
Sunday, July 12, 2020

Lessons Learned from the Corona Virus

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Like the Great Depression, many people who have lived through this Coronavirus will remember it for the rest of their lives. 

Many lessons have been taught and learned during these uncertain times. 

Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Someone who has a highly paid job and has money to spend still might not be able to buy necessities. 

Money cannot always buy the things you need. 

This is why we must prepare and why money in the bank is not always the number one way to save. 

Don't put all of your eggs in one basket. Have a stockpile of supplies, including food, in your home for tough times when you can't get to the bank or the store, or if the store is out of food. 

Remember how fast the toilet paper flew off the shelves? I'm sure plenty of people will be stocked up on toilet paper after this. 

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Realize that this may be the new normal and we might not ever return to the way things used to be. 

Will we ever be able to go out into public without fear of contracting coronavirus? 

Will ordering groceries and having them delivered to our home become the way of grocery shopping for the future?

Will wearing masks be something we do for years to come? 

What about you? What lessons have you learned from Coronavirus?

~ Living within our Means ~
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  1. The most important thing I realized was how fortunate I’m to already have a simple life. When I already need fewer things to be happy, it’s easier to be content. And luckily I’m somewhat introverted so I don’t miss going out, eating out at all.

    And having hobbies that you can do at home is a plus too.

    Stay safe, Belinda.

    1. Living a simple life is also a plus, Nil. Having few wants is really a good thing. :)

  2. Silly...we had a pair of chairs we replaced, which needed to get donated to the thrift shop. DH kept neglecting to do it, finally getting around to it one day, loaded them in the truck, but it was past the hours which they take donations. The next day, he thought he'd get there at opening, only to discover they were closed until further notice due to the virus. (It's run by senior citizens.) Now he has to deal with those chairs in his way in the garage. The lesson was essentially, don't count on a situation sticking around while you decide to make up your mind to take advantage of it!

    1. That is another good lesson to learn, Meg. We also have a bag of items ready to donate as soon as the one by us reopens. He might be able to put them on the curb with a free sign and they might be gone sooner rather than later.

  3. I definitely a of the mind set that as much as we can simplify life, the better. Suddenly stuff doesn't matter t all. New clothes-who care what anyone is wearing and if it is the most recent style. Learning to make a decent meal with what is on hand is a skill coming back. While I was unsuccessful gardening, others that did not before are finding it is a great way to stretch their budgets, and I'll gladly pay for their surplus to know it is safely raised. I'd like to think mask wearing becomes the norm for a while, but since so many selfish people aren't now, I doubt it will be come an easy norm.

    1. Such great points, Sam. I'm with you on the new clothes. I've been wearing my favorite tank tops and shorts and just washing them every other week. I don't think the mask wearing will become the norm either, unfortunately.

  4. 1. Listen to my own counsel and don't let others dissuade me from having that pantry well stocked and the emergency stash of cash on hand. Family and friends have often teased me but no one is laughing now and many have called to ask what to stock up on even as we start to reopen.

    2. Follow the guidance of Health Authorities - and be thankful that our politicians (at all levels) did the same.

    3. Buy into the "we're all in this together" mantra from our politicians - they supported us financially so in return we do our bit to get over this as quickly as possible - i.e.. wear a mask and social distance. It's not about my "rights" = it's about my responsibilities as a member of society.

    4. Don't take family and friends for granted - you will miss each other and emails, phone calls and Zoom meetings are fine but not the same as being together - appreciate that fact.

    5. Be thankful for my health and the Canadian Health system.

    6. Keep de-cluttering - I want my little apt. to be as clean, organized and comfortable as possible - especially if I'll have to spend a lot of time indoors during this winter.

    7. Keep to some sort of routine - especially as regards exercise - and no, I don't need a gym - I have some small weights, a resistance band, a yoga mat and the internet.

    8. Some days we need to give ourselves a break - turn off the news, grab a good book, a cup of tea, a bit of chocolate and spend the day in your PJ's - on the couch!

    1. Such a great list, Margie. Thank you. I agree that keeping routines is so helpful and giving ourselves a break every now and then. I love that no one is laughing now, and your friends are asking you for advice, that's wonderful.

  5. I learned I was correct to buy ahead and keep a supply of everything. However, all of that was taken to the dump. I immediately started my stockpile again. I changed my goals of visiting with friends. At my age I may never see the end of this. Or, it might be the end of me. That is a bitter pill to swallow. I learned other people are not serious about the deadly and infectious disease which puts a larger burden on me.

    1. I know what you mean. That bothers me too that other people are not taking this seriously, which is why we do our best to stay home. Stockpiling is very important. And I know what a bitter pill that would be to swallow, it's sad. :(

  6. I think I really value my home all the more. now We are usually shut in from November through March because of the weather, but the extended stay reminded me how important home is.

    1. That is a good point, Jane. I love reading the Down to Earth blog for that reason. She advocates staying home and producing things and really making it home sweet home.

  7. You make some excellent points.
    I know I will always keep a little supply of loo paper aside just in case and I adopt the strategy of one open, one (at least) in the cupboard. I always have done - I get it from my parents!

    1. Thank you, Joy. We will definitely keep loo paper here too, we never did run out, but we did come close.

  8. I have to admit that Covid did not change my life drastically. I was already social distancing because I am an introvert. My excitement for the week was essential shopping. DH & I were already adopting new shopping habits as we went into our new decade. I was already updating to more modern frugality rules. I have always lived below my means because I always think "What If?"

    The biggest thing I learned is that my DH was considered essential right at the beginning. I saw the way people treated my DH by not putting his safety first. They treated him as if he were disposable and was a servant to their needs. I know I am not the only one that felt this way. I have so many discussions about this. There were so many who heard good stories about people treating essential workers with respect and kindness. For every one of those lovely angels there were nine that treated essential workers horribly. I had a view that all people are good inside. I am a little bit more hesitant of people now. It is going to be a healing process to trust people to be decent for a long time to come.

    We are definitely in a new normal. Our old way of life is now part of history. It's not a bad thing.

    1. This is a terrific comment, Safyne. Thank you. I'm with you on the "what if" bandwagon.

      That is sad that your dh was treated that way by others. I look at the customers in stores, not wearing a mask, throw fits, because they are asked to leave. If I don't like the rules of the business, then I won't shop there, bu I don't expect them to conform to my way of thinking.

      Hopefully we will be able to weather the storms of this new normal.

  9. I've learned to do without, fix it, or to make it a different way. That one thing I forgot it's not worth risking my life for.

    1. Definitely Vickie! It's not worth risking your life for. I couldn't have said it any better than that.

  10. I love Margie's list above. I'll just add that I'm working hard to appreciate things i used to take for granted (social activities for me, social activities for the kids, sports to burn off energy for the kids, travel, not being worried all the time). It's important for me to recognize how wonderful things were (socially, at least) before, and to appreciate what i have now.

    1. That's a great attitude to have. I'm so glad to see you are able to post now! We've missed your input. :)


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