
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Saving on Groceries Series ~ Making Your Own Pickled Beets ~ Easy Recipe

I make my own pickled beets regularly using one can of beets. I boil the juice from the beets, add 1/4 cup vinegar, 3 cloves and 3 tablespoons of sugar. 

These are very good and hard to distinguish from store bought pickled beets. 

The price of store bought pickled beets is about $1.89 right now while a can of beets can easily be found for around 68¢. 

So for every can of beets I pickled myself I save about $1.00. And beets are so healthy for you and I am always happy to add another vegetable to our dinner menu. 

Another example of how we save money at the Frugal Workshop.

~ Living within our Means ~


  1. Hi Belinda.

    About how long will these beets store in the refrigerator?


    1. They will last for a few weeks since they have vinegar in them. We always eat them way before that time expires though.

  2. cool! Thanks - my hubs loves picked beets, but not me so much. This gives me an opportunity to make them anytime.

  3. Since beets are so easy to grow in southcentral Alaska, we plant them and can them as pickled beets. I never cared much for beets, but I like these -- even though, underneath the zingy cloves and vinegar they still taste a little bit like dirt.

    My favorite use is as a sandwich ingredient, along with sliced hard-boiled egg, on multigrain toast that's been well-buttered. Sounds weird, but it's quite delicious.

    Oh, and we put the beet greens into the dehydrator. Throughout the year we crumble them up into soups, stews and stroganoff -- a little extra nutrition.

    1. That's great, Donna. I know what you mean about the taste of dirt. Sometimes I will get corn on the cob or a potato that tastes like dirt. Not the best taste in the world. LOL

  4. I have never tried this, but I'm definitely going to now. My family loves pickled beets and I normally get them at Aldi, but they only have them occasionally. Thanks so much for the tip!

  5. In-season from the garden of my childhood, always on the dining table were fresh cucumbers and onions with vinegar, pickled beets, sliced tomatoes, and uncut scallions for noon and evening meals. Those were wonderful times around the table. Enjoy your pickled beets.

  6. Great tip, Belinda. I love getting items at the cheapest price. Thanks!


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