We had more snow last night, so there was no school again today, and they've already called school off for tomorrow too, so I've missed six days of work in the last two weeks. One of the other subs & I were joking on Facebook that maybe we would get to work in March. :)
What's for Dinner
On Thursday I made what might seem like an odd combination for dinner. In my defense, I am it use it up mode since we have been snowed in so many days in the last two weeks, I've not been able to make a trip to the grocery store. So, I made a package of popcorn shrimp from the freezer, mashed up the last of the potatoes and served some beefy mushroom gravy over the top, and cooked five ears of corn I had on hand, cut them off the cob and served them with butter. Even though it was an odd combo, it was a big hit.
Sam's Club
Speaking of Sam's Club, I need to make a trip soon and also renew my membership. The savings we earn on OTC medicine there more than pays for our membership there each year. I already have a list of items I've been needing, so I can avoid any impulse purchases.
How is your Thursday shaping up?
Live simply by not spending money you don't have.
© Belinda & Frugal Workshop, 2011 - 2015.