
Sunday, December 9, 2018

My Frugal Week

Last week we stayed home from Saturday all the way through Tuesday. We did a lot of cleaning and getting things ready for Christmas. We didn't do any shopping or up any of the gas in our cars. 

I worked Wednesday through Friday for the same teacher, which was nice to stay in one classroom for three days. As usual, I brought my lunch and snacks and spent no money out of the house. 

Last Sunday afternoon we worked on a project in the kitchen. We took everything out of our kitchen cabinets and cleaned them out. We also sorted through our dishes and donated some that we no longer used. 

We also took all of our food items out of the pantry and wiped all the tops and put them back. No surprises in there this time, although I did throw out a few spices that were expired. 

We also worked on cleaning out one of the bedroom closets. We are trying to get the house good and cleaned up for Christmas. I know I always enjoy our home more when it is decluttered and clean. 

I watched several episodes of Restaurant Impossible on Hulu this week. I am really enjoying this and I'm glad my daughter got in on the 99¢ per month deal. 

We decorated our home for Christmas this weekend. I made banana muffins that we could enjoy while we were decorating. 

How has your week been?

~ Living within our Means ~


  1. It always feels so good to have things cleaned - whether anyone else can see them or not.
    Mmmm the muffins sound good. Have fun decorating.

  2. I cleaned 5 ceiling fans today, and had to wrangle up a gizmo to wipe the kitchen blades with a towel with spritzed on Dr bronner's solution to remove some greasy build up. Mini project done.

    1. That's great, Carol. Bailey did ours with pillow cases we bought at the thrift store, it was easier to get the top and contain any dust inside them. This was a trick she learned online.

  3. Oh I so need to clean things out. You sound organized and ready and I feel like I am about to explode with things that need done!

    1. I know what you mean. I have a to do list that I keep putting off, like wrapping presents. I need to get started on that for sure.


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