
Sunday, December 10, 2023

Zote Soap


Recently I was able to pick up three bars of Zote soap for free from the local no spend group here. I know that this soap is considered to be laundry soap and we've made our fair share of homemade laundry detergents, but I always used Fels Naptha for the homemade detergents. 

Recently we picked up an inventory of clothes that smelled poorly and needed to be soaked before washing. So, after several experiments using baking soda, vinegar, and laundry detergent, I finally grated some of this Zote directly into the washing machine. 

Zote made a big difference in the smell of the clothes and had a very pleasant smell afterwards, sort of like lemongrass. I dare say it rivals the scent boosters that are so popular these days and is definitely cheaper than the scent boosters. I'll definitely be using up the three bars we have for our laundry. 

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27


  1. I always keep some on hand. It is great for stains and very dirty laundry. I don't like the scent boosters at all - way to strong for me - but I like Zote!

    1. I agree, Cheryl, the scent boosters are too strong for me, but I do like this one like you do. :)

  2. I have never actually used Zote in my life. I think I have a bar buried out in the laundry room that I bought on a whim. One of those "Oh, this is good to have on hand" but never using it. LOL

  3. I have never seen Zote up here in Canada, but now I am going to keep my eyes open for it.

    God bless.

    1. Sounds good, Jackie. I hope you can find some. :)

  4. Thanks for sharing that tip about Zote. Lol like Mrs Swan, I have a bar of Zote and lots of other "Oh, this is good to have on hand" stuff.

    I hope you didn't get any damage from yesterday's storms. How heartbreaking for those in the tornado's path. Tornado's in winter seem so out of place.

    Belinda I hope your week is good. Sky

    1. You're welcome, Sky. And thank you for checking on us, we were not in the path of the storm, which happened in West Tennessee. I agree that tornadoes seem out of place at this time of year.

      I hope you also have a good week, Sky. :)

  5. Ditto on what Mrs Swan said and Sky. -Rosa

  6. So glad the zote worked in freshening the clothes. I haven't tried making my own laundry detergent, so it is good to know what works.

    1. We've read so many reviews where the homemade detergents are not good for your machine, so we stick with store bought detergent, but this really did help with the smell.


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