
Sunday, December 1, 2019

Saving on Electricity: Reverse Ceiling Fans for Winter

Ceiling fans are another tool we use here at the Frugal Workshop to help save money year round. Not only do they add beauty to our home, but they also serve as a supplement to both our heating and cooling systems. 

Several times this season my daughter has wanted to turn on the air conditioning, but I turned the ceiling fans on instead. This provided enough of a cool breeze to avoid turning on the air conditioner, which ends up saving money on our electric bill.

Ceiling fans made these days are very efficient in moving air around and are built to be used all year long. The key to using your ceiling fan properly is to adjust the rotation of the fan blades according to the temperatures. 

Because hot air rises, the air that we normally pay to heat at this time of year ends up accumulating towards the ceiling. 

When ceiling fan blades are reversed and forced to move in a clockwise direction, the air is pushed up towards the ceiling and down the walls. This moves the hot air down to the floor, thus making the room feel warmer where people are gathered, rather than being allowed to accumulate towards the ceiling.

Do you need to know how to reverse the direction of your ceiling fan? Here are directions to help you with this task. 

First off you need to turn the ceiling fan off and wait until the blades have stopped moving completely. 

Then you can follow these easy directions:

Get a step stool or ladder to stand on.

Locate the directional (forward/reverse) toggle switch on the body of your fan.

Flip the toggle switch in the opposite direction.

Get off step stool or ladder.
Turn fan back on.

Stand directly under the fan and make sure the blades are rotating in the proper direction for the season.

Then sit back and enjoy the comfort and savings that a ceiling fan will provide year round.

Right now we still have our ceiling fans geared towards warm weather, but starting in January we will begin to experience the cold winter weather and will be changing the direction of our ceiling fans at that time.

What about your household? Do you have ceiling fans to help save money on your heating and cooling system? Are they rotating in the correct direction for the season?

~ Living within our Means ~
My Linktree


  1. I used them to great advantage to stay warm. My friends complained about warm air making them cold. I no longer have those friends.

    1. They really do help when they are on the right setting. Glad it works for you. :)

  2. Surely does help with ceiling fans. Helpful information.

  3. I use mine in the summer regularly and use mine in the bedroom year round.

    1. Sounds good, Anne. We love our ceiling fans here.

  4. We use ceiling fans religiously here. As I will not run an air conditioner unless I have too. All bedrooms have them above the beds. this helps so much.

  5. I didn't know about the directional switch on ceiling fans until I came to the USA. :)
    I am a fan of fans. LOL
    I have two ceiling fans and 3 table fans in different rooms. :)


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