
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Use it Up Soup

For Friday night dinner I had planned to have vegetable beef soup. But, when I came home from work my dad had already cooked dinner for us:  Salmon Loaf, Soup Beans, and Corn. It was a pleasant surprise. 

So, on Saturday morning, I woke up and got started on the Vegetable Beef Soup. 

I took the roast, left from Christmas dinner, that I had stored in the freezer and added that to my soup pot. I also added the lone baked potato from Wednesday night’s dinner, the leftover green beans and onions from Thursday night’s dinner, and the soup beans from Friday night’s dinner.  It was definitely a “use it up” kind of soup. I added some chicken and beef broth, which I had on hand and some salt. 

I then let it all simmer on the stove top until lunchtime. Here is what my portion looked like:   

This was a big hit with my family. And I have to say that it makes me feel good to know I am using up food in my refrigerator and freezer rather than letting it go to waste. My Grandmother used to make soup once a week by cleaning out her refrigerator at the end of the week. My Dad still talks about those soups to this day and that was 60 years ago. My Grandmother was being frugal - she was using up what she had to save money.

How have you been "using it up" this week? 

© Belinda Richardson and Frugal Workshop, 2011-2013.
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do, do without”


  1. That soup looks delicious, Belinda. I am definitely a waste not, want not kind of gal.

    I also like to throw together leftovers with a white sauce or cheese sauce, top with buttered bread crumbs, and voila, instant casserole.

    After dinner, I pack up leftovers and freeze. One shelf in the freezer is dedicated to leftovers. I either do as you did, and make soup, or a casserole, or we have smorgasbord night. Makes for an easy night for the home cook, and prevents wasted food.

  2. Thank you, Lili. Your leftover casserole sounds delicious! You just know anything topped with buttered bread crumbs is going to be delicious! Definitely saves money and makes for an easy night for the home cook when you use up those leftovers. A win-win situation. :)

  3. Belinda! I love this idea for "use it up soup." I do the same thing at home! I make soup at least once or twice a week (I had several jaw surgeries this year so soup seems to be the one thing I can still enjoy eating) This week I made a mexican pozole soup and used up left over chicken and pork from a previous meal too! I love your blog, I mean seriously! I wish more people cooked! I save SO MUCH money by preparing my meals myself! I never used to think I had money for savings or for special shoes now and again but now I do whenever I spend the time to cook at home!


    1. Thank you, Nico. Your Mexican Pozole soup wounds wonderful! I'm like you, I save so much money by cooking at home. It's great that you have money for savings and special shoes because you cook at home. A lot of people never make that connection. Thank you so much for your kind comments. I love my blog readers. :)

  4. Oh that soup looks good! tossed together recipes are often the best ones!

  5. When I was growing up an ice cream container was kept in the refrigerator. Everything that Mama was going to put in soup would go in there and often all she had to add was tomatoes and a bit of spices. Some of my favorite meals were made that way.


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