
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Found Sale on Ground Chuck

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IGA has a two day sale on Fresh Ground Chuck this week for $1.89 a pound. It was only for two days and I'm not sure if you can see the yellow bubble inside the ad, but it says "While Supplies Last!" I thought to myself that they probably don't have very much in stock and it is going to sell out fast and I really wanted to get in on this deal. With ground chuck costing $4.00 a pound here right now, I knew this was a good deal.

School was cancelled yesterday due to the freezing rain here, and I had to take my Dad to the hospital for a medical procedure, but I did end up getting to IGA even with all of that and got in on this very good deal. 

There were a lot of people surrounding the meat case when I got there because they were having a good sale on several types of meatbut I only wanted the ground beef and did manage to pick up four packages of this ground chuck. The cashier told me people were panicking because of the freezing rain and she had been swamped all morning.

Here is a picture of the four packages I bought:

8.66 pounds - $16.37
8.57 pounds - $16.20
8.71 pounds - $16.46
8.63 pounds - $16.31

Here is a picture of my receipt as well: 

So, I ended up buying 34.57 pounds of meat for $65.34 or $70.57 with tax.

I came home and packaged this up into two pound packages for my freezer. I ended up with 18 packages with 2 pounds each for the freezer. There are 16 in this photo as I placed two of them in the refrigerator to use this weekend. I am planning on making tacos for dinner tonight.

Here is a picture before they went into the freezer:

The last time I was able to stock up on Ground Chuck was in August 2011, which was over one year ago. I know I've been talking about using up what I have in my pantry, but I also subscribe to The Pantry Principle. The basic idea behind The Pantry Principle is to stockpile your pantry with food that you are able to purchase at the lowest possible price. So, even though I am using up the food in my pantry, I would not pass up on a good sale like this. 

This will last me for quite some time and save me a lot of money. If I had bought this ground chuck at the regular price of $4.00 per pound I would have spent $138.28, so I actually saved $72.94, which was more than I paid for the beef. 

I am just tickled to have found this great deal and be able to stock my freezer with food bought at the lowest possible price.  

Make sure you are checking your weekly grocery store ads each week. This sale was for two days only and I wouldn't have wanted to miss out on it by not reading the store ads. 

© Belinda Richardson and Frugal Workshop, 2011-2013.
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do, do without”


  1. WOW! Phenomenal deal on grnd beef, which is $5.49 and UP around here. I'm trying also to use what is on hand, but I would have stocked up as you did, it makes good sense to do so!

    1. Thank you, Carol. I was tickled to find it at this price. $5.49 is so high and makes me wonder just how high it will get.

  2. That's a great deal. And that will last you a very long time, when interspersed with other meals.
    I've pretty much given up on buying beef around here for the time being. I have 2 small roasts left, and I'll just wait for a good sale. We're eating a whole lotta turkey these days (bought just before Thanksgiving)

    1. Thank you, Lili. Those inexpensive turkeys are a good way of getting meat into your diet and they are much cheaper than the ground beef. I figure this will last a long time too. I'll do my best to stretch it out as long as I can. :)

    2. You're right. I'm grateful for those turkeys. Just beans gets tiring after a while. Lotta turkey is better than no turkey.

    3. Definitely! Variety is the spice of life. :) lol

  3. What a great find! I love it when things work out where you can fill your freezer for less cash.

  4. Another great deal sure are lucking out these days with the ground beef. Alas, no IGA around here either although my dd told me she and her boyfriend are planning a trip to Aldi's on Tuesday evening if I was interested in joining them. So, hopefully, the weather will be good and we will go and I will pick up some extra pantry items. Yay!!

    Have a good weekend!

    1. Thank you, Mary Lou. A trip to Aldi's sounds great! I love going grocery shopping and stocking up. I guess I'm weird that way. lol I hope you find a lot of great deals for your pantry. :)


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