
Thursday, February 9, 2017

This Week...

Since school was out on Tuesday due to illness I took advantage of the day off and was able to get a doctor appointment for my Mom and take her and went to Food City afterwards to snag a few deals. 

They had 1 pound rolls of breakfast sausage on mark down for $1.49, so I picked up two of those.

For breakfast I cooked the sausage and toasted an English muffin (bought on markdown at Kroger for 25¢/pack). 

A sausage muffin at McDonald's  cost $1.00 each while my homemade version came out to just under 30¢, which makes it a money saver. 

Food City also had a package of ground chuck marked down to $8.67 for just over three pounds. I brought it home and divided it up into three separate freezer bags and stuck those in the freezer. 

Food City also had corn on sale for 50¢ per can, so I bought 10 cans for my pantry. 

They also had cream cheese on sale for buy one get one free, which made them $1.15. I paired this with some Hormel Chili, which was on sale for 99¢ and I had a 55¢ off coupon for two cans. I'll use this to make my daughter's favorite dip. 

On Wednesday I received a call from Central Office informing me that school was closed for the rest of the week due to illness. I was so disappointed as that will be four days of work I have missed this week.  I do have three days already scheduled for next week, so that is good. 

Wednesday afternoon we went to the library, so my daughter could work on some school work. Did I tell you that she made the Dean's List last semester? She did. :)

I like going to the library because we can use their Internet at no cost.  We are on a data plan at home, which is not unlimited and tends to run out before the month is over. 

Since I was off school this week and had plenty of time on my hands, I've been reading the forums over at Money Saving Expert and on the Frugal Living Reddit sites. 

I did make a trip to Chattanooga on Thursday to have the oil changed in my car at the dealership. This did not cost me anything out of pocket today as I prepaid for this service when I bought the car.

I did run to Sam's Club for cheese since I was going right by there anyway. So I made pepperoni pizzas for dinner. 

How has your week been?

~ Living within our Means ~


  1. Wow! some great bargains you got! The pizza looks really good.

  2. Thank you for your upbeat attitude. It helps keep me going.


  3. It must have been very bad in your school to close because of illness, I have never heard of it around here. Heard on the news the flu is really bad this year. With it being 60 one day and snow and freezing temps the next it is no wonder why people are sick. Will you have to make up those missed days? Cheryl. Congrats to your daughter.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. :)

      The school system here has 10 days built into the school year that do not have to be made up, but if they use any more than that, they will have to be made up at the end of the year.

      Multiple counties here have closed schools as a result of the flu and strep. Schools in Chattanooga are closed due to illness as well.

  4. I am impressed with your bargains!
    Congratulations to your daughter on making the deans list, that is wonderful!

  5. First, your daughter making the dean's list is great!

    Great deals, too!

  6. Congratulations to your daughter! That is wonderful news:) Baily did great last week with her coupons. Sorry you had to miss so much work. I pray that everyone is over the flu. I am from California and they do not close the school for sickness. I wonder if it helps stop the illness by closing the school? Your bargains this week are great. Do you ever barter with your coupon items? I used to when we got double coupons out here.
    Have a blessed week.

    1. Thank you, Patti. Sometimes we trade our coupon items for things. My daughter fixed up a big basket to give to the lady who provides her with inserts, so that was kind of neat. I am hoping the flu is dying down too. CVS sent a text alert to me today that the flu was rampant here right now. I just hope it dies out soon. I hope you have a blessed week too. :)

  7. Fantastic deals! I'm looking for a similar deal on sausage so I can can some patties up. Last Fall I bought Jimmy Dean sausage for 99 cents/lb!

    Hope this flu gets over with soon. Been holing up inside trying to avoid getting it. Winter can be very long.

    Congratulations to your daughter for making the Dean's list!


    1. Thank you, Jane. 99¢ is a GREAT price for Jimmy Dean. Hope you can find some at that price again. We like that brand. :)

  8. I'm sorry school was closed for most of the week. Hopefully everything will get back on track this next week. But I'm sure the lack of work for several days hurts.

    Good work to your daughter on Dean's List! That is awesome!

    I agree with everyone else on the great deals you found. Were you able to buy a few packages of English muffins? I don't think I've ever seen then for 25 cents/package. Sausage muffin sandwiches sound delicious for a winter morning' breakfast. And at 30 cents each -- that is such a bargain!

    Have a wonderful weekend, Belinda!

    1. Thank you, Lili. :)

      We found whole wheat, pumpkin and cinnamon raisin English muffins for 25¢ a pack of 6, and I bought 4 of them. They were close to the sell by date, which is why they were so cheap. I bought them and stuck them in the freezer.

      Hopefully next week will run smoothly and school will remain open. I'm hoping anyway. Hope you have a great weekend too. :)


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