
Sunday, October 18, 2015

Sunday Dinner & Other Things

Sunday Dinner is Potato Soup since we have so many potatoes on hand. 

Do you like my backdrop? My daughter was taking pictures for her Etsy shop, so she made a picture of the soup for me.  :)

Here is a link to the recipe I use in case you want it: Potato Soup

I received my first coupon for a free product from Sunbelt Bakery. It was easy for me to earn more than enough points (only 500 points needed) to receive this coupon. 

You can earn one too. 

If you're interested just click here: Bakery Fresh Friends 

We went to McKay's Used Books on Saturday and I traded for three new to me cookbooks. I really like the Marcia Adams' cookbook. She used to have a tv show on that I watched when I was younger. You can still see some of those old tv shows on YouTube. 

 We've really enjoyed our week off from school. 

Back to the grindstone tomorrow. 

I hope you all have a great week! :)

Live simply by not spending money you don't have.
© Belinda & Frugal Workshop, 2011 - 2015.


  1. What does your daughter sell in her Etsy shop?

    I love poking around in used bookstores. It always seems to me that there's greater variety of what is available than in the bookstores that sell only new publications. Those cookbooks look like fun reading!

    Have a good week back at work!

  2. Right now she is selling Hand Sanitizer bottles that she has redecorated. She is adding Thieves essential oil to them to ward off sickness. She wants to do so many things in her little shop.

    I love used bookstores too. I could spend all day in there. I took one today and read it all day long. I could never get bored with cookbooks. lol

    Thanks, Lili. I hope you have a good week too. :)

    1. How would I find her Etsy shop to take a look?

  3. Here is a link, Lili:

    1. Thanks, Belinda. I'll check take a look!

    2. Very cute! I wish Bailey much success!

    3. Thank you, Lili. She has big plans for her little shop. :)

  4. I've been known to check out 20 cookbooks to read from a library. Children's cookbooks can stir the gray matter, too.

    1. My favorite section at McKay is the cookbook section. :)


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