
Friday, June 2, 2017

Giveaway! Your Playbook for Tough Times ~ Volume 2 ~ Wants and Needs Edition

Donna Freedman over at Surviving and Thriving has written a sequel to her first book, Your Playbook for Tough Times. Her new book is called Your Playbook for Tough Times, Volume 2, Needs And Wants Edition.

Donna's new book was created to help people live their best lives on the money they have. Her book offers solid advice on how to thrive in these tough economic times and provides tips and resources to help consumers get the most out of every dollar. 

She understands that individuals in the post 2008 recession era are struggling to get through these tough times caused by stagnant salaries, unemployment or underemployment, health issues, property tax increases, student loan debts, and the ever increasing cost of everyday essentials. 

One reason Donna wrote her first book was that she heard tough times were coming back. But to Donna it seemed like for some people tough times never went away. 

This is what I love about Donna's books. She gets it. She's lived it. Her book is a treasure trove for people who are also struggling with these hard economic times. 

What does Donna have to say about retirement?

Most of us are expected to plan our own retirements. Thus, a chunk of earnings disappear right off the top, leaving less to pay the bills - that is if you're actually able to do that. Some people aren't saving a dime for retirement and who can blame them really? When you are running as fast as can  just to stay in the same place saving may seem impossible. 

My readers know that I read multiple money saving, personal finance, and early retirement blogs, which I love. But my situation is far different from many of those bloggers I read about. 

With Donna I feel like I found a kindred spirit. She's been where I've been, she has walked in my shoes and she knows what it's like to live with the uncertainty that can come from living through hard economic times.  

What else does Donna have to say about her new book?

This book shows people how to think critically and creatively about wants and needs, and how to use frugal hacks to get the best use of available funds. Suppose you could slash your funding on food, pet care, insurance and such by a total of $500 per month.What could an extra $6,000 do for your bottom line?

She goes on to add...

For those who are having trouble making ends meet, the book provides loads of resources for saving money on food, insurance, life celebrations, pet food and care, home repairs, and yes, funerals. 
You'll learn how to build your credit and improve your credit score, get out of the habit of impulse buying, find reasons to be grateful for what you do have, and generally make smarter choices about your money and your life. 

Doesn't that sound like something you will want to read again and again? 

Donna has been very kind and is allowing the Frugal Workshop to have a blog giveaway where one lucky reader will receive a copy of not just her new book, but a copy of both e-versions of her books. How neat is that?!  

All you have to do to enter the contest is to leave a comment in the comment section on why you would love to have a copy of her books. I'll let the contest run for one week and then I'll announce the lucky winner on the blog. 

Good luck to all of my readers!
~ Living within our Means ~


  1. I hardly enter giveaways. I am going to bite on this one. :) This sounds like my kind of frugality book too. I really related to the excerpts you shared. DH & I were hit hard by the recession and slowly recovering. It is not the same as it was before 2008. I read a lot of frugality sites and books too. The newer ones don't seem to fit me any more. She sounds like my kind of girl.

    Thank you and her so much for hosting and offering.

    1. You're welcome, Aiyana. I agree that it is not the same as it was before 2008. Recovering has been slow for us as well.

      I loved both of Donna's book and hope you will too.

      Good luck to you on the giveaway. :)

  2. I would like to win this book because I definitely need help distinguishing between wants and needs. Thanks for the chance.

  3. I would love to win this book a feel I could learn many things. We lost a lot in the recession. We live in southern California the 12th
    most costly place to live in the nation.
    Thanks for doing the giveaway.
    I have been been having some health problems . Sorry I have not commented lately.

    1. You're welcome, Patti. I'm sorry you've been having some healthy problems. It's always good to hear from you! I hope you are feeling better soon.

      Good luck in the giveaway! :)

  4. Any time I can learn more frugal ways is great for me. I work hard to stretch our income and retirement is looming.
    Thanks for the giveaway : )

  5. I have been reading and applying a lot of information about preparing for retirement. Due to our daughters cancer we had to pay off over $100,000 worth of medical bills (and we had major medical coverage). So now with us in our mid 50's we are just starting to fund this. I refuse to be a hardship for my children as I get older so I want to be as prepared as possible.
    I know that I would like the common sense approach that is offered by Donna about using your money wisely.
    From other information I have gathered I have taken notes and applied this new found knowledge. I then pass the books onto my children to read (already highlighted). I discuss the book after they have completed it and they have started to see the long term implications of being prepared for their futures and how to USE MONEY EFFECTIVELY!!!

  6. Just found your site thru Donna - Love it, and would love to win the book!

    1. Thank you, Nancy. I'm so glad you found my site. :)

      Good luck in the giveaway!

  7. What a great give away. I would love to read her book simply because we are getting nearer retirement and trying to rev up our savings.

  8. I have just began to start reading your blog and love it. I remember an article that Donna wrote years ago that was so inspiring. I would love to learn more from her books.

    1. Sounds good, Sarah. Good luck in the contest. :)

    2. Hi Sarah,
      Was it the "Surviving (And Thriving) On $12,000 A Year" piece? I still get requests for that.

      Which is why I posted the original (unedited by MSN Money) version on my personal site:

      Belinda: Hope it's OK to have posted that.

    3. Hi Donna

      Yes that was it. I loved it. You had videos also. Loved them.

    4. The videos still exist, on YouTube I believe. And I write about money and midlife at my personal site.

    5. Thanks so much Donna. I will be checking it out. I hope you are doing well! 😊

  9. I always look for new ways to tighten the financial belt and prepare for the future. I appreciate Donna Offering this giveaway on your blog. Thank you!

    1. You're welcome, Ms. Sandie. Good luck to you. :)

  10. I would love to win-I love to keep learning new ways to be frugal!!!

  11. Hello all,
    My site appears to be under attack from a "bad bot" again. It happened last week and got fixed, but it's happening again. I've got a web guy on it and this time I am hoping for the best.

    So if you get an "error" message or a "warning!" message when you go to, I'm very sorry and trying to get it fixed.

    Thanks to all for your interest in my book.

    1. Oh no! I'm so sorry, Donna. :(

      I think I will leave the giveaway open a few more days to make up for the time your site has been down just to give everyone that wants to enter the time needed to do so. Hopefully you can get it fixed asap this week.

    2. Thank you for that! The web guy has traced the new bad-bot source to...a video I shot in my back yard of an Alaska summer "evening." (Spoiler alert: It's past 10 p.m. and the sky is blue and the sun is shining.)

      Apparently you shouldn't host videos on your site, because spambots love to attach themselves. Sadly, I've had to delete the video and I hope this is the last of the problem!

    3. Wow, I had no idea. I wonder if it does that to YouTube videos as well. ??? I hope that is the last of your problem too.

    4. He said that YouTube videos are fine. It's the self-hosted ones that can be trouble.

    5. That is good to know, Thank you, Donna.

  12. Belinda, First of all thank you for your site. I also live in Tennessee so it is nice to read about someone in my state. I lost my job last year and thought I knew how to be frugal to absorb the lost of income. It has been a challenge and I think this book would give me ideas to help with this process so I can stay home.

    1. Oh, that is so neat that you live in Tennessee too, Trudy. I'm sorry about the loss of your job last year. I know how challenging that can be. I wish you the best of luck in the giveaway. :)

  13. I'd be interested in reading this! Place my name in the hat, thanks. Carol in CT

  14. Followed a link to throw my name in for the giveaway, but happy to have discovered Frugal Workshop. I don't know anyone who can't use this kind of advice these days.

    1. Thank you, Kerry. Good luck to you in the giveaway. :)

  15. I recently became disabled and am trying to cheerfully adjust to a new and much smaller budget. I would love a copy of this book for encouragement and suggestions while we become adjusted to the new normal


  16. Donna's book would be soooo helpful for me and my husband. Really like your blog Belinda! @BTAsbury

    1. Thank you, BTAsbury. Good luck in the giveaway. :)

  17. I am new to your blog, and I want to go back and read your past posts. Thank you for the chance to win. I am feeling the nudge to be more prepared.

    1. You're welcome, Kathy. Best of luck to you in the giveaway. :)

  18. I would love to win this book because I think learning more about figuring out what are true needs and true wants would be a helpful tool for being better about my finances.

    1. Sounds good, ahartsell. Good luck in the giveaway. :)

  19. I would love to win this book. My husband and I are nearing retirement age and we have no retirement funds saved. We are trying to become debt free but my medical bills have put us behind on our payoff plan yet again.

  20. I would love to win this book. My husband and I need to prepare for retirement. Good luck everyone.
