
Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Little Free Pantry

Have you ever heard of the Little Free Pantry? Little Free Pantry is a grassroots movement geared towards feeding hungry people in our communities.

Also known as "Blessing Boxes," these are miniature food pantries. These were created to fill the immediate need for people who are hungry. These pantries are able to help hungry people find food more easily any time of the day or night. 

Each pantry across the country is stocked with nonperishable food items, such as oatmeal, cereal, canned vegetables and meat, etc.

The food is provided by people volunteering to fill them and is available free with no questions asked or requirements to prove need.

Whether you have a need for food or the desire to donate food to help alleviate hunger, Little Free Pantries help to fill the void in many neighborhoods.

If you're interested in helping feed people in your community or need help with food, you can click on the website and then click on the map to find one in your neighborhood.

You can also follow the movement on Facebook or Pinterest

~ Living within our Means ~ 


  1. I love this concept - but just find it hard to believe that it will benefit a lot of people. I see the news and read the stories of hateful and hurtful people and just feel one person would take it all or destroy the box.
    I think there are enough greedy people who think they are entitled, that they would take it all.
    I would love to believe it work. I hope it does. Wonderful concept.

    1. I love the concept too, Cheryl. And I understand your concerns as I've wondered about that too. There was a lady who posted on the old AOL Tightwad boards who used to say that God asked her to give, so she did and it was up to Him to handle the rest of it. She was just doing what He asked her to do. I try to remember that when it comes to things like this. I think it is a wonderful concept too.

  2. I've never heard of this, but it's a really cool idea! I will look into options near me for donations.

  3. I think this is a great idea and I do believe that you just give and then let God take care of the rest.

  4. Many organizations or "plain 'ole people," as in your photo, give to others. An example is religious organizations that ask families to bring a bag of groceries monthly for needy.

    Others might have "Flip the Lid" week of donated soups. Same concept as the "Take What You Need" boxes.

    Schools have "Take Home Food" for students' weekends. In my metro, there is lunch at schools for children during the summer.

    We can't give enough...
    -memphis metro

    1. I agree, Anna. We can't give enough. Schools here have snack packs they send home with students over the weekend just in case they will be hungry. Often included is canned pasta or soup with several other items. Every little bit helps.

  5. What a thoughtful idea, I've seen the little free libraries especially in the villages in my homeland, but never the food concept. The churches in our area are the ones who offer free food boxes, and plenty for those who are in need.
    Thank you for your kindness.

  6. Looks like Nevada is sadly lacking any of these. I have put stuff in one where my mom lives in Oregon. Here we have a few things with free books to read but no food resources. I help supply food monthly to a guy who works but lives in a motel and gets his son every weekend. The motels around here charge so much that it's hard to get into an apt. and our apt's have gone up to sky high prices. We have a lot of the working poor. This guy always makes sure his kid has food, clothing and school supplies because the kid's mom is disabled and living on very little so I know he goes with out for their sake. He is always grateful. It just makes me so sad to see the waste we have in this country with food when people are hungry.

    1. You're so right, Crystal. The waste and greed is terrible when so any are going hungry. I know what you mean about sky high apartment prices, how can one save for a home by paying those prices? And in some places the rent is as high as places where the pay is high, but the wages are low there. That makes no sense to me.

  7. What a great concept. This is the first time I learned about this. I don’t know if there are any miniature food pantries in my area.
    We do have a food pantry in our college, but it’s not open 24 hours.

    1. It is a wonderful concept to help out the hungry.

  8. I had never heard about this but I found one near me that I could contribute to. Thanks for the information.


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