
Monday, April 15, 2019

Yard Sale Saturday

On Saturday I woke up at four a.m. wide awake. So, I decided to make the best of it and got up and went ahead and made our lunches  for the day. 

I cut up two cantaloupes, cut the granola bars I made Friday night, and made a couple of wraps to take with us. 

Unfortunately the rain ended up cutting the day short. My daughter only picked up 15 items this weekend and therefore didn't get enough inventory for the coming week. 

We did pick up a few things for ourselves though.

On Thursday I had texted Bailey and told her if she found a sieve while thrifting or at a yard sale to get it for me. On Friday we found one at a yard sale for 25¢. 

We went to a couple of church rummage sales this weekend. I found two boxes of free clothing items at one and sorted through them and ended up taking one box with various items in it. 

We found a very nice, clean Insulated shopping bag for $1.00.

We also found two plastic cereal containers for 10¢ each. 

And the best deal this weekend was a Breville Hot Wok Pro, which we found at one of the church rummage sales. They had $8 marked on it, but I asked them if they would take $5 and they did. 

I've been looking at woks for about a year now and when I saw this one I knew it was a very nice one. It sells for $129.99 on Amazon. I'm tickled to have found it and plan on having more stir frys in our meals in the future. 

Any yard sales in your area this weekend?

~ Living within our Means ~


  1. WOW what a great deal you got on that wok. You will get a lot of use out that I am sure. No sales here yet - color me sad!

    1. Thanks, Chery. I was tickled to find the wok for sure. Hopefully they will start soon in your area.

  2. I have a pile of shoes and clothes that I took from daughters that I am going to try and resell.

    1. THat's great, Kim. I wish you all the best and hope you sell it all.

  3. We decided at 11 p.m. on Friday to have an impromptu yard sale for a few hours on Sat. The weather was nice so we put everything out that we had left over from my mother in law selling her house about 5 months ago (before she moved we had sales for 3 Saturdays and made 4000.00 for her. We made some money and had a good time visiting with the neighbors (We live in a manufactured home in a senior community) Looking forward to the sale that about half the park participates in probably in June and then again in October. So much fun as we all run around the evening before and look at all the treasures and get to buy early before the sale starts the next day. Take care and I so enjoy your blog and especially seeing your yardsale finds. Can't wait to get out there next Saturday if the weather is nice and go to a few sales. Take care.

    1. Thank you so much, Crystal. That means a lot to me. How neat that you have so much fun with your yard sales in the senior community. When we moved here we came from a very close knit neighborhood and we used to sit around at the yard sales and talk up a storm. It was so much fun, sounds like what you do. And how fun it would be to go around the night before and shop early. I hope the weather is nice for you next Saturday and that you find some treasures.

  4. You got some great things at the yardsales Belinda. Those insulated shopping bags are handy and your wok was a great find.
    I always pack food when I'm yardsaling too. It's like a rolling picnic.
    You mentioned Friday yardsales last week. Do you often have those? Unfortunately we don't. I would love it if we did.

    Have a good week,

    1. Thank you, Debra. We have yard sales on Friday sometimes, but the best ones are on Saturday. And there are always more on Saturday and so many people are working on Fridays now. I love those insulated shopping bags. They are so nice to carry all sorts of things in. I hope you have a good week too.


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