
Saturday, February 7, 2015


Work Week

I've been very fortunate to have worked every day the last two weeks. I'm grateful for the opportunity to work because sometimes there are dry spells and breaks from school when I don't get to work as much. 

Price of Beef

The other day I thought I had the day off and happened to be in the grocery store (I was called into work right after I left the store) where I found one package of Angus beef patties on markdown. This was a four pound package for $12.59. Normally the patties cost more than plain ground beef in a package, but not this time. This package actually worked out to $3.15 a pound, which was a good deal. Even the packages of plain ground beef with yellow mark down stickers were $4.54  a pound.  

I wasn't in the mood for hamburgers and using it as hamburgers would not stretch it as far as using it in other ways, So I decided to break them up and brown them with plenty of onions, garlic, salt and pepper. 

Afterwards I ended up with over 8 cups of ground beef. I put half of this into my crockpot and made chili, and I put the other half into a freezer bag and placed it in the freezer for another meal later.  

Here is the chili in the crockpot all hot and ready for when people are ready to eat. 

After I made the chili, I got started on Sunday dinner. I chopped up some onions and celery and sauteed them in butter. I put them in the refrigerator for later. I'm going to be making some dressing for Sunday dinner, so it will be nice to have this step already completed. I also have a lot of potatoes on hand, so I will definitely be making some mashed potatoes to go with our Sunday dinner. 

Amazon Sales

I sold a book on Amazon this morning, so I packed it up and dropped it off at the post office on my way to drop my daughter off at the library for her volunteer duty. I have found that it is easier and cheaper to sell books on Amazon than Ebay, so from now on I will list all of my books on Amazon. I have sold four books on Amazon since I started just a couple of weeks ago. It's simple and easy to do and it is like getting a little bit of income without really having to do much to earn it. And like I say, every little bit helps. 

Paperback Swap Update

Paperback Swap will begin charging members to use their service this month, so I have decided to end my membership with them. I have used them for about six months now and I felt like the selection of books to choose from was poor and were untradable at McKays, so with the announcement that they will begin to charge a yearly fee or transaction fee, I have made the decision to end my membership with them. 


After I dropped my daughter off at the library today, I went to Cooke's for some buttermilk ($1.19), toilet paper ($3.00), crackers ($1.19), salmon pouches (44¢ after coupon), and a free 12 pack of Coke ($3.33). I checked the crash & burn section, but did not find anything. I need to make some cornbread for the dressing tomorrow, which is why I needed the buttermilk. 

Today's Funny...

At 6:15 this morning I heard someone knocking on the back door. I was a little freaked out until I realized it was Big Kitty laying up against the door scratching and thumping the door. So, it was actually a cat burglar. hehehe ;)

Big Kitty
That's all the news that's fit to print from here. I hope everything is good in your corner of the world.  :)

Simply live by the rule of not spending money you don't have.
© Belinda & Frugal Workshop, 2011 - 2015.


  1. Sharp eye you had there, Belinda, in comparing the per lb cost of the preformed burger patties vs the plain pkg of ground beef. It all came from the same source, after all! Good home economics at work!

    1. Thank you, Carol. :) It's usually the opposite, but not always, so it's good to check. :)

  2. I recently purchased some preformed, fresh but marked down beef patties, something I normally wouldn't do, because of cost. I don;t recall exactly what I paid, but they were a bargain as they were marked down. We did enjoy them as burgers, and some were frozen, now long gone.

    1. These are really good as burgers as I've bought them before the price of beef went so high. Can't beat getting them for a bargain. The best time to go for markdowns here is early in the morning around 8 to 10 a.m., but since I'm usually working it can be hard to do most days.

  3. You had a very productive day! Those kind of days always make me feel good.

    That's a great price on the beef! And good thinking to cook it how you'd most like to use it. I could see myself, mixing the beef up with seasonings, bread crumbs and making meatballs.

    Have a great week!

    1. Thanks, Lili. Meatballs would have been a great idea to use up the beef! I made a list while I was at school the other day, but forgot it and was winging it from home. lol

      I hope you have a great week too. :)

  4. Terrific deal and plan for meat. How Many portions of chili did you get from your crock pot? We used to buy 5 pounds of ground beef to make meat balls to freeze, and I always pre-cooked ground beef to freeze to save space and time, but I no longer buy ground meat.

    Please keep us updated about Amazon sales. I look for used at Amazon. When Amazon did not have Laura Ingalls Wilder's Pioneer Girl, I did find new ones at eBay for good prices, though.

    You have a beautiful cat. Enjoy the photo.

    Continue encouraging us.

    1. There were 18 servings of chili in the crockpot, so quite a bit. I love the meatball idea and would love to have some of those in my freezer too. I will keep you all updated on the Amazon sales too ...thank you so much for your encouragement. :)


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