
Friday, September 3, 2021

Frugal Friday

Welcome to Friday! 

My Frugal Week

We had rain this week off of Hurricane Ida, which started on Monday night. The electricity flashed off and for about a little bit, but we only lost power for about an hour.  

Mending - I finally got around to mending two pairs of shorts for myself this week. The stitching had come out in the elastic waistband in three different areas. This is the type of waistband where there are three lines of stitching, so it was a bigger job than usual, but I finally got it done on Wednesday. Now I can put these two pairs of shorts back into my rotation. 

This week I experimented with making my own body wash. I prefer body wash over bar soap, but the cost is higher with body wash. Doing some research, I found this video on YouTube on how to make my own body wash using bar soap.

Here are the supplies I needed to make my own body wash from soap.

And here is an old shampoo bottle, which I put the body wash into once it was finished. I have enough body wash left to refill this three or four times.

Earning Money

I earned $13.50 from Amazon Associates for June 2021. 

I earned a $10 Amazon gift card from MobileXpression.

I made a sale of two different Dish Towel Dresses on Etsy

Avoiding Spending

I stayed home this week and did not spend any money. 

Saving Money In My Frugal Kitchen

On Sunday when we had baked potatoes for dinner, I baked an extra one so we could have home fries for breakfast Monday morning. I served those with eggs over easy. 

This week I needed to make rice, so it would be cold for the Chicken Fried Rice and I also needed to soak beans overnight for the Bean and Cheese enchiladas. Cooking from scratch does require a certain amount of planning. 

One of my favorite spoons in the kitchen went missing recently. Since then I’ve cleaned out two drawers, pulled out the fridge and swept and mopped behind it and still can’t find my spoon. I hope it shows up before too long. 

I took inventory of exactly what food I have in my pantry and freezer. This helps me in a couple of ways, helps me know what I have on hand and can plan meals off of it, uses up what I have so no food expires, which all saves me money. 

Meals This Week

When I post the things we eat during the week, I usually just hit the highlights. I don’t post everything we eat because that would be boring. We do eat plenty of fruits and vegetables with our meals and maintain a healthy diet. 

Sunday: Baked Potato Bar

Monday: Fajita Baked Chicken, Mexican Rice, Steamed Baby Carrots 

Tuesday: This is Family Movie Night, but I haven’t been participating due to my eyesight. So we had a late lunch of soup with cheese and crackers. That evening I made pizza and salad for Bailey to have with her movie night. 

Wednesday: Chicken Tenders, Rice Pilaf, Steamed Broccoli

Thursday: Sticky Pineapple Chicken, Basmati Rice with butter, Steamed Broccoli

Saving on Entertainment

Someone has posted the TV show, American Dreams, on YouTube. The show only lasted three seasons, but they are there if you would like to watch them for free. 


We were able to pick up a free, after Ibotta rebate, bottle of All laundry detergent. And Bailey was able to pick up four free slices of ham from the deli. 

How was your week?

~ Living within our Means ~
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  1. So glad you didn't lose power long from Ida!
    We were eating supper Tuesday when all of our phones went off with a tornado warning. Went downstairs to the basement family room, and the local news had the weather radar of a rotation over our street/house. I had dh take a pic of the tv screen. Thankfully it didn't touch down, but there were 2 confirmed tornadoes in the area. Scary night.
    Sounds like you had some great savings! I'll check out the body wash video.
    We loved the sticky pineapple chicken recipe.
    Do hope that your vision will soon be better after surgery, so you can enjoy movie night and everything.

    1. Oh my gosh, how scary Kathy! I’m so glad the tornado did not touch down. You just never know when one will strike.

      I’m so glad you all like the sticky pineapple chicken recipe. We just had it yesterday.

  2. Sounds like a good week. I’ll check out American Dreams. I’m always looking for fun new stuff on YouTube. Your liquid body soup sounds like an interesting project. I may have to research that for myself. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you, Penny. I think you will like American Dreams. I read your lovely blog post yesterday. 💕 I hope you have a great weekend too!

  3. Sounds like a great week! I totally agree that making food from scratch requires planning. Typically I'm up for that challenge, but there are weeks that I opt for easier options, because the planning/time/prep just can't happen. It's best to set yourself up for success, and planning can at least help you identify what type of week you'll be having.

    1. Yes, sometimes I opt out for easier methods too when it comes to cooking. Like you said, it just depends on the week. If I am worn out, I definitely go for easier.

  4. My husband and I both have iBotta and it is interesting to see the different offers we have. He had a free box of Cheerios that I did not have and I had a free pack of string cheese that he did not have. But we really did well with it this week and got about $45 in freebies and then got $60 back from the month of August total.

    1. Wow, you did great with Ibotta his week, Lana. I had no idea you could get different deals with it. Thank you for that tip, I will have to check it out too.

  5. Sounds like a great week Belinda. You always have good ideas.

  6. Wow, I was just wondering how to make body wash (I use that as well) so this is very timely. Thank you. Now just to make sure I wash out my containers and save them.

    God bless.

    1. You’re welcome, Jackie. His video recipe is simple and easy to do. I also need to save up more bottles as I only have the one. The rest is stored in a huge bowl.

  7. I am happy that Ida didn't hit you hard.

    I made my own body wash before. It was so much fun but I admit my hands didn't like the grating. My poor DH had to help me.

    I get my body wash at Dollar Tree. Their generic version of the Oil of Olay is better than the name brand. This Summer I scored Soft Soap body wash. They have several different scents.

    I finally went into the library. I have been doing drive up or our kiosk. I haven't been into a library since October 2019. It was so amazing to go and visit the books.

    Now, I have a whole pile of things to read, watch and listen too. That is going to save a lot of money. Everyone keeps asking me what I miss the most during all of this Covid nightmare. I keep saying the library, lol. Not a lot of people in the library. I think there was about a half of dozen, excluding staff. Most of us were masked and staying away from each other. It was really safe.
    I had my bottle of hand sanitizer in my hand. When I finished a section I would sanitize my hands.

    I keep a handwashing station in the truck when we go out. DH & I wash our hands every place we go. You know I am in Springfield MO home of the Delta variant so I am overly cautious even though DH & I are fully vaccinated.

    I am doing the Autumn stock up of things needed for my pantries. I like to stock up a month before the new season and rotate my pantries.

  8. Thank you for letting me know about the Dollar Tree and their body wash.

    You are lucky to be able to go in your library. Whole sections are roped off at the library here. They really just want you to order books and pick them up. There is a 45 minute time limit to even be in there.

    You’re doing a great job at keeping safe with COVID. I’m so grateful for people like you who are doing that. Hopefully doing these things will help us get to the end of this pandemic sooner.

    Good job on stocking up your pantry. That is wonderful.

  9. I sympathize about your missing spoon. A paring knife and a spreader went missing here and never did turn up. I surmise we must have accidentally thrown them in the trash somehow. It's frustrating. Hope your spoon turns up soon!

    1. Thank you, Bobbi. I hope I didn’t throw away the spoon too. It was a favorite spoon of mine too. I’m sorry you lost your paring knife and spreader.

  10. I've thrown out utensils too many times! Now before I take the trash out I do a quick survey of what I have! I hope you find the spoon soon! Celie

    1. Thank you, Celie. That is a great idea to do a quick survey of what you have on hand before taking out the trash. I need to start doing that.

  11. Sometimes I too have kitchen utensils disappearing, and then I find them in completely different places. That happens to me when I’m distracted. 😁

    Your meals sound delicious. Cooking from scratch does take some planning, doesn’t it? But it saves a lot of money, and I believe it’s much better for our body.

    1. Yes, I agree that cooking from scratch is better for our bodies, that way we know what is in the food we are eating.


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