
Friday, March 4, 2022

First Frugal Friday of March 2022

Welcome to Friday! 

My Frugal Week

On Saturday I donned my mask and decided to go into Walmart to see what I could find for my Mom to wear. I’m glad I did as they had a lot of clothing on clearance that would fit her. I found several pairs of pants and shirts with some as low as $3.00 each.  Her CNA hung them up for her and asked Mom where I bought them and made plans to go shopping there after work because she liked them so much. 

Mom saw the orthopedic doctor on Monday. The damage is worse than they initially thought, and she will have to have a complete shoulder replacement. I told her she would be the Six Million Dollar Man when they are finished. 

Recently I bought a new back scrubber from Walmart, but it fell apart in the shower the second time I used it. I tried to put it back together as it’s just made of mesh and tied together, but that didn’t work very well. So, I went on their app and started a refund. They issued the refund instantly and said I didn’t even have to return it. So, another thing checked off on my to do list. 

On Wednesday we had a grocery order from Walmart delivered. I love being stocked up on the things we use regularly. 

The other day Bailey had to go to Chattanooga and we were out of eggs, so we decided to do a pickup at Aldi for a few things. We had a choice of two different Aldis to use and checking prices on both I found eggs at one store for $1.99 while eggs at the other Aldi were only 75 cents. So, we bought them from the 75 cent store to save money. 

Earning Money

I earned $14.08 from Amazon, which was for six months of commissions whenever one of my readers clicks on an Amazon link from my blog. 

Saving Money In My Frugal Kitchen

Making soup so much last week really helped me to save money on our grocery budget. We not only ate soup for dinner, but also for lunches as well. The four soups I made were all meatless, which also saved money

Meals This Week

Friday: Bailey had book club, so it was just me for dinner, so I just heated up some leftovers of sweet potatoes and kale. 

Saturday: Using up many produce items in the fridge, I made vegetable soup for dinner. 

Sunday: Bailey requested more Potato Soup, so I made a new batch on Sunday. I also made some French Bread Pizzas to go with it. 

Monday: Shrimp, Teriyaki Noodles, Steamed Broccoli and Cabbage

Tuesday: Garlic Chicken, Pasta, Kale Greens

Wednesday: I used this opportunity to clean out the refrigerator of some leftovers so we had several things such as Chicken Teriyaki, Rice, Garlic Pasta, the last of the Kale Greens, and Egg Rolls. It felt good to use up and not waste those items. 

Thursday: Fajita Baked Chicken, Mexican Rice, Steamed Broccoli

That is all the news to report on our frugal week in Tennessee. Thank you for dropping by, you are always welcome here. We would love to hear about your week in the comment section.

~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree


  1. Glad you found some new clothes for mom. So sorry to hear she will have to endure an operation. Prayers for her recovery.
    Have a good inventory at home sure does give one a calm heart. It is nice to know there is food there.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. It’s definitely nice to have a good food supply on hand.

  2. You know I'll be back to my frugal ways when I return. I want to treat my husband though as he held down the house and took care of the dog so whatever he requests for meals, I'll oblige. Nice Amazon link rewards. My MS Rewards went by the way side this week.


    1. I know what you mean, Sam, I let my MS Rewards go by the wayside a lot lately too. I need to work on that

  3. Bless your moms heart on the shoulder replacement. I hope all goes well. Glad you were able to find some good deals on her new clothes.

  4. Wow you found some great clearance clothes for your Mom! It's nice to run into a sale. She is lucky to have you looking out for her.
    Good deal on eggs!

    1. That was so sweet of you to say, Vickie. Thank you.

  5. I am so sorry your mom will have to have the shoulder replacement. Hopefully she will recover quickly and feel much better (after rehab and a boatload of exercises)
    I hope you have a good week and Bailey's mouth heals nicely.

  6. I'm sorry that your Mom will have to have surgery. I hope she will have a quick recovery and that she will feel better soon. Too funny about the Six million dollar reference. My hubby calls me a cyborg since I have plates and screws in my ankle. :)
    Glad you were able to find a good deal on some clothes for your Mom too.
    Soup sounds good to me too, and I'm glad that it saves money. Hope Bailey is feeling ok now.
    Hope you have a great weekend.

    1. I like the cyborg reference, Kathy. LOL Thank you so much. I hope you are having a great weekend too.

  7. Yikes shoulder replacement. Not fun. I am happy you found some clothes. When you are tiny like that it is easy to find things. Plus you got them on a great sale!

    1. We sure did get them at a great price, Kim. And like you said they are easy to find in little sizes.

  8. What a great sale on the clothes you found for your mother. Yep, your Mom will be the Bionic Woman when her surgery is over.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you, Jackie. Yes, she liked that Bionic Woman compliment. LOL

  9. My stepmom has had both shoulders and knees replaced - plus - she has some steel pins in one ankle after a bad break - and yes - we call her the bionic woman! If it helps your mom - she had a really good recovery from all surgeries and having the shoulders done made a huge difference to her pain level. I hope she does well with her surgery.

    1. Thank you for letting me know, Margie. I will be sure to tell my Mom about your stepmothers pain level as that is Mom’s chief complaint right now. Sounds like they fixed your stepmother’s issues very well. That is wonderful.

  10. Thank you Belinda for telling us about the big bookstore in Chattanooga. I told my daughter who lives near there in Georgia. It about blew my little Texas girl's socks off. As a single mother she has to watch every penny. Now books and movies are within reach again. Thank you for all you do.

    1. Oh that makes me so happy, Mary. Thank you for letting me know. We love McKay Used Books! It’s one of our favorite places to go when we are in Chattanooga.

      If she is interested there is a big consignment sale at the old JC Penny this weekend in Northgate Mall. Bailey and I went on Friday night and had so much fun. She can find all the information right here:

      Thank you so much for letting me know. You made my day. :)


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