
Monday, August 7, 2017

First Frugal Week of August 2017

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School started back here on Friday, August 4th and I am already scheduled to work three days this week and every day the next week. I'm definitely grateful to be back to work and earning again. 

On Friday I made a pasta salad for lunch and dinner for a few days at least. I had so much fresh produce on hand like cucumbers, tomatoes, and broccoli that it just made good sense to use them in something refreshing. 

Friday  night we went swimming and spent about an hour exercising in the pool.

On Saturday we went to several of our local Goodwills for their 50% off sale. I found several pairs of curtains for the house for both the kitchen, hallway, and bedroom. I've had them on my yard sale list, so it's nice to cross that off the list. 

I found a gallon bag about half full of pencils, pens, highlighters, mechanical pencils, erasers, and lead for 50¢. I've already put this in my sub bag as you can never have too many of these. 

I found another Vidalia Chop Wizard like this one: 

I love mine, but if you have one, you know the bottom will break easily. The tops are made very well, but the bottoms are not made as well. We find the tops and middle green parts at yard sales regularly, and I have extras of those. The bottoms are not as easy to find, so I was tickled to find this one marked at $1.00, so we paid 50¢ out the door for it. 

I also found a vintage quilt for $2.00. It is hand quilted and you can tell from the prints that the fabric is from the 1950s era. I bought it with the intention of flipping it, but my daughter wants to keep it, so we are going to keep it instead. 

I found one movie ($1.00) that I've watched, but did not care for so that will go into our McKay's box to be traded. 

We came home on Saturday and I made Salmon Patties, Fried Potatoes, and Soup Beans for dinner. Afterwards we played a board game for more free entertainment. 

We made another exchange at McKay's Used Books during the week with the scientific calculator and more board games we bought at yard sales and realized over $100 in trade credit. I picked up a couple of books, but we mostly saved it to spend on another day. 

Sunday lunch was the rest of the pasta salad while Sunday dinner was leftover salmon patties made into salmon burgers with tartar sauce, cheese, and dill pickles. 

We went to the local apple orchard on Sunday and bought apples. It's that time of year again.  :)

How was your week?

~ Living within our Means ~


  1. I think I need to start hitting Good Will on 50% off days! Great finds.

  2. Sounds like you had a great week!

    I can't believe school is back in already. It doesn't start here until August 21st -- I think. However, NC has a law about how early it can start.

    Love the thrift store finds!

    1. Thank you, Busy Bee.

      I know, I can't believe school is already in session either. I would love it if TN had a law about how early school can start. I think they take away from a child's summer when they start this early.

  3. Back in my teaching days, teachers often had in-service days by 3 August with students beginning within 3 to 5 days. Some students in my area began last week on Friday. Can't help but wonder why teachers have planned for a substitute this early in school year. 8 days already set for you to sub surprises me, but I am glad you were called. :)

    Never used a Vidalia Chop Wizard. How does it compare to using a food processor?

    McKay's and apple orchard brought a grin. WTG and Happy Days.

    1. Thank you, Anna. The one I subbed for on Tuesday has to take her Mother to Nashville regularly as she had a kidney transplant last year. The other two days this week is to fill in for a teacher who quit at the last minute. I always find it odd to be called so early to sub as well. They started their in-service days this year at the end of July, which is so early to me.

      We like the chop wizard because it makes the tiniest dices for tomatoes and onions, which makes for great pico-de-gallo, which we like to put on beans and other things as well. I have to be careful with the food processor to not let it process as much, but it would work too. My food processor was a gift from my exdh and is showing its age as the white color is yellowing with age. Makes me feel old when I look at it. LOL

      I hope you have a happy day too. :)

    2. Can't tell you how helpful you are to a teacher with responsibility to care for mother. Good subs are few and far between. Quitting last minute happened to me decades ago when I was a victim of a car accident. The unexpected happens.

      Seems that pulsing a food processor can require lessons for certain foods. I understand your liking the chop wizard. Kitchen gadgets are a good investment for an efficient kitchen. Your food processor paid for itself. Oh, you are not getting older. You're getting better. :):):)

    3. LOL, thank you, Anna. :) I do love subbing as I get to see students from grades 6 thru 12. The ones today told me the teacher resigned for a better position with better pay at a college, so that is understandable. I'm so sorry you had to quit after a car accident. Those unexpected things do happen, unfortunately.


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