
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Saturday ~ 9-6-2014

Today is Saturday, which is the day my daughter volunteers at the library. I'll drop her off, run an errand for my Mom and then pick her up afterwards and head on home. We'll take the garbage with us and drop it off as we go today. I saw an advertisement for a home garbage service for $5.00 per week recently. My daughter and I can do this for ourselves and save $20 a month in the process, or $240 a year. The savings really do add up over time. 

Another way we save money here is by lining the produce drawer with paper towels. The paper towels will easily absorb excess moisture, which can cause fruits and vegetables to deteriorate faster. Using a paper towel will help keep your expensive produce like berries and tomatoes stay fresh for longer.

I listed four more items for sale on Ebay last night. I like the idea of earning money for these things rather than just donating them and I love the fact that I am getting rid of items that I no longer use. Decluttering is always a win-win in my book. 

I made a new batch of fabric softener today using up the last of two different bottles of hair conditioner. You can find the recipe here.  You can see I've written the recipe on the side of the fabric softener bottle I reuse for this purpose, which makes it easy to mix up a new batch. 

And we always recycle the plastic bottles. Today, I have a garbage bag full of plastic bottles that need to be donated to the recycling center. We have no recycling stations here, but there is one in the town where my daughter volunteers, so we make sure to return these on a day when we can combine trips and errands.

I have a load of wash clothes and towels going in the washer already this morning. I need to fold the laundry we washed last night and get that put away for next week. I'm working everyday but Wednesday next week. 

We had company stop by one day this week on their way home from Florida to Kansas. We had some special food in the kitchen as a result. Yesterday, my aunt cooked us a big breakfast. Sausage, scrambled eggs, and gravy. They've already gone home now, but I still have sausage left in the freezer, so we will be including that with some of our meals this week. 

After our trip to town, we came home and I started making dinner. I made Rice & Cheese, Brussel Sprouts, and Fried Potatoes. I also made some iced tea to go with dinner. 

Here is a freebie I received in the mail today from The Republic of Tea. They send me a catalog once a month with a free sample inside. Today's sample is Toasted Coconut  Black, doesn't that sound good? I can't wait to try it. 

I had to pick up my daughter's prescription at the pharmacy today and picked up a free bottle of water in the process. I paid $1.50 for the prescription, which is the only money I spent today. This has been a low spending month for me so far, which is always a good thing. 

How was your day today? 

CFO ~ Chief Frugal Officer
© Belinda & Frugal Workshop, 2011-2014.
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do, do without”
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


  1. You had a full day!

    We started the day with coffee and quiet time for hubby and me -- no fancy stuff, just home

    Then daughter and I went to the library book sale. We came home with 20 books for 50 cents each. Four of the 20 are for Christmas gifts, 4 were cookbooks for me (older and using staple items instead of convenience foods), 1 was an herbal garden book, and the rest will be used for school reading.

    I spent the rest of the day doing a variety of things. All the clothes are washed and hanging to dry...either on clothes horses or the shower rods on hangers. I did wash bedding which we dry in the dryer because I don't have anywhere to hang them out.

    Cooking and baking took up a big part of my day, but we were supposed to have guests over for dinner. They cancelled at the last minute -- not feeling well, but it turned out to be a blessing I had prepped early. I was able to deliver them meals and fresh baked bread.

    Does your fabric softener do well without having to dry the clothes in the dryer?

    1. Wow, great deal on the books, Shara! I love that. And I agree with you, the older cookbooks are more cooking from scratch friendly than newer cookbooks. I like the older ones better.

      Sounds like you were buys too with all the laundry and cooking. We've done 4 loads today and I have three of them folded and put away. Just waiting on the last one to get out of the dryer. I have some hanging up to air dry inside the house. Allergies are so bad here right now I would not dare hang anything outside to dry. Of course, you are not that far from us, so I'm sure the ragweed is in full bloom there too.

      I think the fabric softener works well without drying the clothes in the dryer. I think the vinegar really helps to make it work the best. They certainly smell good, that's for sure. :)

      I hope you have a great weekend. I'm enjoying relaxing this evening as it was a busy day here.

  2. I'm intrigued and slightly excited by the idea of making my own fabric softner. I will give it a go. My daughter's skin is very sensitive and even the smallest amount of fabric softner makes her skin break out in ezema. You have a great blog.

    1. sweet of you to say. Thank you so much. I hope this fabric softener works out for your daughter, my daughter has eczema too and we have bought so many lotions and tried so many things to try and make it less noticeable. I hope this works for your daughter.

      Thank you for visiting! :)


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