
Friday, December 8, 2023

Second Frugal Friday December 2023


Welcome to Frugal Friday! 

Quote of the Week
"In my whole life, I have known no wise people who didn't read all the time — none, zero.”  ~ Charlie Munger,  vice-chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, who passed away last week at the age of 99. 
My Frugal Week

I sent a couple of packages off last Friday.  One of the was to my sister, who has always loved an old antique coffee grinder that belonged to Mom, so I sent it to her along with a couple of other things and some photos. I use Pirate Ship for shipping as they have the lowest cost on postage available for me. 

I had a button missing on one of my thermal shirts, so I found a similar one in my Mom's button canister, and while it is not an exact match it is a very warm shirt I will only wear around the house, so no issues there. 

On Monday I returned to my retina specialist for injections in both eyes. He said the hemorrhaging was much less, but both eyes are still swollen and for me to return in four weeks. 

Afterwards we went to UGO in Chatsworth for our monthly grocery run to the closeout store. We spent $110 and picked up several great sale items. Some of which included Almond Breeze Eggnog marked down to 6 quarts for $1.00. They were dated the next day, so I only bought three of them and was charged 50 cents. How great is that? 

We also picked up skinless chicken thighs and country style pork ribs both for $1.79 per pound. Pillsbury's crescent rolls for $1.00 each, cat treats for 25 cents per bag, reading glasses for $1.49, sugar free simple syrup for 50 cents, no sugar added mandarin oranges for 69 cents, and Green Giant green beans for 33 cents per can. 

They had these two pound, three ounce canisters of peanuts for $1.49 in the clearance section. It was specifically the unsalted ones, which was perfect as I need unsalted ones for a chocolate covered peanut recipe I am making for Christmas gifts. 

If you're local to me it is the United Grocery Outlet and they have stores all over southeast Tennessee and northwest Georgia and several other southern states as well.

Bradshaw Home replaced the sponges I contacted them about with a three pack. I'm hoping these will work better than the one that disintegrated on me. They sure did send them quickly since I just called them last week. 

We are being invited to two Christmas get togethers as far as I know right now. I've already planned what Items we are bringing and included those items in my grocery shop at the beginning of the month. One of them is Pigs in a Blanket and I was able to get the supplies for that for $4.99, which I think is a great price for beef smokies and crescent rolls. I will also be bringing peanut butter cookies as I have a lot of peanut butter on hand. 

Someone gave us this shirt in a bundle of clothes Bailey bought for inventory. It was full of holes! So, rather than throw it away I cut it up into cleaning cloths. 

Freebies sent our kitties a Christmas present including an ornament, two toys, a box of treats, and a card. Wasn't that sweet of them?

Savings of the Week

There was an item I needed to order for Christmas and was prepared to pay full price, but received a very nice surprise instead. The item, originally priced at $74.95, was on clearance for 80% off, so priced at $14.99! That saved me $59.96. Wow!

What I've been Reading This Week

How to Have a Fun Christmas on a Tight Budget

I love the older editions of Southern Living magazine because they had really good basic recipes in them unlike the magazine today, which to me doesn't have the simpler, basic recipes like they did in the past. I will pick up any older ones I see at a yard sale.

This week I've been reading a Holiday edition of Southern Living Cooking School booklet from 2005. I've had this one tucked away in my recipe box for years and decided to give read it this week as it is filled with Christmas recipes. Afterwards, I'll tuck it back inside my recipe box until next year. 

Thank you for dropping by my frugal blog, you are always welcome here. 

We would love to hear all about your week in the comment section.

Homemaker at Heart
Mortgage & Debt Free
~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree

~ She looketh well to the ways of her household ~
Proverbs 31:27


  1. Good week. How nice of Chewy. I really like that company. They delivery so quickly.
    Have a lovely weekend.

    1. They really do deliver quickly, Cheryl. We like them too.

  2. Great deals at the UGO! We have many salvage stores here but no UGO. We bought 10# of 88% lean ground beef for 24.99 at one store this week. That was just a blessing to be able to restock for such a great price.

    1. OH wow that is a great price for ground beef, Lana. I would have stocked up on that too. Definitely a blessing. :)

  3. It's good to hear your eyes are improving. It's always fun to find great deals at the outlet stores. You make me want to go again.

    1. Thank you, Vickie. Yes, the close out store is fun as you never know what you'll find there.

  4. You got some great deals, and cutting up that shirt to make cleaning cloths is a great way to recycle.

    God bless.

  5. Wow Belinda, it sounds like you have had a great week savings wise. We don't have a UGO in Virginia that I know of but I wish we did! You got some great buys there. And a 80% savings is wonderful! We are supposed to get that bad weather here on Sunday: almost 70 degrees, 1-2 inches of rain (or more), 30-40 mph wind, maybe a thunder storm and the people to our North and West might see snow after the front goes thru! Are you going to get any bad weather? Batten down the hatches!

    1. Thank you! I hope and pray you all will be safe through the storm on Sunday. We are supposed to have rain from the storm here. So sounds like we both need to batten down the hatches! You take care :)

  6. Belinda I hope your eyes continue to improve.

    Doesn't it feel good to find some good grocery prices. I found a few good buys this week, not a lot of savings but every little bit helps. Years ago I remember a lady saying that it's easier to save a dollar a thousand times than it is to save a thousand dollars. So true.

    I imagine that was a wonderful surprise getting the Christmas item you ordered 80% off.

    Our thrift shop sells bags of clothes for rags for a couple dollars. Lol I have found several nice t-shirts in them that I keep for myself and dh. The rest I cut up for rags, it's like a double win.

    Belinda I hope you have a great week. Sky

    1. Thank you so much, Sky.

      It feels really good to find groceries at prices that are more affordable.

      That is a great saying! I need to use that as the quote of the week.

      I was thrilled when the item I ordered was 80% off, that was quite a savings there.

      That is so neat about the clothes from your thrift store for a couple of dollars and you finding some treasures in there. I love it! I wish our thrift store did that. I would definitely get in on that.

      I hope you're doing well and that you have a wonderful weekend. :)

  7. You had some great shopping wins! Nice work.

  8. When I cleared out my magazines, I remember a local antique store had displayed Victoria, Southern Living and more, opened to a page and near the item in her store. I sold my magazines for 25 cents to the owner instead of giving them away.


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