner

Monday ~ Roasted Turkey Breast with Homemade Gravy, Orange Mashed Cauliflower, and Sauteed Cabbage with Onions. 

Taco Tuesday ~ Cauliflower Taco Meat, Corn Tortillas, Lettuce & Tomatoes. 

Wednesday ~ Turkey Pot Pie, Jell-O Fruit Salad. 

Thursday & Friday ~ Tacos, corn tortillas, lettuce, tomatoes, and onions. I had a two pound package of ground beef thawed, so I split it into two meals. I made tacos with one pound and stretched that meat with potatoes and beans and then made meatballs with the other pound and saved those for another meal later. 

Saturday ~ Pate Chinos, which is from Grandma Donna's website and reminded me of my cheesy potato recipe. I served it with Corn on the Cob, and Steamed Carrots. 

Souper Sunday ~ Vegetable Soup & Corn Bread

What’s been on the menu in your home this past week?

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27


  1. We always love tacos! We're having mostly stuff from the freezer, as part of my freezer clean out attempts. And, adjusting to just having three of us. Sam was a big eater, so we will be going through less food for sure. (Hawaii Planner)

    1. That will mean a smaller grocery bill for sure. We love Tacos here too.

  2. The recipe you posted sounds good. I will have to give it a try before too long.

  3. Thanks for the cinnamon tip as I didn't know about Ceylon. I bet that roasted cinnamon tastes good too.
    My Daddy always grew big gardens, and my Mom would can and freeze everything. We didn't have a lot of money, but we sure ate good. :D
    Your meals sound tasty, and I want to try your cheesy potatoes and G'Donna's pate chinois.
    My meals weren't too exciting last week. I grilled cheeseburgers for cheeseburger day, and we had chili one day. I roasted a chicken since that is one of my son's favorite meals, and I want to fix all of his favorite foods before he gets married. ;) It was German week at Aldi, so I had to get some schnitzel and spaetzel and strudel. I made the mistake of buying some braunsweiger, and that stuff is nasty. But one of my cats liked it.
    Hope you have a great week.

    1. I saw the German food at Aldi and wondered about it. Cheeseburgers sound so good, it’s been a while since we had them. That is so sweet of you to make all your son’s favorites before he gets married. I would be doing the same thing! 💕

  4. Did you read my post on Lead in Cinnamon? I am not sure what was lead heavy and which was not.

    1. I did see that. We have to be so careful these days.


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