
Saturday, September 13, 2014


We made it to another Friday! :)

I worked all day on Friday, came home and made dinner, started on the laundry from the week, folded several loads, updated and printed out my resume, and spent no money today. 

Breakfast was a pimento cheese sandwich, Lunch was either peanut butter and jelly or pimento cheese sandwiches, pretzels, red grapes or apple, and water to drink. I used the last two slices of a loaf of bread and used an old trick to wrap my sandwiches. I used the bread bag and just cut the top off of it. As far as tips go, it's an oldie, but a goodie. 

Dinner was macaroni and cheese and steamed broccoli. There were red grapes and apples for fruit if anyone wanted those.

I have a list of errands to run on Saturday including a trip to Sam's Club for a few things. I'll be sure to update later. I hope you have a good weekend. 

CFO ~ Chief Frugal Officer
© Belinda & Frugal Workshop, 2011-2014.
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do, do without”
"Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle ~ It will help you save money"


  1. I was glad to roll back in Friday! There truly is no place like

    When I was younger I found it amusing that my grandmamma saved everything. Now I find myself saving ties, bags, etc. She's probably somewhere laughing.

    1. LOL, Shara. She probably is. I save a lot more now than I did back when I was younger. I try to keep it all organized though. I keep bread ties in a glass jar because you never know when you might need one. I save jars, egg cartons, tin cans, aluminum cans. The list goes on and on, but they are all organized. lol


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