
Monday, September 5, 2016

Monday - Labor Day

Last week I was able to work four days while this week I am scheduled to work two days so far, although that changes from day to day. On two days  last week we went swimming after school and even with having dinner planned we ate very late on a couple of nights. 

Today I made several dishes that can be reheated during the week, so we are not eating so late in the evenings. I made spaghetti with Italian sausage, homemade vegetable soup, two pounds of soup beans (great northern), and two pounds of pinto beans. 

For lunches I made tuna salad and pasta salad.  I put the pasta salad into individual bowls so they can be grabbed to go in the morning. 

I also popped two containers of popcorn to have in place of chips since I don't have any of those on hand. There is fresh bok choy I chopped up into celery like sticks and I made some hummus for that. There are clementines and apples to take as well .

For dinner tonight I have some country style pork ribs cooking in the crockpot with some barbecue sauce.  There will be leftovers of those to use through the upcoming week as well. 

Planning our dinners for the week helps me save money by not eating out at a restaurant or bringing home take out food. 

And the food I prepare at home is so much healthier than anything we can order outside our home.  

My daughter and I both noticed that we lost about 10 pounds each this summer while only eating at home. :)

~ Living within our Means ~


  1. Belinda, you are so right about eating at home and weight loss. I notice the minute I eat restaurant food the next day my weight is up. We have no idea how much sodium and fat is in that food whereas what we make at home we can control the amount of sodium and fat. I do my best to limit eating out.

    How is Bailey liking college? I hope both of you have a good week!

    1. Yes, Mary Lou, we notice the same thing with the sodium and our weight going up the day after a restaurant meal. I can only imagine what they add to the food to make it taste really good.

      Bailey is buy as can be with her college work. She doesn't really care for the campus as it is mostly spread out and involves a lot of walking in this heat, but come winter time she will love it as she loves to do a lot of walking. She does love a couple of her classes though and has some terrific professors. She will be glad when her speech class is over though. lol

      I hope you have a good week too. :)

  2. Busy as can be with college courses is great news. Campuses are seldom convenient for students. One classmate received permission to be 10-minutes late because she had an overlap with class before. Bailey and I agree about speech class. For me, it was totally a waste of time. An extra math or science class would have been better.

    1. That was nice of the professor to be so understanding. Bailey will definitely be glad when speech is over. lol

  3. I think the Professor makes our breaks the class. I loved speech
    in High School and did really, really well. I took speech as an adult in my thirties and hated it. It was nothing to do with the subject matter. Just a man that did not value women. So sad for all those young girls going through his class. I dropped the class. I took something else. I can't remember right now. I was so much happier. I was working full time taking 18 units and a single mom. I had no time for a mean teacher. Does Bailey need speech? I hope it gets better but it probably will not. They have things like rate your professor now. Or she could talk to some of the other kids ahead of her.
    Have a blessed week.
    I am so impressed with your meal prep. Good for you.

    1. Oh wow, Patti, there is a teacher at the high school that does not value women and I agree, it is sad for the young ladies going through his class.

      Yes, Bailey needs speech as everyone who graduates there has to take it. She was so nervous yesterday that she gave her speech in two minutes even though she had it down to three the day before. She will have to learn to slow it down next time.

  4. I will pray for her. Have a blessed week Belinda.


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