
Thursday, May 7, 2020

Thrifty Thursday ~ May 7, 2020

Hello to all my readers, I hope you are doing well. Certain events in our lives combined with isolating ourselves at home has me feeling downhearted. 

To combat some of our sadness, Bailey and I have went walking each afternoon during the last two weeks to get both some exercise and vitamin D from the sunshine. 

Some of the frugal things we've done recently include earning $13 in Amazon credit rewards from Microsoft Rewards and the Checkpoints App. 

I used some of the credit to order some new wash cloths for the kitchen. For some reason I was down to two of them, but will add 24 more to my collection as soon as they arrive. 

My daughter and I both cut our hair at home this week. 

For a donation of $1.10 we were able to order eight packages of seeds from

This week I went through my clothes and took out several of them that are too big for me now. My daughter will be listing them in her reselling sites. This helps her out since she is unable to source new inventory with coronavirus right now. 

In the home maintenance category, we decided to purchase a new air conditioner for the main part of the house two months ago. 

With coronavirus the process proved to be more challenging than normal. Keeping my fingers crossed, hopefully it will be installed tomorrow. 

This week I received several birthday freebies such as $10 to spend at Torrid, a free milkshake from Steak & Shake, and a free blueberry biscuit from Bojangles. 

Normally we go out to eat for each other's birthdays, but that won't be happening this year. Instead we are going to have food delivered to our home using a delivery service, which we haven't done before. 

Mother's Day is Sunday and I asked my Mom what she would like and she said I didn't have to buy her anything. Don't all Moms say that? 

She does love my beans and cornbread, so I will make her a special dinner for the day, which I know she will enjoy. I tease her regularly and tell her she would go over to the enemy if they offered her cornbread. 

I hope all of you are doing well and are enjoying these beautiful spring days. :)

~ Living within our Means ~
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  1. Sorry you have been down lately. Just remember how lucky you are and what you do have.
    Delivery dinners sound like a good plan. Moms always say 'nothing'. I bet she will love her dinner. My brother wanted the same dinner for his 79th birthday. Funny - it's simple, but we love what we love.

    1. We sure do love what we love, Cheryl. Thank you. :)

  2. Happy birthday Belinda!
    I hope Bailey and you are feeling better now. Taking walks is a very good thing both mentally and physically.
    My mom is also like yours. Whenever I ask what she’d like, she always says she does need anything. 😊 Your mom sounds so sweet. I’m sure she will really enjoy your beans and cornbread.

    1. Thank you, Nil. :)
      She will love the beans and cornbread for sure.
      Your Mom and mine are the same, not needing anything.

  3. It is funny she like cornbread that much.

    1. It is really funny. She just loves it. :)

  4. We always plan experiences for my mom's birthday & Mother's Day. This year, that will be hard, but we'll plan for the future. I'll likely plan a girls trip (my mom, sister & myself) to the beach in the fall, when the quarantine restricts a bit.

    I feel so much better after I get out for some fresh air. It really does clear the mind!

    1. Yes, fresh air is good for the body and spirit. I'm looking forward to getting out of the house too when the quarantine lets up some.

  5. I cut my own hair all the time and then sometimes, I ask Hubby to cut the back. But to pay for a hairdoooo - ack no I just can't. Plus, I know what I want and it's just as easy to do it. Love that you went for a walk and did each other's hair. Go you!

    1. Thank you! Kudos to you for cutting your own hair, it saves a lot of money over the years.

  6. 9 May
    Isn't today your birthday, Belinda?
    Happy Birthday!!!
    -memphis metro

    1. Yes it is, Anna. Thank you for remembering. You have a great memory. :)

  7. Hope your spirits lift soon. Covid19 has definitely been a learning curve. I am a frontline worker here in Canada and work is drastically different. Instead of 8 hour shifts we now do 12. Sadly, for me anyways, there is no end in sight.
    God is still in control :). Stay safe.

    1. Thank you, Theresa. I believe that God is still in control also. You stay safe out there being a front line worker. I'll be praying for strength for you in the days ahead. :)

  8. Miss your posts and recipes so much!


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