
Sunday, August 27, 2017

Fourth Frugal Week August 2017

Two ways I save money on gasoline are to use both my Plenti card and my EZPay card when I fill up my car. The EZPay card allows me to save 10¢ per gallon on gas while the Plenti card allows me to earn points towards free gasoline. 

On Sunday I filled up the car and went ahead and used the $12.00 that I had in Plenti points. Using the EZPay card allowed me to pay $1.89 per gallon instead of the $1.99 pump price, so using both cards together saves me the most money. 

On Sunday I cooked a pot of Cranberry Beans in the pressure cooker for meals this week. I also made a batch of Unfried Rice for lunches this week. 

I earned another $5.00 gift card to Amazon this week from Microsoft Rewards. 

One of our local grocery stores, Cooke's, is doing away with its current rewards program and asked customers to cash out, so I earned a $10 gift card from Cooke's this week.  

I used it today to buy some fresh produce like tomatoes, oranges, sweet potatoes, grape tomatoes, beans, and pickled beets. 

I was able to work two days last week and have two days scheduled for the upcoming week as well, but hope to add more days as the week moves forward. 

How was your week?

~ Living within our Means ~


  1. Belinda, what is "unfried rice"?

  2. It is a recipe that makes fried rice, but uses no oil.
    It is made with tofu and is very good and nutritious.

    Here is a link to the recipe:

  3. Hmm . . interesting, thanks, Belinda!

  4. You always manage to do so well with the rewards programs!

    Thanks for sharing the "un-fried" rice recipe link.

    1. Thank you, Shara. I hope you enjoy the un-fried rice recipe. :)

  5. Thank you, dear Belinda, for sharing how you stretch your income. Throughout Bailey's life, you have introduced me to a variety of ways to manage. I used powdered soy milk for years as eggs in baking recipes and could tell no difference.

    1. You're welcome, Anna. Thank you for saying so and may I also say that I have learned a lot from you as well over the years.

  6. Don't you love getting gift cards, especially when they help buy groceries? I know I sure do! Any little bit helps!

    Hope you have a lovely day and weekend!

    1. Yes, I do love getting gift cards for that reason. I hope you have a great weekend too. :)


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